
Gates Foundation (education) grants since 1998

This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $11,480,000)

Description: To replace three large struggling high schools with new schools and assist in the planning process to create other small high schools

Asia Society (Amount: $7,500,000)

Description: To establish a network of small urban international studies secondary schools

Aspire Public Schools (Amount: $5,760,000)

Description: To support creation of new secondary schools in the Los Angeles area

Bethel School District #403 (Amount: $160,400)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Big Picture Company (Amount: $9,856,000)

Description: To support creation of small, personalized urban high schools based on the "Big Picture" principles and pedagogy

Big Picture Company (Amount: $1,900,000)

Description: To support a network of youth development organizations involved in the Alternative High School Initiative to improve academic programming and instruction

Black Alliance for Educational Options Inc. (Amount: $4,000,000)

Description: To support the creation of new small high schools

Boston Plan for Excellence in the Public Schools Foundation (Amount: $1,619,000)

Description: To support urban high school reform in the Boston Public School District

Brown University (Amount: $940,148)

Description: To assess high school graduation requirements based on three forms of proficiency: Certificates of Initial Mastery, electronic portfolios, and senior projects

California Community Foundation (Amount: $1,200,000)

Description: To coordinate the creation of a strategic plan to transform Los Angeles Unified School District's secondary schools into small school communities

Chattanooga-Hamilton County Public Education Fund (Amount: $1,778,000)

Description: To support urban high school reform in the Chattanooga-Hamilton County School District

Chicago Community Foundation (Amount: $7,662,894)

Description: To support creation of new small high schools in Chicago

Clark University (Amount: $1,603,000)

Description: To support urban high school reform in the Worcester (MA) School District

Clover Park School District #400 (Amount: $540,000)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Coalition of Essential Schools (Amount: $18,743,505)

Description: To support the launch of 10 new CES high schools, the improvement of five current CES high schools, the creation of a network of 20 CES mentor high schools, and the establishment of a Web-based resource for CES schools

College Entrance Examination Board (Amount: $3,295,118)

Description: To create six new College Board Schools (grades 6 through 12) within the New York City Public School District over the next four years in collaboration with the New York City Department of Education and the National Urban Alliance

Communities Foundation of Texas (Amount: $35,000,400)

Description: To create 75 to 80 new and redesigned small schools serving high minority areas along the Texas-Mexico border and the state's large inner city schools in San Antonio, Dallas-Ft. Worth, and Houston.

Communities In Schools of Washington State (Amount: $300,000)

Description: For general operating support

Communities in Schools of Georgia (Amount: $6,336,481)

Description: To establish small, personalized, high achievement secondary schools known as Performance Learning Centers (PLC) in Georgia

Communities in Schools, Inc. (Amount: $300,000)

Description: For general operating support

Cristo Rey Network (Amount: $9,900,000)

Description: To support expansion of the Cristo Rey model schools

Dayton School District #2 (Amount: $149,950)

Description: To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community

E3: Employers for Education Excellence (Amount: $15,000,000)

Description: To support conversion of large high schools into smaller learning communities and creation of new small high schools in Oregon State

Eastmont School District #206 (Amount: $228,150)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Envision Education Inc (Amount: $3,000,000)

Description: To support development of small, innovative, high-performing public high schools in San Francisco Bay Area

Everett Community College (Amount: $210,000)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Every Child Can Learn Foundation (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To support transformation of two secondary schools and creation of two new schools in the San Francisco Unified School District

Federal Way School District #210 (Amount: $675,000)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Ferndale School District #502 (Amount: $600,000)

Description: To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community to be named Windward High School

Foundation for California Community Colleges (Amount: $8,999,972)

Description: To support the development and implementation of early college high school sites in California

Grand Rapids Public Schools (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To support a community planning process that will create a framework and implementation plan for secondary school re-structuring and re-invention

Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $10,000)

Description: For general operating support

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation (Amount: $6,122,614)

Description: To support Kansas City Missouri School District's high school transformation work

High Tech High Foundation (Amount: $600,000)

Description: To assist the development of HTH-like affiliates outside the HTH network of grantees

Highline Community College (Amount: $319,450)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Highline Public Schools (Amount: $600,000)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Houston A+ Challenge (Amount: $2,652,000)

Description: To support urban high school reform in the Houston Independent School District

Institute for Student Achievement, Inc (Amount: $6,000,000)

Description: To support creation of new, small, college-preparatory high schools in collaboration with the New York City Department of Education that will serve underserved, underperforming young people

Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $13,669,000)

Description: To create and develop small high schools within the Boston school system

Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $628,761)

Description: To facilitate the expansion of the Early College High School Initiative to include additional intermediaries and schools over the next five years

KIPP Foundation (Amount: $7,910,896)

Description: To create high schools in Texas, New York, California and Washington, D.C. based on the best practices of the KIPP middle school model

KIPP Foundation (Amount: $378,013)

Description: To support a study of whether the creation of KIPP high schools is feasible

KnowledgeWorks Foundation (Amount: $1,800,000)

Description: To expand the development of an Ohio-based network of early college high schools

KnowledgeWorks Foundation (Amount: $12,704,649)

Description: To augment the Ohio School Transformation Initiative with the addition of three finalist sites and three professional development camps for high school teachers

KnowledgeWorks Foundation (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To provide an additional year of 'deep planning' support and technical assistance to three high schools preparing for conversion; plan for development of 5-10 new schools

KnowledgeWorks Foundation (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support the Ohio State Board of Education's Task Force on Quality High Schools for a Lifetime of Opportunities

KnowledgeWorks Foundation (Amount: $147,920)

Description: To support policy analysis, outreach and advocacy in support of the Ohio High School Transformation Initiative

LEV Foundation (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To develop a coherent P-16 policy and implementation strategy for Washington State

LaGuardia Education Fund Incorporated (Amount: $1,540,002)

Description: To support creation of two new international high schools over next two years in various cities in the United States

Linking Education and Economic Development in Sacramento (Amount: $1,694,000)

Description: To support urban high school reform in the Sacramento School District

MMAC Community Support Foundation Inc (Amount: $17,250,000)

Description: To support the development of 40 new small schools throughout the Milwaukee area and the redesign of seven existing large high schools.

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Inc (Amount: $92,575)

Description: To support a report that analyzes the 2003 high school graduation rates overall, by race and for the 100 largest school districts in the U.S.

Marysville School District #25 (Amount: $450,000)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Mississippi Department of Education (Amount: $744,844)

Description: To extend the Technology Academy for School Leaders an additional two years

National Association of Secondary School Principals (Amount: $182,000)

Description: To support dissemination of 'Breaking Ranks Leadership: Mapping the Change of an American Institution,' the second edition of 'Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Institution.'

National Council of La Raza (Amount: $10,000,139)

Description: To support expansion of the Charter School Development Initiative into new sites

National Equity Project (Amount: $11,013,694)

Description: To support the expansion of a network of small public high schools in the San Francisco Bay Area

National League of Cities Institute (Amount: $2,296,036)

Description: To stimulate municipal leadership for the development of alternative secondary schools in diverse communities across the nation

New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $22,262,000)

Description: To support a feasability study, and incubate and support Charter Management Organizations

New Technology Foundation (Amount: $9,800,000)

Description: To support additional New Tech High Schools in CA and other major urban districts nationally

New Visions for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $13,115,049)

Description: To support the planning and creation of 30 new high schools in high-need areas of New York City; develop systemic capacity needed for these schools; and provide policy research and documentation of the initiative.

Oquirrh Institute (Amount: $59,100)

Description: To support an invitational conference on competency-measured education

Organization Development Network (Amount: $20,000)

Description: To support the conference, "Sustainable Organizations"

Outward Bound, Inc. (Amount: $12,567,173)

Description: To support the development of small, new Expeditionary Learning High Schools in New York City, Denver, and other opportune localities to be determined

Partnership for Learning (Amount: $150,000)

Description: To explain the purpose, intent, and details of the state's graduation requirements to parents of 7th graders in Washington state

Partnership for Learning (Amount: $150,000)

Description: To provide general operating support

Portland Community College (Amount: $3,265,453)

Description: To support existing and develop new College Bound sites to support at-risk youth

Public School Forum of North Carolina, Inc. (Amount: $5,483,812)

Description: To support the creation of new and redesigned high schools in North Carolina

Quilcene School District #48 (Amount: $75,000)

Description: To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community

Quincy School District #144-101 (Amount: $600,000)

Description: To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community

ReInventing Schools Coalition (Amount: $5,799,040)

Description: To support additional Alaskan school districts in reinventing their school system and the creation of a Research and Development component of the RISC model

Replications, Inc. (Amount: $4,800,000)

Description: To create/replicate high performing high schools in New York City

Research Foundation of the City University of New York (Amount: $6,750,000)

Description: To support new early college high schools in New York City

Rhode Island Children's Crusade for Higher Education (Amount: $1,596,000)

Description: To support urban high school reform in the Providence School District

San Juan Island School District No. 149 (Amount: $248,250)

Description: To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community

Seattle Public Schools (Amount: $26,724)

Description: To support production of Student Voices video

See Forever Foundation (Amount: $1,882,380)

Description: To create and open new See Forever campuses in Washington DC

St. HOPE Academy (Amount: $3,000,000)

Description: To support implementation of six small high schools within Sacramento High

St. HOPE Academy (Amount: $597,228)

Description: To support a planning grant to close Sacramento High School and recreate it as a new charter school based on the small schools concept

Stanford University (Amount: $249,612)

Description: To support the Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) redesign of its secondary schools into new small schools or small learning communities

State of California (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To implement a technical assistance plan to support the High School Pupil Success Act (HSPSA) in California

Stevenson-Carson School District #303 (Amount: $68,800)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Street Schools Network (Amount: $2,934,056)

Description: To improve teaching practice at existing schools and establish new schools based on the NASS core values

TALC New Vision Program (Amount: $17,250,000)

Description: To support the redesign of Milwaukee's large comprehensive public high schools and the development of small autonomous high schools throughout Milwaukee

Third Sector New England, Inc. (Amount: $4,560,000)

Description: To support programming and instructional improvement in existing Diploma Plus schools located in MA, and to create new Diploma Plus schools, in CA and in MA

Thomas B. Fordham Institute (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To strenghten Ohio's charter school program by recruiting, training, and supporting quality sponsors for existing and future charter schools

University of California at San Diego (Amount: $1,694,000)

Description: To support urban high school reform in the San Diego School District

University of Indianapolis (Amount: $13,675,486)

Description: To support the creation of new public and private high schools and redesign of the comprehensive high schools into autonomous small schools in Indianapolis

University of Texas at Austin - Charles A. Dana Center (Amount: $250,675)

Description: To support general costs associated with a large-scale project aimed to develop alternative structural options for school finance in Texas

University of Washington Foundation (Amount: $655,388)

Description: To develop resources which will promote the creation of small high schools

Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle (Amount: $1,650)

Description: To purchase books for 3rd grade teachers, students, and parents at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School

Village Academies Network (Amount: $1,747,200)

Description: To support Village Academies' two new high schools: East Harlem in Manhattan and East New York in Brooklyn

Washington Association of School Administrators (Amount: $5,000)

Description: To sponsor the WASA 2003 Fall Conference

Washoe County School District (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To support the Nevada School Leadership Academy for the final year of the state challenge grant in Nevada

Waterville School District (Amount: $144,650)

Description: To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation (Amount: $5,218,424)

Description: To expand the Early College High School Initiative

YouthBuild USA, Inc. (Amount: $5,411,496)

Description: To establish new YouthBuild schools and to strengthen and expand existing YouthBuild schools