
Gates Foundation (education) grants since 1998

This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data

Academy for Urban School Leadership (Amount: $10,355,535)

Description: To improve AUSL's capacity to open, operate, restructure and fix failed Chicago Public Schools

Albany Park Neighborhood Council (Amount: $1,600,000)

Description: To support the Chicago High School Organizing Project to reduce the high school drop out rate and increase college enrollment rates through curriculum and college prep reforms

Alliance for a Better Community (Amount: $1,550,160)

Description: To create a network of Education Collaboratives across Los Angeles that will monitor implementation of A-G policy at LAUSD by engaging parents and students in policy and advocacy efforts around this issue

American Institute for Social Justice Inc (Amount: $900,000)

Description: To support the Great Schools NOW campaign

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $297,045)

Description: To carry out a study of state systems of support for low-performing schools in several states, with data collection at state, district, and school levels

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $881,000)

Description: To review available evidence on factors affecting the recruitment, assignment and retention of high quality teachers and school leaders and develop models of reform for human resource management strategies in education

Asia Society (Amount: $2,084,567)

Description: To build capacity of Asia Society's International Studies Schools Network through increasing staff capacity, developing products and services and strengthening sustainability

Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (Amount: $250,000)

Description: For general operating support to build capacity for partnering with UNCF on the GMS program

Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans (Amount: $888,638)

Description: To strengthen the agency's leadership and financial capacity and launch the first stage of the replication, in Houston, of the George I. Sanchez alternative high schools

Atlanta Education Fund Inc (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To create public perception and satisfaction surveys, high school scorecards, and a robust community engagement strategy supporting these efforts

Austin Area Urban League Inc (Amount: $531,131)

Description: To support the implementation of a comprehensive community engagement campaign, to provide independent, authentic community info and feedback to both BMGF and Austin ISD as it undertakes a high school redesign

Austin Community College Foundation (Amount: $179,482)

Description: To better engage the community and align its resources around systemic education reform, and to provide a review of engagement strategies that can be replicated to other U.S. regions

Austin Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce Foundation (Amount: $334,610)

Description: To facilitate the development and implementation of a community engagement plan to generate understanding and support among the Hispanic community for Austin ISD's High School Redesign Initiative

Austin Voices for Education and Youth (Amount: $200,800)

Description: To strengthen the high school redesign process in Austin

Avid Center (Amount: $442,884)

Description: To implement the AVID program in high schools in the New York City Public School system

Battelle Memorial Institute (Amount: $11,750,000)

Description: To launch and connect STEM platform schools, build a network-based education innovation infrastructure, and drive scaleable and sustainable STEM schools and innovations

Boston Plan for Excellence in the Public Schools Foundation (Amount: $341,000)

Description: To support a business planning engagement for the Boston Teacher Residency Program, an alternative teacher and certification program in Boston

Bridgespan Group, Inc. (Amount: $10,562,800)

Description: To develop business plans with grantees and engage grantees to refresh certain other existing plans

Bridgespan Group, Inc. (Amount: $3,500,000)

Description: To support its capacity building efforts

California Charter Schools Association (Amount: $1,500,000)

Description: To implement the California Charter Schools Association's strategic plan to support and expand California's quality public charter school movement

Case Western Reserve University (Amount: $1,141,751)

Description: To identify ways to help high school students overcome the complexity of the FAFSA and enroll in postsecondary education

Case Western Reserve University (Amount: $119,823)

Description: To pilot a new intervention method that simplifies the application process for federal financial aid to improve college access for low-income families

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (Amount: $1,475,261)

Description: To support the project management needs and the data-informed instruction needs of several high schools in the designated 'Achievement Zone'

Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund (Amount: $10,000,000)

Description: For central development support, building a portfolio of high quality charter operators, and assisting those operators in producing new, permanent seats for underserved families

Chicago Public Schools (Amount: $1,123,216)

Description: To support planning and early implementation to address off-track and out-of-school youth

College for All Texans Foundation: Closing the Gaps (Amount: $1,137,632)

Description: To develop a regional community engagement model around P-16 alignment; facilitated jointly by regional K-12, higher education, business, and community leaders

Community Foundation For The National Capital Region (Amount: $999,698)

Description: To create a movement for change, led by parents, youth, community advocates, and educators committed to doubling college ready graduation rates in the District of Columbia

Community Initiatives (Amount: $484,948)

Description: To frame the All Kids College Ready agenda in California through strengthening collaborations across constituency groups and advancing foundational improvements to the state's education system

EdVisions Inc (Amount: $152,900)

Description: For general operating support

Education Resource Strategies, Inc. (Amount: $2,540,301)

Description: To create tools that will document and automate ERS methods for analyzing school district resource use in order increase reach and impact with urban districts

Education Trust (Amount: $7,750,000)

Description: To ensure that all students in California graduate college and work ready, and that the state invests and targets the necessary resources to get them there

Educational Policy Improvement Center (Amount: $350,000)

Description: To develop and field test a tool that can be used to gauge how affective a high school is in preparing their students for postsecondary readiness

Educational Testing Service (Amount: $793,885)

Description: To support the implementation of 'Keeping Learning on Track' and a paper on developing a comprehensive assessment of noncognitive psycho/social indicators that will help disadvantaged young people make the transition from high school to college

Educational Testing Service (Amount: $997,614)

Description: To partner with Bayard Rustin High School to complete the restructuring of the school into small, personalized and rigorous learning communities designed to graduate students on time and college ready

El Centro de la Raza (Amount: $122,213)

Description: To build organizational capacity for Campana Quetzal to identify a plan of action that includes parent/family involvement and leadership in their child's school

George Washington University (Amount: $599,947)

Description: To develop tools and guidance to inform state departments of education on how to make explicit the academic language required by secondary English language learners to achieve to core content standards

Higher Education Policy Institute (Amount: $750,000)

Description: To plan for continuation of the work of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education and the Measuring Up Report Card

Houston Area Urban League Inc (Amount: $743,550)

Description: To develop the community support necessary to sustain improvement efforts within Houston Independent School District and successful expansion of the KIPP charter school system in the Houston area

Houston Independent School District (Amount: $4,500,000)

Description: To support HISD's ASPIRE initiative, a comprehensive school improvement strategy in which data reflecting student learning progress becomes a catalyst for accelerating school improvement by guiding decision making and instruction

Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $11,521,425)

Description: To support state and on-the-ground capacity to launch and scale early college high schools/other blended designs involving high school students in college-level work, and develop pathways to college-ready graduation

Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $11,437,987)

Description: To create a data warehouse and business intelligence reporting platform for the early college high school initiative

Johns Hopkins University (Amount: $1,995,651)

Description: To provide onsite technical support for high school transformation to ensure that current momentum for change translates into effective action that produce results for New York City youth

Keys to Improving Dayton Schools, Inc. (Amount: $137,500)

Description: To support planning, feasibility, and market analysis for adaptation of a rigorous and successful Chicago inner city high school model in Dayton that will result in its children succeeding at the most competitive of colleges

Learning Matters, Inc. (Amount: $308,000)

Description: To support production of reports on Washington DC and New Orleans school districts for the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer

Lynnwood Foundation (Amount: $487,475)

Description: To harness the energy and values of CM3A to design and implement a community process to bring community resources to low-performing schools and create advocates for public policy to encourage high student achievement

N Y C Mission Society (Amount: $391,089)

Description: To increase community awareness of and involvement in the process of educating the children in New York City by utilizing the strengths of community organizations and institutions

National Academy Foundation (Amount: $1,640,410)

Description: To support the creation of new career-themed small schools in NYC as a part of the Department of Education's Children First reform effort

National Academy Foundation (Amount: $189,956)

Description: To provide comprehensive education reform in the form of learning labs in New Orleans schools

National League of Cities Institute (Amount: $1,577,725)

Description: To raise graduation rates in three cities through spreading high quality alternatives for high schools, and disseminating knowledge and promoting peer learning nationwide

New Leaders Inc (Amount: $670,387)

Description: To support a research project to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the New Leaders for New Schools principal training and support model

New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $264,500)

Description: To support the planning phase of the national charter management organization (CMO) study, a major longitudinal research initiative

New Visions for Public Schools, Inc (Amount: $686,784)

Description: To implement the SAM program to support large high schools as they transition to Small Learning Communities

New Visions for Public Schools, Inc (Amount: $2,374,065)

Description: To create new high schools over the next five years and conduct research and planning on the development of a new career-themed school model

New Visions for Public Schools, Inc (Amount: $2,441,915)

Description: To create an online knowledge management system that will enable educators to share, test, and refine their work and make their work available to colleagues, peers, school and district administrators, researchers and policymakers

New York City Department of Education (Amount: $2,849,411)

Description: To increase capacity of NYC DOE's Office of Portfolio Development in order to support new schools not partnered with an intermediary and develop their capacity for incubating, training, and vetting new intermediaries

New York City Department of Education (Amount: $850,000)

Description: To conduct a deep study of the NYC DOE knowledge management implementation and develop a set of instructional resources to address top content gaps

New York City Department of Education (Amount: $1,847,160)

Description: To engage The Parthenon Group in strategic planning for the New York City Department of Education's Accountability Office

New York City Outward Bound Center Inc (Amount: $3,120,000)

Description: To add new New York City Outward Bound Expeditionary Learning 6-12 grade schools to an existing network of college-preparatory public schools

New York Community Trust (Amount: $900,000)

Description: To support policy reforms aimed at making New York City public schools more equitable and responsive to the needs of all children

Ohio Business Alliance for Higher Education and the Economy (Amount: $475,000)

Description: For general operating support

Ohio Grantmakers Forum (Amount: $85,000)

Description: To support the objectives, work plan, budget and organization for Ohio Grantmakers Forum Phase II (2007) Education Initiative

Outward Bound, Inc. (Amount: $8,003,846)

Description: To develop a second cohort of new Expeditionary Learning secondary schools

Perspectives Charter School (Amount: $1,189,756)

Description: To create and implement aligned instructional systems and leadership capacity in Perspectives Charter Schools

Princeton University (Amount: $182,600)

Description: To produce and disseminate information about high school reform research that is useful to policymakers, practitioners, grant makers and advocates

Public Interest Projects Inc (Amount: $225,000)

Description: To support coalitions of grassroots groups advocating for community-driven school reform policy in metropolitan Chicago

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $5,283,589)

Description: To fund a public awareness campaign aimed at elevating K-12 public education reform

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $1,058,313)

Description: To establish a national public awareness campaign about the crisis in American schools

Sizer Foundation (Amount: $500,000)

Description: For general operating support

Social Science Research Council (Amount: $350,253)

Description: To support strategic business planning for the Research Partnership for New York City Schools that will help Strong American Schools navigate governance, legal, and intellectual property associated with a public good of its kind

State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (Amount: $2,000,000)

Description: To support District and School Improvement

TALC New Vision Program (Amount: $350,238)

Description: To support community engagement work around secondary school options in Milwaukee

Technology Access Foundation (Amount: $3,264,920)

Description: To support the Technology Access Foundation Academy in Federal Way School district focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics excellence for low income students and students of color

Texas Association Of School Boards Inc (Amount: $285,368)

Description: To identify legal and regulatory barriers to implementation of successful college and workforce readiness policies in Texas and identify policy changes to overcome those barriers

Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To fully realize the goals of Thurgood Marshall College Fund's ongoing high school redesign program linking low-performing high schools with public, historically black, colleges and universities

United Ways of Texas Inc (Amount: $760,000)

Description: To support community engagement across Texas on the economic and social implications of students not graduating ready for college, work and citizenship

University Of Chicago - University Research Administration (Amount: $450,223)

Description: To provide training to school researchers and administrators in order to support school districts in building indicator systems around freshman year performance and postsecondary access and success

University of California - Berkeley (Amount: $121,638)

Description: To support the translation of research findings into a feasible reform option to enhance California public education

University of California Santa Barbara (Amount: $215,000)

Description: To synthesize existing research and undertake new research to inform policymakers and the larger public about the nature of, and potential solutions to, the dropout problem in California

University of North Carolina (Amount: $1,642,318)

Description: To develop demonstration high schools/learning laboratories in North Carolina to showcase national best practices used to improve the graduation and college-going rates for all students

University of Texas System Administration (Amount: $2,650,926)

Description: To develop, in partnership with TEA, a statewide technical assistance plan to support the implementation of the Texas Governor's Educator Excellence Award programs

University of Texas at Austin - Charles A. Dana Center (Amount: $3,000,000)

Description: To support urban district and state efforts to accelerate improvements in secondary literacy and mathematics instruction

University of the State of New York (Amount: $3,000,000)

Description: To support the design of a comprehensive School Improvement organization within the New York State Education Department

Urban Institute (Amount: $293,024)

Description: To develop, pilot, and field test a common set of tools designed to measure implementation and outcomes of high school reform efforts across multiple schools and programs

Washington Regional Association Of Grantmakers (Amount: $21,000)

Description: To facilitate collaboration and coordination of local funders to improve educational outcomes for Washington, DC public school students

Washington School Principals Education Foundation (Amount: $1,511,578)

Description: To support the Washington State Leadership academy

Washington State Board of Education (Amount: $449,750)

Description: To support the research, planning and public outreach needed for: 1) improving Washington State's accountability and management systems and 2) addressing the math and science high school graduation requirements

WestEd (Amount: $899,021)

Description: To support California's effort to close the achievement gap in a partnership among WestEd, the California Department of Education, the P-16 Council and the University of California, Office of the President

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation (Amount: $4,850,460)

Description: To create a postsecondary practice center designed to improve Early College partnerships and teaching

YES Prep Public Schools (Amount: $2,761,002)

Description: To support the creation of a 9th grade pilot in an existing school and strengthen home office capacity to better support the current network of schools and prepare for long-term expansion