Gates Foundation (education) grants since 1998
This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data
ACORN (Amount: $260,000)
Description: To ensure that underserved students and parents in low-income areas of Brooklyn and Manhattan are informed as to options and strategies involved with filling out High School Choice forms
ACT, Inc (Amount: $400,000)
Description: To establish a baseline of student achievement in certain critical high school core courses, both in terms of course subject matter knowledge and skills and college readiness
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $7,000,000)
Description: To support the capacity of San Diego Unified School District to open new small high schools at the Lincoln Complex and to strengthen existing small high schools
Aspira Inc of Illinois (Amount: $960,000)
Description: To support the planning and launch of ASPIRA Charter School and to build out a strategic replication plan, including teaching and learning supports as well as additional business planning
Association for the Study of Higher Education (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To provide conference support
Atlanta Public Schools (Amount: $5,907,665)
Description: To improve the educational experience in all high schools by reorganizing them into small schools and smaller learning communities that will provide more relevant and rigorous instruction
Austin Independent School District (Amount: $8,474,994)
Description: To support implementation of AISD's redesigned secondary education program
Bellevue Schools Foundation (Amount: $1,935,974)
Description: To support an accelerated development of a web-based, districtwide, college-ready aligned instructional system
Boston Public Schools (Amount: $2,002,000)
Description: To support the analysis of Boston's over-age and off-track high school student population and develop a portfolio strategy aimed to enable BPS to better serve the these young people
Bridgespan Group, Inc. (Amount: $2,914,000)
Description: To develop and revise grantee business plans to improve strategies, organization and impact, and to share broadly the lessons learned from these plans
Brown University (Amount: $800,000)
Description: To establish a citywide parent-led coalition advocating equal opportunity for all students by engaging other community-based orgs, develop a training program for organizers and leaders, and create a long-term fundraising plan for sustainability
California Business for Education Excellence Foundation (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To support mobilization of local business champions to lead the effort to raise student achievement
California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (Amount: $15,206,150)
Description: To strengthen a district invention and support model for California by building county/regional capacity to use the model
California Tomorrow (Amount: $200,000)
Description: To improve educational outcomes of public school youth in Oakland by supporting the Parent Leadership Education Academy initiative
Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (Amount: $750,584)
Description: To support rural school districts and Educational Service Districts to implement a new teacher induction program developed in Washington state
Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (Amount: $15,000)
Description: To convene a policy summit of NBCT to develop recommendations for education policy makers on supporting and staffing high-needs schools to close achievement gaps
Charter School Leadership Council (Amount: $800,000)
Description: For general operating support
Charter Schools Policy Institute (Amount: $200,000)
Description: For general operating support
Chicago Public Schools (Amount: $21,574,274)
Description: To provide curriculum and support for teachers as a part of a transformation that aims to prepare all Chicago Public School students for success in post-secondary education and employment
Children Now (Amount: $210,000)
Description: To support increased media attention as well as public dialogue around K-12 student achievement and school finance in California
Clover Park School District #400 (Amount: $638,620)
Description: To expand on lessons learned from the Achievers grant in other secondary schools through systemwide mission alignment, community engagement, support and accountability systems, and further high school transformation
Coalition of Essential Schools Northwest (Amount: $3,004,365)
Description: To provide coaching and professional development to Washington grantee districts and their high schools as they transform to ensure that all students graduate college or that they are work-ready
Coalition of Essential Schools Northwest (Amount: $733,793)
Description: For general operating support
College Entrance Examination Board (Amount: $16,294,847)
Description: To pilot the EXCELerator school model within a number of existing high schools with the aim of creating a rigorous academic environment and college-going culture
College Summit Inc (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To demonstrate a scalable, systemic model for college access that enables New York City high schools to raise college-going rates affordably
Communities in Schools, Inc. (Amount: $9,900,000)
Description: To support the replication of Performance Learning Centers (PLCs) across the national network
Community Initiatives (Amount: $152,232)
Description: To support a non-partisan education program focused on bringing education research and expertise around issue-specific topics
Community Studies Inc (Amount: $442,320)
Description: To support the New York Performance Standards Consortium's efforts to lead state advocacy for quality assessment thorough technical assistance, professional development, outcome research, publications, and oversight/accountability
Community Studies Inc (Amount: $1,440,590)
Description: To support a project with the premise that when high school curriculum and instruction drive authentic assessment, student outcomes will improve
Cristo Rey Network (Amount: $6,000,067)
Description: To support expansion of Cristo Rey Network and improve the quality of existing Cristo Rey schools
DC Public Education Fund (Amount: $4,873,500)
Description: To support the launch of the DCPS secondary reform effort including planning and initial interventions
Denver Public Schools (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To provide planning support for the development of a new Manual High School
Denver School of Science and Technology Inc (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support a secondary school model expansion and the development and codification of critical systems to support future replication
District of Columbia College Success Foundation (Amount: $116,627,651)
Description: To support increasing the number of low-income students who attain a college degree through educational and financial incentives and mentoring to gain admission to the colleges
East Bay Community Foundation (Amount: $650,000)
Description: To develop a community education and engagement strategy to support the Oakland Unified School District's implementation of the Expect Success! Initiative
EdSource Inc. (Amount: $20,000)
Description: To conference support among key K-12 constituencies and leaders on current policy challenges in California: school accountability and finance reform
Education Resources Institute (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To support two college access research projects as part of the Pathways to College Network Research Program
Education Resources Institute (Amount: $10,000)
Description: For conference support
Education Service Center Region I of Texas (Amount: $7,945,004)
Description: To build capacity at Region One to create a high school redesign framework for district and school site transformation
Education Service Center Region XIII (Amount: $758,910)
Description: To support the work of vertical teams by creating a Commission for a College and Career Ready Texas
Education Trust (Amount: $111,376)
Description: To support technical assistance to Los Angeles Unified School District for development of a high school progress report
Education Trust (Amount: $94,500)
Description: To develop regional American Diploma Projects in Sacramento /Silicon Valley/San Bernardino region
Educational Testing Service (Amount: $4,665,344)
Description: To create small learning communities in South Atlanta High School and Therrell High School in Atlanta, Georgia
Efficacy Institute Incorporated (Amount: $405,698)
Description: To engage parents and community stakeholders in efforts to provide instructional support for low income, African American and Latino students in Boston in order to raise student state assessment scores
Envision Education Inc (Amount: $3,950,000)
Description: To support the completion of the Bay Area Cluster of schools and the start-up of the Fresno County Cluster
Foundation for California Community Colleges (Amount: $1,800,000)
Description: To support the integration of the ECHS model into existing foundation-funded high schools in California
Good Shepherd Services (Amount: $2,400,000)
Description: To support the creation of an additional GSS model transfer school and several third party adaptations known as Pelletier Schools
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation (Amount: $5,115,250)
Description: To continue support of improvement of urban high schools in both Kansas City, KS and MO through First Things First! and Achievement First
Green Dot Public Schools (Amount: $9,675,588)
Description: To support the launch of high-performing charter high schools in the Jefferson high school community
Henry Ford Learning Institute (Amount: $3,000,000)
Description: To develop new schools in urban, disadvantaged communities
Illinois Network Of Charter Schools (Amount: $400,000)
Description: To support a stategic communications and grassroots advocacy project to increase the awareness and support for Illinois' charter schools
Institute for Research and Reform in Education Inc. (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support IRRE, in collaboration with the Milwaukee Public Schools to create a new charter high school organized around the First Things First (FTF) reform framework
Institute for Research and Reform in Education Inc. (Amount: $1,957,395)
Description: To provide technical assistance to First Things First strategies and build capacity at Austin ISD Office of Redesign
Institute for Research and Reform in Education Inc. (Amount: $4,146,246)
Description: To provide technical assistance and to build capacity in Region One Education Service Center for First Things First strategies in high schools
Institute for Teaching (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To help create strong partnerships that will advocate and plan a strategy for change in schools of greatest need
Internationals Network For Public Schools Inc (Amount: $5,420,332)
Description: To support the expansion of International High Schools in New York and California, and to develop a pilot common language model for Spanish-speaking English Language Learners
Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $330,000)
Description: To support an early college high school planning grant in Chicago
Johns Hopkins University (Amount: $1,896,129)
Description: To support transformation of high schools by building capacity of Talent Development High School model
KIPP, Inc. (Amount: $10,000,000)
Description: To support the development of a network of Pre-K through 12th grade charter schools in Houston (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To provide strategic research and staff support on education policy issues
Los Angeles Unified School District (Amount: $1,312,500)
Description: To improve college-ready graduation rates with specific focus on Algebra instruction
MDRC (Amount: $325,000)
Description: To support extended analyses of the Talent Development and First Things First evaluations
Make The Road By Walking (Amount: $175,000)
Description: To support the Urban Youth Collaborative's effort to elevate demand that schools work more diligently to increase the number of students who can satisfy higher standards and graduate high school ready for college
Marquette University (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To build organizational capacity to drive both academic excellence and strong back office functions for schools participating in the Milwaukee Parental Chioce Program and independent charter schools in Milwaukee
Metropolitan Planning Council (Amount: $604,973)
Description: To support a community engagement and communications campaign for school finance reform through the A+ Illinois campaign
Michigan State University (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support the U.S. component of an international study of mathematics teacher preparation that will inform national policy discussions about teacher preparedness and quality in STEM fields
Milwaukee Public Schools (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support a project that will plan and launch a new small learning community high school using the 'First Things First' framework developed and supported by the Institute for Research and Reform in Education
National Academy Foundation (Amount: $5,000,000)
Description: To support five year capacity building plans to improve performance of existing career academies, strategically add new academies to the network, and ultimately serve a large number of academies across the country
National Academy Foundation (Amount: $3,380,890)
Description: To launch Academies of Engineering in urban centers across the U.S.
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools (Amount: $50,000)
Description: For general operating support
National Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth (Amount: $35,000)
Description: To support strategic communication plans for the Youth Transition Funders Group, specifically the roll-out of the Safe Passage report
National Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To support partnerships in five cities to build on strategic assessments aimed at improving the educational options and outcomes for struggling students and out-of-school youth and new support for two cities
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $27,640,000)
Description: To support work with charter management organizations, and extend the model of scalable high quality schools through the development of hybrid organizations
New Schools for Chicago (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support the three goals of: building community awareness/support; increasing community demand for high quality, autonomous schools that provide parents with choices; and building partnerships between community stakeholders and operators
New Technology Fund (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To web-enable the student view of the New Tech High Learning System suite of tools
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc (Amount: $3,600,000)
Description: To create and support transfer schools in New York City
New York City Department of Education (Amount: $1,350,000)
Description: To support the New York City Department of Education's implementation of the Transfer School Leaders initiative, in support of the NYCDOE's Multiple Pathways to Graduation strategy
New York University (Amount: $481,844)
Description: To conduct data collection in single-sex schools in NYC, Atlanta and Portland areas along with other comparison schools over five years
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (Amount: $1,819,055)
Description: To support 'turnaround' high priority high schools (less than 60% proficiency) through strategic technical assistance, professional development, and school redesign
North Carolina New Schools Project, Inc. (Amount: $385,801)
Description: To support a three-year initiative to engage state, district, and local stakeholders to create a more supportive environment for high school redesign in North Carolina
North Carolina New Schools Project, Inc. (Amount: $1,463,346)
Description: To support the establishment of early college high schools by aligning state-level professional development and design structures and practices with leading national organizations
North Carolina New Schools Project, Inc. (Amount: $14,518,052)
Description: To establish additional redesigned high schools
Oakland Community Organization (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To engage key stakeholders in Oakland schools and educate state and local policy makers about means to increase graduation rates and college readiness
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (Amount: $75,000)
Description: For conference support to help Washington high schools meet the challenges of the state graduation requirements for the class of 2008
Office of the Mayor of Los Angeles (Amount: $262,500)
Description: To support planning and capacity-building for the Mayor's Community Partnership for School Excellence in Los Angeles
Ohio Alliance for Public Charter Schools (Amount: $642,753)
Description: To create a sustainable state charter school membership organization
Ohio Business Alliance for Higher Education and the Economy (Amount: $250,000)
Description: For general operating support
Ohio Department of Education (Amount: $1,175,000)
Description: To support a project that will focus on key areas of the systemic education reform recommended by the 2006 policy study entitled Creating a World-Class Education System in Ohio conducted by Achieve, Inc
Ohio Grantmakers Forum (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To produce and disseminate a report on the state of education in Ohio for developing and implementing a public engagement/education process involving the gubernatorial candidates, key stakeholders and a series of regional events across the state
Portland Public Schools (Amount: $2,415,760)
Description: To support Portland Public Schools in building capacity to lead high school change through the formation of the Office of High Schools
RAND Corporation (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To support a national research study on charter schools
Rennie Center For Education Research And Policy (Amount: $400,000)
Description: To support a research and convening project focused on current reform efforts in the Boston Public Schools
Seattle School District #1 (Amount: $850,000)
Description: For general operating support
Skillpoint Alliance (Amount: $125,000)
Description: To enhance Austin Independent School District's High School Redesign through support of the techonolgy and business community
St. HOPE Academy (Amount: $700,000)
Description: To improve capacity of St Hope to carry out activities in support of higher student achievement and better enrollment figures
Stanford University (Amount: $650,000)
Description: To provide schools, districts, charter organizations and support providers with knowledge about school redesign and to sustain equitable schools to be high performing and provide all students access to college
Third Sector New England, Inc. (Amount: $4,336,500)
Description: To establish a second network of alternative (transfer) high schools in New York City that are designed using the Diploma Plus school model
Third Sector New England, Inc. (Amount: $2,100,000)
Description: To support opening Diploma Plus schools in California
United Negro College Fund, Inc. (Amount: $58,003,043)
Description: To support graduate scholarships in Public Health in the Gates Milliennium Scholars program
University of Texas at Austin (Amount: $200,000)
Description: To inventory the knowledge and skills researchers have recommended for a responsive citizenry and evaluate results in light of current standards and curricula in the school
Urban Assembly Inc (Amount: $306,500)
Description: To support the development of a hybrid periodic assessment model for Urban Assembly's network of schools
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (Amount: $3,775,000)
Description: To build math capacity for students and teachers using the College Readiness Standards, local solutions and support of standards-based curricula and instruction
West Valley School District #363 (Amount: $511,359)
Description: To support lessons learned from the Achievers grant to transform other secondary schools through systemwide mission alignment, community engagement, expanding support and accountability systems and continuing high school transformation work