
Gates Foundation (education) grants since 1998

This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data

ACORN (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To conduct outreach to increase the number of applicants for the new and existing small high schools in Brooklyn, particularly focusing on the least-informed students

Academy for Urban School Leadership (Amount: $960,000)

Description: To support a new public high school on the west side of Chicago that will also serve as a teaching academy for new Chicago Public School teacher

Achieve Inc (Amount: $2,148,910)

Description: To help states align secondary school math expectations with the demands of postsecondary education and work

All Hands Raised (Amount: $646,851)

Description: To expand and strengthen public understanding, involvement, and demand in trasnforming secondary schools in Portland

All Hands Raised (Amount: $7,023,100)

Description: To design and implement a district and community-wide agenda to transform and sustain excellence in all of Portland's secondary schools

Alliance for Education (Amount: $125,000)

Description: To generate recommendations on the development and implementation of a viable short- and long-term fiscal strategy to advance academic achievement in every public school in Seattle

American Council on Education (Amount: $10,000)

Description: To support a conference 'Educating All of One Nation: Realizing America's Promise: Embracing Diversity, Discovery and Change'

American Institute for Social Justice Inc (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To support a multi-year outreach campaign to achieve statewide education reform in California

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $479,602)

Description: To provide an empirically-based cost estimate of the transitional and ongoing costs of effectively implementing comprehensive high school reform

Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans (Amount: $477,691)

Description: To support AAMA school model and to develop organizational capacity

Association for the Study of Higher Education (Amount: $15,000)

Description: To support the 2005 ASHE Annual Conference

Atlanta Public Schools (Amount: $1,972,800)

Description: To develop and launch a comprehensive secondary reform plan for Atlanta Public Schools

Austin Independent School District (Amount: $1,500,000)

Description: To support a comprehensive district-wide High School Redesign Plan for Austin Independent School District high schools

Austin Voices for Education and Youth (Amount: $75,820)

Description: To strengthen the high school redesign process in the Austin community

Bard College (Amount: $999,900)

Description: To implement a series of summer seminars for 100 fellows from Early College High Schools each year

Battelle For Kids (Amount: $637,532)

Description: To build the infrastructure for a longitudinal value-added database at the high school level to measure contributing factors to students' academic progress

Bellingham School District #501 (Amount: $2,131,800)

Description: To make systemic and high school program changes which will result in all students being ready for college, work, and citizenship

Big Picture Company (Amount: $25,000)

Description: To support the development of an alternative course approval model for the University of California system

Bridgespan Group, Inc. (Amount: $2,950,000)

Description: To develop business plans for eight school developers to inform their strategy to create new high schools, replicate schools, and convert high schools

Brown University (Amount: $3,230,000)

Description: To manage a process of knowledge generation and sharing, in collaboration with other reform support organizations and site-based practitioners, for redesigned school systems

California Charter Schools Association (Amount: $750,000)

Description: To implement a three-year strategic communications and advocacy campaign to increase the awareness, support, and enrollment in California's charter schools

California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (Amount: $16,600)

Description: To develop a dynamic, web-based capacity analysis to identify the needs of schools and districts, and the 58 County Offices of Education across California

Campaign for College Opportunity (Amount: $600,000)

Description: To increase public awareness of the importance of college access and the need to expand access and capacity in California

Center for Collaborative Education (Amount: $3,779,763)

Description: To build on the momentum achieved by the Boston Pilot Schools Network and to assist model replication in other school districts nationally

Cesar Chavez Public Policy Charter High School (Amount: $1,570,000)

Description: To improve the existing school model and open new schools in Washington, DC

Chicago Public Schools (Amount: $3,427,323)

Description: To support the implementation of strategic planning efforts to transform Chicago high schools

Chicago Public Schools (Amount: $2,300,000)

Description: To support a business planning process for current reform efforts to improve performance in Chicago public high schools

College Entrance Examination Board (Amount: $9,446,532)

Description: To support the expansion of the College Board Schools Initiative in New York City

Colorado Children's Campaign (Amount: $750,000)

Description: To develop model schools in Colorado

Communities Foundation of Texas (Amount: $20,000,000)

Description: To develop and support a network of high performing math science technology academies serving disadvantaged students throughout Texas

Communities Foundation of Texas (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support a conference to establish and improve relationships with educational organizations that are crucial to the success of the Texas High School Project

Communities Foundation of Texas (Amount: $1,800,000)

Description: To build principal leadership capacity in Texas to support new school and redesign activities

Communities in Schools, Inc. (Amount: $2,500,000)

Description: To develop and pilot a comprehensive strategy that will strengthen the CIS Network of Performance Learning Centers

Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment (Amount: $799,673)

Description: To support a student-led outreach effort promoting universal access to college preparatory courses for South Los Angeles schools

Community Partners (Amount: $646,212)

Description: To support policies that increase graduation and college-going rates by educating students and parents in East Los Angeles to be advocates in their community

Digital Learning Commons (Amount: $300,000)

Description: For general operating support

E3: Employers for Education Excellence (Amount: $100,239)

Description: To identify real and perceived barriers to high school reform, assist high schools engaged in reform efforts to overcome barriers, and educate state policymakers

EdSource Inc. (Amount: $25,000)

Description: To raise public awareness about how California high schools could better prepare students for college and work

Education Service Center Region I of Texas (Amount: $671,361)

Description: To build capacity at the regional, district and school site level through professional development and onsite coaching in high schools along the Texas/Mexico border

Educational Testing Service (Amount: $8,698,280)

Description: To help build capacity of a national school developer and to support the creation of new small schools

Envision Education Inc (Amount: $800,000)

Description: To support Envision's capacity to successfully open and operate a small high school in the Bay Area cluster

Every Child Can Learn Foundation (Amount: $625,000)

Description: To support the Secondary Redesign Initiative in secondary schools through the creation of small learning communities and small schools

Foundations for a Better Oregon (Amount: $150,000)

Description: To support a quality education system for Oregon students in K-12 public education

Fresno County Office of Education (Amount: $425,000)

Description: To support the work of the Governor's non-partisan committee, charged with making policy recommendations on education funding, governance, teacher recruitment & training, and the preparation and retention of quality school administrators

Fund for Educational Excellence (Amount: $187,000)

Description: To support a strategic planning process to implement a high school reform effort and an integrated set of process and policy expectations involved in the Baltimore City Public School System

Gateway to College National Network (Amount: $9,997,047)

Description: To support College Bound sites for at-risk youth

Good Shepherd Services (Amount: $575,000)

Description: To support capacity building and planning for the replication of one high school, based on the South Brooklyn Community High School model

Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $365,000)

Description: To advance more effective education philanthropy to create tools to help high-wealth donors navigate grantmaking options and to develop capacity for foundations to improve their impact by pooling resources

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation (Amount: $900,000)

Description: To provide continual support for the improvement of Kansas City's urban high schools through First Things First and Achievement First

High Tech High Foundation (Amount: $3,000,000)

Description: To create new middle and high schools within the High Tech High charter management organization

Highline Public Schools (Amount: $5,620,200)

Description: To build a system whereby Highline students graduate on time and are prepared for college, work and citizenship

Highline Schools Fund for Excellence (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To begin the work of transforming all Highline high schools by creating a diverse, engaged group of community stakeholders at each school

Indianapolis Public Schools (Amount: $369,000)

Description: To support the district in building its internal capacity to ensure the success of its high school transformation

Institute for Research and Reform in Education Inc. (Amount: $993,317)

Description: To support development and field test tools and processes that allow school districts to measure and examine student outcomes data and effective school practices

Institute for Student Achievement, Inc (Amount: $886,381)

Description: To support planning to transform large comprehensive New York City high schools into small learning communities

Internationals Network For Public Schools Inc (Amount: $1,572,810)

Description: To support the expansion of the international high school model and the documentation of practices at existing and new schools

Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $7,913,604)

Description: To support a portfolio of excellent high schools in Boston

Johns Hopkins University (Amount: $464,000)

Description: To support planning for Talent Development High Schools in partnership with the New York City Department of Education

Johns Hopkins University (Amount: $3,051,524)

Description: To support improvements in student achievement and graduation in low performing Los Angeles high schools through implementation of the Talent Development High Schools comprehensive reform model

Kennewick School District (Amount: $3,079,800)

Description: To support a K-12 systems approach to prepare graduates ready for college, work and citizenship

Keys to Improving Dayton Schools, Inc. (Amount: $971,421)

Description: To support Ohio charter schools by helping k.i.d.s. develop academic expertise and the capability to be a charter management organization

KnowledgeWorks Foundation (Amount: $798,160)

Description: To support knowledge sharing and use among school-based and district-level practitioners in OHSTI and ECHS schools

KnowledgeWorks Foundation (Amount: $979,000)

Description: To support advocacy activities in Ohio aimed toward making systemic change around high school redesign, improved college access and success

Mabton School District #120 (Amount: $386,560)

Description: To continue redesign of a coherent K-12 system so that all students achieve high standards and graduate college ready

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Inc (Amount: $92,575)

Description: To support a report that analyzes the 2003 high school graduation rates overall, by race and for the 100 largest school districts in the U.S.

Mapleton Public Schools (Amount: $2,683,400)

Description: To support the reinvention of the district high school as small schools of choice

Marquette University (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To provide educational, governance, and back-office support to public and private schools in Milwaukee

Mass Insight Education And Research Institute Inc (Amount: $572,533)

Description: To design and produce recommendations for states and school districts seeking a flexible, systemic approach for improvement in underperforming high schools

Middle College High School National Consortium Inc (Amount: $9,602,735)

Description: To support the expansion of new early college high schools for at-risk youth

Milwaukee Public Schools (Amount: $1,179,770)

Description: To expand and support Milwaukee's portfolio of high school options by converting comprehensive high schools into small learning communities and initial planning

National Association of Secondary School Principals (Amount: $125,000)

Description: To produce and disseminate a Leader's Guide to Adolescent Literacy that will outline what middle and high school principals can do to implement a schoolwide literacy program

National Center For Educational Achievement (Amount: $750,000)

Description: To support a national campaign to increase the quality, completeness, and accessibility of state educational data systems

National Center on Education & the Economy (Amount: $800,000)

Description: To benchmark international education and workforce systems in high performing economies and to establish a non-partisan commission on education, employment and training policies

New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $3,577,879)

Description: To build Communities of Practice (share lessons, convene practitioners, and develop a web-based technology platform) and capture, codify, and share important intellectual capital to influence the broader ecosystem

New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $2,210,946)

Description: To support the annual NewSchools' Summit and pre-Summit Community of Practice Events

New Technology Foundation (Amount: $125,000)

Description: To web-enable the NTH Learning System to reduce costs and increase capacity to support the use of performance based, collaborative learning environments in high schools

New Visions for Public Schools, Inc (Amount: $1,255,420)

Description: To support the planning process to transform large New York City high schools into small learning communities

New Visions for Public Schools, Inc (Amount: $831,997)

Description: To extend the Evaluation of the New Century High Schools Initiative

New York City Department of Education (Amount: $1,975,157)

Description: To build the capacity of the New York City Department of Education to launch its overall Small Learning Communities (SLC) Project and to develop the SLC strategic and operating plan

New York City Department of Education (Amount: $5,339,692)

Description: To build internal capacity for the development of alternative schools and programs through the department's Multiple Pathways to Graduation initiative

New York City Department of Education (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To transform NYC Department of Education Human Resources from a personnel unit to a highly strategic, efficient, and effective organization

Noble Network of Charter Schools (Amount: $1,425,000)

Description: To fund two new, small schools in Chicago and share successful practices with other educators

Nooksack Valley School District #506 (Amount: $726,000)

Description: To engage the local community in education issues, implement a high school redesign, focus on K-12 math and science programs, and develop a culture and practice for adult learning, preparing students for college, work, and citizenship

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (Amount: $911,500)

Description: To coordinate an implementation plan for high school reform, develop new standards and assessments, develop a principals training institute, and construct affinity networks for theme schools

Northwest Educational Service District 189 (Amount: $10,000)

Description: To establish a professional learning community, consisting of practicing superintendents and leaders within the NWESD 189 region

Oakland Unified School District (Amount: $10,119,000)

Description: To launch a model urban school district comprising of a lean central office, a school support services organization, and networks of increasingly high achieving and equitable schools

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (Amount: $2,000,000)

Description: To improve education outcomes for students in high schools and school districts through the implementation of a continuous improvement assistance model

Ohio Department of Education (Amount: $298,000)

Description: To support and advise superintendents in the implementation of district-wide changes

Ohio Department of Education (Amount: $2,749,429)

Description: To promote systemic education reform so that every Ohio student can gain the skills and knowledge necessary for success in postsecondary education and the workforce

Oregon Department of Education (Amount: $1,715,073)

Description: To support the creation of a system that supports each of the state's school districts in helping high school students succeed in high school, prepared to enter the workforce or a post-secondary institution without needing remediation

Pacific Charter School Development Inc. (Amount: $6,900,000)

Description: To expand the quality of charter schools in Los Angeles and model a needed approach to providing facilities for public schools

Pacific Institute for Community Organizations (Amount: $850,000)

Description: To unite parents, educators and community members to decrease the dropout rate and increase the number of students who graduate college ready

Progress Analytics Institute (Amount: $158,400)

Description: To compare per-pupil funding received by charter vs. traditional schools in 30 cities and explain funding disparities

Public School Forum of North Carolina, Inc. (Amount: $59,018)

Description: To fund a three year initiative to engage state, district, and local stakeholders and create a more supportive policy environment for high school redesign in North Carolina

Rochester City School District (Amount: $5,000,000)

Description: To assist in the District's transition to a high-performing school program

Sacramento Area Congregations Together (Amount: $296,000)

Description: To support Sacramento's high school reform efforts to impact high school graduation rates and college attendance

San Francisco Organizing Project (Amount: $200,360)

Description: To increase achievement and success in San Francisco public schools through organizing and training parent leaders

Stanford University (Amount: $1,021,000)

Description: To aid California in developing a school finance system that better fits the needs of the State and its students

State of California: Office of the Secretary for Education (Amount: $78,200)

Description: To support California's efforts to turn around failing schools

State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (Amount: $1,200,000)

Description: To support automated realtime collection of student data from local district data systems to a state data warehouse

Successful Practices Network Inc (Amount: $5,603,000)

Description: To develop comprehensive selection criteria and identify characteristics to analyze schools, and provide professional development to and conduct a five-year longitudinal study of high schools from the Foundation's focus states

Technology Access Foundation (Amount: $104,000)

Description: To support planning for a network of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math theme-based schools to be implemented in partnership with school districts

Texas Education Agency (Amount: $1,864,060)

Description: To support improved high school math achievement and capacity and build public support for high school redesign

Texas Lyceum Association, Inc. (Amount: $75,000)

Description: To support a conference to provide solutions and best practices to improve high school education throughout Texas

Texas Public Policy Foundation (Amount: $170,000)

Description: To research and identify the K-12 reforms needed to expand the math-science pipeline and its impact on college and work readiness in Texas

Thomas B. Fordham Institute (Amount: $497,639)

Description: To inform public debate and advance academic achievement in Ohio charter schools by convening charter school leaders, producing research, and disseminating information on charter school issues

Thomas B. Fordham Institute (Amount: $1,849,173)

Description: To support the Fordham Foundation in its role as a community school sponsor in Ohio to recruit other high school developers and to share best practices across the field

Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania (Amount: $65,000)

Description: To create a set of design principles and a plan for intermediaries to support the creation of university-assisted small high schools

United Ways of Texas Inc (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support community engagement across Texas on the economic and social implications of students not graduating ready for college, work and citizenship

University of California (Amount: $154,347)

Description: To better understand the effects of state strategies for improving low-performing schools and to develop effective strategies for sustainable, long-term capacity building in low-performing schools

University of California at San Diego (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To evaluate the San Diego City Schools' Blueprint for Student Success in its fifth year

University of California, Los Angeles (Amount: $1,257,615)

Description: To promote education policy reform that helps all California students receive a high quality and equitable education

University of Chicago - Urban Education Institute (Amount: $6,000,576)

Description: To fund new schools and assist other organizations in the design and incubation of new schools

University of Indianapolis (Amount: $497,613)

Description: To support a comprehensive leadership institute and technical assistance in year one of the redesign of the comprehensive high schools into autonomous small schools in Indianapolis

University of Washington Foundation (Amount: $638,172)

Description: To extend the School Finance Redesign Project- a cost simulation study to accommodate technical assistance requests in OH and NC

Uplift Education (Amount: $2,506,116)

Description: To support the permanent establishment of an International Baccalaureate ("IB") lab to build instructional tools and training models to facilitate IB implementation

Young Women's Leadership Network, Inc. (Amount: $2,520,000)

Description: To partner with the NYC Department of Education to develop and support new small Young Women's Leadership Schools