
Gates Foundation (education) grants since 1998

This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data

AARP Foundation (Amount: $374,000)

Description: To assess state specific labor shortages by specific industry to get state specific media attention to issue

Achieve Minneapolis (Amount: $74,963)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

Achievement First Inc. (Amount: $998,221)

Description: To support broader and richer measures of teacher effectiveness and help build out a teacher evaluation and compensation system

Alliance for Excellent Education Inc. (Amount: $551,336)

Description: To grow support for the common core standards initiative

American Association of Community Colleges (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To support the development of a Voluntary Framework of Accountability that will allow community colleges to track progress and set benchmarks for achievement of college completion

American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support the work of a teacher evaluation task force

American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To support teacher-and union-led reform efforts to improve public education and raise student achievement

Arkansas Department of Education (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts

Aspen Institute Inc (Amount: $3,878,680)

Description: To continue support for Human Capital Framework, Senior Congressional Staff Network, and the Urban Superintendents Network to address common issues of teacher effectiveness, standards, and assessments

Aspire Public Schools (Amount: $51,500)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

Association of Community College Trustees (Amount: $3,050,366)

Description: To develop a completion-focused leadership institute for community college trustees to improve student completion through policy change, using data-driven decision making and aligning college priorities and mission toward student success

Austin Voices for Education and Youth (Amount: $93,000)

Description: To support continued community engagement in the district's college and career readiness efforts

Baton Rouge Area Foundation (Amount: $993,219)

Description: To prepare the Recovery School District to apply performance management practices for school and district improvement statewide

Battelle For Kids (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To support a national conference on existing efforts to create differentiated compensation systems for teachers based on performance

Bridgespan Group, Inc. (Amount: $2,237,530)

Description: To support business planning for education organizations

Brookings Institution (Amount: $350,000)

Description: To enable availability and strengthen the quality of workforce and labor market statistics, and connect them to longitudinal higher education data at the federal level

Business Higher Education Forum (Amount: $417,517)

Description: To explore the STEM model developed by systems engineers at Raytheon that provides policymakers, researchers, and funders with a predictive modeling tool for understanding the impact of interventions on student outcomes in STEM

Butte Community College Foundation (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support a project in California community colleges that streamlines variation in individual college placement assessments and provides a mechanism to college student placement data, seeking to reduce the costs to colleges for placement testing

CELT Corporation (Amount: $3,058,313)

Description: To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level

Cabrillo College Foundation (Amount: $2,734,737)

Description: To support and scale an intensive educational model that accelerates developmental education, moves students directly into college-credit courses, and overcomes the barriers of the digital divide and low expectations

California Polytechnic State University Foundation (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To inform and drive (1) design of a California STEM Innovation Network; and (2) development of a blueprint for STEM education reform and advocacy

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (Amount: $277,560)

Description: To support the initial design phase of a research project aimed at improving student success in developmental math at community college

Carnegie Mellon University (Amount: $2,499,901)

Description: To expand and scale the adoption of successful interactive courses that blend a digital tutor with live instruction for high-enrollment, low-success community college courses

Center for American Progress (Amount: $800,000)

Description: To enhance degree completion for low-income young adults through the publishing of new policy papers, stakeholder engagement, and media outreach

Center for Energy Workforce Development (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To evaluate the readiness of state energy consortiums for scaling Get Into Energy education-career pathways

Center for Law and Social Policy (Amount: $1,500,000)

Description: To create a policy center dedicated to promoting federal and state policies that help underrepresented students earn marketable postsecondary credentials

Center on Education Policy (Amount: $1,047,928)

Description: To track state progress on adoption/implementation of college-ready standards and aligned assessment through an annual public report

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (Amount: $106,068)

Description: To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools

City and County of San Francisco (Amount: $227,035)

Description: To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates

City of New Haven (Amount: $82,500)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

City of Phoenix (Amount: $245,764)

Description: To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates

College Entrance Examination Board (Amount: $675,000)

Description: To continue work related to the Rethinking Student Aid project, develop policy and advocacy work related to transfer of credit issues for community college students, and research on effective retention practices for low-income students on college

College Summit Inc (Amount: $1,470,457)

Description: To ensure that the National Student Clearinghouse state pilot next generation reports are designed to be actionable for school leaders and to provide the supports to help translate the information into action

College-Ready Promise (Amount: $25,085,998)

Description: To support the College Ready Promise as part of a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students

College-Ready Promise (Amount: $75,000)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

Committee for Economic Development (Amount: $597,077)

Description: To empower business leaders to be active and inform participants in efforts to reform human capital policies in education through the Human Resources in Education project

Common Core Inc. (Amount: $550,844)

Description: To develop K-10 ELA curriculum aligned to the Common Core standards under development by CCSSO and NGA

Communities Foundation of Texas (Amount: $330,315)

Description: To to support strategic planning process for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc (Amount: $476,610)

Description: To increase district and school access to National Student Clearinghouse data and reports for analysis and review leading to school level engagement in reviewing and providing feedback, and participation in related professional development

Complete College America Inc (Amount: $8,299,718)

Description: To cultivate leadership and build consensus to dramatically improve college completion rates, particularly for low-income youth

Complete College America Inc (Amount: $942,601)

Description: To support a project aimed at supporting state efforts to develop and implement policies on college completion

Conference Board, Inc. (Amount: $380,000)

Description: To gauge how much business sees raising the skill and attainment level of low-income young adults via post-secondary certifications and degrees as a critical solution to workforce readiness to result in a pressure tested actionable business case

Corporate Voices for Working Families Inc (Amount: $415,000)

Description: To test whether early scaling of learn and earn models across similar employers is an effective tactic that should be relied upon to further the goals of postsecondary completion and labor market attachment

Corps Network (Amount: $191,501)

Description: To define and map the multiple pathways that lead to green credentials that have value in the labor market

Council of Chief State School Officers (Amount: $9,961,842)

Description: To increase the leadership capacity of chiefs by focusing on standards and assessments, data systems, educator development and determining a new system of supports for student learning

Cristo Rey Network (Amount: $149,733)

Description: To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools

DC Public Education Fund (Amount: $2,184,938)

Description: To design and build an innovative professional development platform to provide individualized, robust, and teacher-centered support to teachers at all levels of performance

Denver School of Science and Technology Inc (Amount: $36,018)

Description: To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools

Downtown Community Television Center (Amount: $113,000)

Description: To elevate the profile of community college students through video shorts

E3 Alliance (Amount: $56,245)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

Editorial Projects in Education Inc (Amount: $2,597,280)

Description: To support capacity building efforts

Education Development Center, Inc. (Amount: $1,224,953)

Description: To develop a new handheld game and a new strand of research that specifically targets the needs of struggling middle grades readers

Education Equality Project Inc. (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To support a convening in Washington, D.C.

Education Trust Inc (Amount: $2,039,526)

Description: To develop a set of open-source literacy courses that align to the Common Core State Standard

Education Writers Association (Amount: $110,000)

Description: To support media coverage of the education components of American Recovery and Reconstruction Act through the construction and maintenance of the Stimulus Tracker website

Educational Policy Improvement Center (Amount: $978,105)

Description: To validate a priority set of standards that define college readiness

Excelencia in Education (Amount: $600,000)

Description: To bring the issue of Latino college degree completion to the forefront of public attention and to equip higher education stakeholders with strategies to accelerate Latino college degree completion

FSG, Inc. (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To organize an event to be held at Stanford that will bring together school district leaders, charter management leaders, philanthropic funders, policy makers, and education entrepreneurs

Florida Department of Education (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts

Florida Department of Education (Amount: $354,752)

Description: To increase district and school access to National Student Clearinghouse data and reports leading to school engagement in reviewing and providing feedback and participation in related professional development

Florida State College at Jacksonville (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates

Friendship Public Charter School (Amount: $937,088)

Description: To support the School Partnership initiative to turnaround failing schools

Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $455,394)

Description: To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools

Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $2,722,939)

Description: To participate in the Measures of Effective Teaching project, research related to the support of effective teaching practices

Gateway to College National Network (Amount: $7,275,317)

Description: To replicate and develop new Gateway to College sites, develop the Developmental Education Model in community colleges, and to provide continuous improvement policy development in focus states

Georgia Department of Education (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts

Gifts to Share Inc. (Amount: $51,700)

Description: To support a summit that will drive change and progress in Sacramento schools through a community-wide dialogue about how the city's leaders and the community can support the dramatic improvement of its public education system

Greater Houston Community Foundation (Amount: $68,500)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

Hamilton County Department of Education (Amount: $74,800)

Description: To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools

Harvard University (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To apply an R&D model to education to unearth root causes of performance gaps

Harvard University (Amount: $23,239,450)

Description: To improve student outcomes through strategic use of district, state and CMO data through data assembly, performance diagnostics, and placement of strategic data fellows to aid leadership decision making

Harvard University (Amount: $91,300)

Description: To support a three-day conference that is focused on what teachers and their supervisors do to successfully improve instruction in secondary schools

Hillsborough County Public Schools (Amount: $80,870,000)

Description: To support Hillsborough County as part of a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students

Hillsborough County Public Schools (Amount: $2,502,146)

Description: To participate in the Measures of Effective Teaching project, research related to the support of effective teaching practices

Hillsborough Educational Foundation Inc (Amount: $60,000)

Description: To support communications for effective teaching intensive partnership announcement in Hillsborough

Houston Independent School District (Amount: $1,038,304)

Description: To fund, accelerate, and enhance Houston Indpendent School District's teacher effectiveness model

IB Fund US Inc (Amount: $2,423,679)

Description: To support the development of an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program assessment

Institute For Higher Education Policy (Amount: $1,583,434)

Description: To support policy research, the Pathways to College Network, and strategic planning efforts

Institute for College Access and Success (Amount: $2,536,609)

Description: To capacity building efforts and to design and prepare campus-based pilots for implementation

Institute for a Competitive Workforce (Amount: $653,077)

Description: To provide K-12 and post-secondary stimulus-related information to business leaders and Chamber executives, and to support the Coalition for Student Achievement's work to keep ARRA education dollars and guidance focused on school reform

Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (Amount: $30,000)

Description: To support a K-20 education focused conference aimed at facilitating the creation of new ideas and the deployment of existing ideas not yet scaled

Interfaith Education Fund, Inc. (Amount: $1,403,798)

Description: To scale supported labor market intermediaries in Texas, and support college completion messaging and advocacy

James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $5,549,352)

Description: To provide state-level policy and communications support to states seeking to rapidly implement the Common Core

KIPP Foundation (Amount: $468,500)

Description: To support development and roll-out of a platform (KIPPShare) to allow for improved sharing, collaboration, and networking across regions within the KIPP Network, including knowledge sharing with access to a video library and teacher tools

L.U.L.A.C. Institute, Inc. (Amount: $595,627)

Description: To participate in the Campaign for High School Equity (CHSE) Coalition and raise public awareness to issues and solutions for improving graduation and college readiness of students of color

LEV Foundation (Amount: $1,500,000)

Description: To support the research, public engagement, policy development and coalition work in early learning, college ready and postsecondary

Leadership Conference Education Fund, Inc. (Amount: $375,030)

Description: To support the Campaign for High School Equity

League For Innovation in the Community College (Amount: $3,645,462)

Description: For the development and incubation of a scalable pedagogy and curriculum that sharply improves the basic skills pass rate of community college students by providing a unique approach to community college basic skills reform

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (Amount: $950,000)

Description: To catalyze a more functional tax-exempt bond market for high-performing, creditworthy charter schools

Louisiana Department of Education (Amount: $224,000)

Description: To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts

MCNC (Amount: $432,898)

Description: To support a second phase of development of the North Carolina STEM Community Collaborative

MDC, Inc. (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To create a business plan for the next phase of MDC's organizational development and to develop an implementation plan for MDC's proposed postsecondary success work in the South

Manufacturing Institute (Amount: $1,500,000)

Description: To implement postsecondary education and career pathways built on the National Association of Manufacturing's 'Manufacturing Skills Certification System', preparing low income young adults for family-sustaining entry-level jobs

Maricopa County Community College District (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (Amount: $400,000)

Description: To continue participation in Campaign for High School Equity

Midwestern Higher Education Commission (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To support a planning project

Minnesota Public Radio (Amount: $651,768)

Description: To strengthen the quality and quantity of reporting on issues related to the nation's low college completion rates

Monterey Institute For Technology and Education (Amount: $4,988,835)

Description: To integrate the latest developments in cognitive and learning science and technology to develop and scale more effective developmental math course products

Monterey Institute For Technology and Education (Amount: $509,444)

Description: To support a planning project to (1) develop effective, online instructional materials for postsecondary developmental math courses and (2) construct a business plan to ensure distribution, scaling, and sustainability of these materials

NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education (Amount: $358,915)

Description: To support training for local NEA affiliates to take on a leadership role in improving teaching practice and student achievement in their districts

National Alliance For Public Charter Schools (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To provide general operating support for continued growth of the charter industry

National Association of State Boards of Education (Amount: $450,675)

Description: To convene regional meetings of policymakers and leaders to increase member knowledge around the common core standards

National Center for Academic Transformation Inc. (Amount: $2,306,961)

Description: To improve student outcomes and reduce instruction costs by modularizing developmental math course sequences through the use of information technology by scaling a redesigned developmental math course sequences in community colleges nationwide

National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To fund research about effective state policies for adults re-entering postsecondary education, identification of effective states, technical assistance and identification of better data points to scope this population

National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment Inc. (Amount: $672,076)

Description: To guide and inform the status of assessment tools and resources

National Center on Education & the Economy (Amount: $1,500,000)

Description: To plan for the expansion of board examination systems in a subset of states

National Commission on Teachings & America's Future (Amount: $221,755)

Description: To analyze national, state, and district retirement and pension data and policies

National Congress of Parents and Teachers (Amount: $2,000,000)

Description: To support implementation of a strategic plan for national PTAs to promote college-readiness, and higher student performance outcomes

National Council of La Raza (Amount: $396,262)

Description: To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools

National Council of La Raza (Amount: $931,137)

Description: To support National Council of La Raza's national education policy advocacy efforts

National Council on Teacher Quality (Amount: $2,565,641)

Description: To improve transparency and district practices around collective bargaining and state policy related to human capital

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (Amount: $512,197)

Description: To build capacity and awareness among governors around postsecondary goals

National Indian Education Association (Amount: $520,446)

Description: To continue participation in Campaign for High School Equity

National League of Cities Institute (Amount: $2,655,941)

Description: To support teams of municipal leaders, community colleges and other postsecondary institutions, and other partners in selected communities in efforts to increase postsecondary credential completion among low-income young adults

National Summer Learning Association (Amount: $400,366)

Description: To conduct research and plan for 8th to 9th grade transition programs in partnership with three school districts

National Urban League Inc (Amount: $800,000)

Description: To more effectively leverage its affiliate network, introduce common (national) policy goals and objectives, and involve local and state NUL leaders in the national federal advocacy work of the Campaign for High School Equity

Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To lead a four-state effort to better align state, district, and local education policies

New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $246,070)

Description: To develop an application for federal funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), centering on an innovation-driven effort to scale high-performing charter management organizations

New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support a cohort-based leadership program focused on cultivating and supporting entrepreneurial leaders in education

New Schools for New Orleans Inc (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

New Schools for New Orleans Inc (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To support the New Orleans Learning Opportunity conference

New Teacher Center (Amount: $494,933)

Description: To support a research project focusing on the relationship between working conditions as reported by the teachers and teacher retention and the relationship between working conditions as reported by the teachers and student academic achievement

New Teacher Project, Inc. (Amount: $7,000,000)

Description: To support a program aimed at improving the overall effectiveness of teachers

New Venture Fund (Amount: $2,736,543)

Description: To develop and administer a process to provide technical assistance to qualifying states for their Race to the Top applications

New Visions for Public Schools, Inc (Amount: $70,116)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

New York City Charter School Center (Amount: $38,114)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

Ohio Department of Education (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts

P A S T Foundation (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To support a student conference that provides the opportunity for students to share STEM projects with one another

Partnership for Learning (Amount: $643,881)

Description: To design and launch a statewide Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) initiative for Washington State

Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (Amount: $46,000)

Description: To support development of a white paper and conference focused on expansion of civic pathways out of poverty in the United States

Pittsburgh Public Schools (Amount: $32,975,000)

Description: To support Pittsburgh Public Schools as part of a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low income, minority students

Pollinate Ventures (Amount: $345,294)

Description: To provide strategic and investment support to organizations that develop and deploy highly effective and efficient models of learning by creating hybrid learning environments in existing and new public schools

Portland Public Schools (Amount: $10,000)

Description: For conference support

Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence (Amount: $599,016)

Description: To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools

Public Agenda Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $215,000)

Description: To explore the aspirations and expectations of public school teachers, with a concentration on those teachers under 30 years old

Public Education Network (Amount: $1,001,363)

Description: To support the launch of a new strategy aimed at increasing the number of students graduating from high school college- and career-ready

Recovery School District (Amount: $1,004,719)

Description: To support a comprehensive analysis of the district's human capital practices and policies

Regents University Of California Los Angeles (Amount: $4,342,988)

Description: To support formative assessment data collection, task analyses, and implementation

Regents University Of California Los Angeles (Amount: $576,191)

Description: To develop a conceptual platform for college readiness

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Amount: $205,777)

Description: To support a series of meetings to engage key stakeholders from business, government, philanthropy, K-12, the STEM research community, and higher education throughout the state

Research Foundation of the City University of New York (Amount: $233,126)

Description: To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates

Research Foundation of the City University of New York (Amount: $1,120,515)

Description: To support the development of implementation plans for a new City University of New York community college that would employ a combination of innovative program design, curricular, student support, and labor market connection models with the explicit goal of increasing Associate's degree completion, successful transfer, and connection to high-quality employment for New York City's diverse and frequently low-income population

Riverside Community College District (Amount: $153,496)

Description: To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates

Roads to Success Inc. (Amount: $430,000)

Description: To support the development of a middle and high school advisory program curriculum

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $2,119,298)

Description: To build support for policies that increase the number of students graduating from high school ready for postsecondary opportunities

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $3,487,270)

Description: To mount and support public education and advocacy campaigns

Scholastic Inc. (Amount: $2,228,816)

Description: To fund the development of a diagnostic tool that helps teachers assess students' needs

School District of Philadelphia (Amount: $74,219)

Description: To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds

Seattle Foundation (Amount: $745,114)

Description: To design and demonstrate new postsecondary completion strategies for low-skilled working adults with phase II recommendations for taking the successful programs to scale and linking them to homeless families

Shelby County Schools (Amount: $84,500,000)

Description: To support Memphis City Schools as part of a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students

Silicon Valley Community Foundation (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To support the Global Education Leaders' Program, education system leaders working to equip students with 21st century knowledge and skills

Sinclair Community College (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates

Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (Amount: $425,000)

Description: To participate in the Campaign for High School Equity

Stanford University (Amount: $1,389,539)

Description: To expand the FAFSA Experiment, a project designed to help families complete the federal financial aid form

Stanford University (Amount: $3,000,000)

Description: To research a target group of low-income students who are very high-achieving in high school but who tend to have weak college-related outcomes, which will specifically test several interventions designed to help students negotiate the college application process, the financial aid system, and the financial/job-related issues likely to arise when students are in college

StartL Inc. (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To support acceleration of early stage learning technologies

StartL Inc. (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To support acceleration of early stage learning technologies

Teach for America, Inc. (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To support bringing low-income and minority students in Teach for America (TFA) classrooms to proficiency

Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $652,493)

Description: To support the development of high quality education coverage in the nation's leading newspapers and magazines

Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $5,162,327)

Description: To provide a rigorous research base and body of evidence to support higher success and accelerated progression for low income young adults in community colleges

Texas Charter Schools Association (Amount: $250,000)

Description: For general operating support

Texas Public Education Reform Foundation (Amount: $75,000)

Description: To support two major conferences of statewide interest and importance: The 2009 Statewide Education Summit and the 2008 Legislative Briefing

Thomas B. Fordham Institute (Amount: $959,116)

Description: To review the common core standards and develop supportive materials

Thomas B. Fordham Institute (Amount: $398,534)

Description: To support the PIE Network which brings together policy research groups and state-level education advocacy organizations to advance equity, improve student achievement, share best practices and capture lessons learned

Tides Center (Amount: $750,000)

Description: To support National Lab Day, when current and potential stakeholders gather to innovate in STEM with the goals of increasing student college readiness, and linkages among the STEM and education community

Tides Center (Amount: $4,104,654)

Description: To improve the success and impact of the Completion by Design project with support, planning, and implementation of a technical assistance group providing expertise in community college reform implementation to the state-based intermediaries

Tiger Woods Foundation Inc (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To support the development of a STEM program model that works with school districts to improve teacher training, accelerate student learning and increase engagement of disadvantaged students in STEM areas

United Way Inc (Amount: $1,000,330)

Description: To engage business, philanthropic and community leaders to achieve a common vision and develop complimentary strategies around public education reform

University of California - Berkeley (Amount: $2,999,730)

Description: To support development and adaptation of science and literacy/writing formative assessment tasks

University of California - Berkeley (Amount: $5,901,503)

Description: To produce and field test high quality mathematics formative assessments

University of Texas at Austin - Charles A. Dana Center (Amount: $1,235,787)

Description: To support the development and expansion of an open-access online resource for the Academic Youth Development program

University of Washington (Amount: $995,904)

Description: To support the assessment and effectiveness of a project-based learning approach to Advanced Placement courses

University of Wisconsin (Amount: $1,156,020)

Description: To support evaluation of randomized trial examining the effects of need-based aid on completion

University of Wisconsin (Amount: $50,000)

Description: For general operating support of the Institute for Research on Poverty

University of the State of New York (Amount: $6,000,000)

Description: To establish regionally selected Early College High Schools (ECHS) throughout New York State

Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (Amount: $5,239,758)

Description: To fund four components to improve access and completion of higher education for low income young adults in Washington State: Online Course Access and Success, Developmental Math Reform, I-BEST, and the Washington Achievement Initiative

Washington State Commission on African American Affairs (Amount: $189,275)

Description: To African-American, Latino/Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander communities supporting high-value, high-impact education reforms in Washington state

Western Governors University (Amount: $1,200,000)

Description: To research the effectiveness of technology-mediated learning and competency-based degrees, identify interventions that improve success rates for low-income young adults, and advocate for efforts addressing these issues

Year Up, Inc. (Amount: $209,079)

Description: To support young adult success and improve post secondary outcomes for low income young adults