Gates Foundation (education) grants since 1998
This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data
Academy for Urban School Leadership (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To scale teacher development work and build capacity for technical assistance
Achievement First Inc. (Amount: $49,949)
Description: To expand the impact of the Digital Learning Pilot, with the goal of developing an effective, transferrable and sustainable model for blended learning that will accelerate student outcomes across the Achievement First network
Achievement Network (Amount: $1,500,596)
Description: To support the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Math Design Collaborative tools
Achieving the Dream, Inc. (Amount: $1,697,982)
Description: For the development of a set of programs to increase impact, sustainability, and success at ATD colleges with a focus on: helping colleges' scale high-impact interventions; strengthening faculty engagement; and improving developmental education
Achieving the Dream, Inc. (Amount: $4,902,018)
Description: To support activities related to AtD becoming its own organization
Adams County School District No. 50 (Amount: $1,680,829)
Description: To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Adams County School District No. 50 (Amount: $93,452)
Description: To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Advanced Programs Initiative, Inc. (Amount: $80,000)
Description: To support collaboration between the superintendents and Secretary Hanna Skandera to work together toward the common goal of improving educational outcomes for New Mexico children
Allegheny Intermediate Unit (Amount: $23,000)
Description: To fund the 2011 Regional Best Practices Summer Institute, a collaborative effort between the Allegheny Intermediate Unit representing suburban Allegheny County school districts and Pittsburgh Public Schools
Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To integrate standards-based online digital content for core academic subjects for 620 ninth and tenth grade students at two Alliance high schools
Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools (Amount: $7,090,167)
Description: To support a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Amarillo Area Foundation Inc. (Amount: $1,300,000)
Description: To fund the implementation phase of the Partners for Postsecondary Success project to increase completion rates in Texas
American Association of Community Colleges (Amount: $999,732)
Description: To comprehensively examine the challenges and opportunities facing the fastest-growing sector of higher education
American Association of School Administrators, Inc. (Amount: $417,697)
Description: To create a website that provides analysis from the user's perspective of the most prevalent student information and learning management systems
American Council on Education (Amount: $363,832)
Description: To support a planning phase coordinated by ACE and the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions to establish a Commission on Accreditation for the 21st Century
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To assist teachers in understanding and implementing the Common Core State Standards
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation (Amount: $230,000)
Description: To provide conference support for the conference on teacher development and evaluation systems
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $2,400,000)
Description: To support a multi-method study including analysis of secondary data to determine relative benefits of different PS credentials and mapping of competencies with labor market value to credentialing systems
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $380,281)
Description: To inform policy-makers on the high cost of student and institutional failure in two-year colleges and build dialogue on institutional and student performance and provide success stories of two-year colleges on retention, completion, and careers
American Legislative Exchange Council (Amount: $219,727)
Description: To educate and engage its members on efficient state budget approaches to drive greater student outcomes, as well as educate them on beneficial ways to recruit, retain, evaluate and compensate effective teaching based upon merit and achievement
Americas Promise-The Alliance For Youth (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To establish the Common Core Action Team Collaborative
Americas Promise-The Alliance For Youth (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To survey disconnected youth/young adults and to produce a national report
Arizona State University (Amount: $2,214,470)
Description: To support further development and scaling of Atlantis Remixed - an online, multi-player, game-based learning environment
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University (Amount: $151,019)
Description: To support the 3rd Annual Education Innovation Network Summit
Asia Society (Amount: $2,494,277)
Description: To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Asia Society (Amount: $122,981)
Description: To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (Amount: $25,000)
Description: To provide conference support
Aspire Public Schools (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To implement a digital writing module in a high school classroom, in order to measure the impact of blended learning strategies on student writing assessments and teacher sustainability
Aspire Public Schools (Amount: $9,490,475)
Description: To support a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Association of Community College Trustees (Amount: $49,995)
Description: To provide conference support for the Association of Community College Trustees 2011 Annual Leadership Congress
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (Amount: $351,129)
Description: To fund a plan for instructional improvement, cost reduction and increased transfer and degree completion rates through redesign of key courses for use on multiple community college and university campuses
Battelle For Kids (Amount: $1,307,738)
Description: To support the scaling of effective teaching practices among members of the Ohio Appalachian Collaborative
Battelle Memorial Institute (Amount: $420,002)
Description: To implement math and literacy instructional tools in the Ohio STEM Learning Network
Boone County Schools (Amount: $334,100)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Boston Educational Development Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $88,000)
Description: To support Boston Public Schools to advance the district charter compact work
Boston Public Schools (Amount: $12,000)
Description: To support Boston Public Schools in its collaborative work with high-performing CMOs in the city
Boyle County Schools (Amount: $86,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Broad Center for the Management of School Systems (Amount: $2,423,203)
Description: To lead the development and curation of a knowledge management and networking system, so that education professionals in analytic and management roles can more easily connect, share what they are learning, and collaborate around shared challenges
Brookings Institution (Amount: $494,826)
Description: To establish standards for rating teacher evaluation systems
Brookings Institution (Amount: $600,000)
Description: To examine personalized learning, real-time student assessment, collaboration and social networking, dashboards, and K-12 innovation success stories with the goal of evaluating progress, improving implementation, and sharing best practices
Cabrillo College Foundation (Amount: $400,000)
Description: To support a third party evaluation of the Academy for College Excellence program
Campus Compact (Amount: $3,282,956)
Description: To fund the planning and implementation phases of the Connect to Complete program
Campus Compact (Amount: $45,000)
Description: To support the Scholar to Scholars Program Conference
Carnegie Mellon University (Amount: $959,082)
Description: To support continued development of the Working Examples website -
Center for Better Schools (Amount: $885,130)
Description: To support the development of an Advanced Teacher Training Academy for experienced, high-performing early career teachers
Center for Education Reform (Amount: $600,000)
Description: To support Phase II of the Media Bullpen and to advance charter policy advocacy work in five states
Center for Effective Philanthropy, Inc. (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To provide support for YouthTruth: Using Student Feedback to Guide Foundation and School Improvement
Center for Reform of School Systems Inc. (Amount: $27,890)
Description: To provide board training sessions for the Shelby County Consolidated School Board
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund (Amount: $1,250,000)
Description: To support a lending pool of capital to fund the expansion of high-performing charter networks in high-need areas and to support the management of the CSGF Facilities Fund
College Entrance Examination Board (Amount: $379,500)
Description: To develop a series of recommendations to improve sustainability of the Pell grant program
College-Ready Promise (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To provide teachers in four CMOs with the teaching tools to organize the math curriculum with formative assessments that guide rigorous, meaningful instruction and implementation of the Common Core Standards
Colorado Department of Higher Education (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Colorado Education Initiative (Amount: $9,707,210)
Description: To provide organizational support to the Colorado Legacy Foundation related to implementation of the Common Core State Standards & teacher development and evaluation systems
Colorado League of Charter Schools (Amount: $818,471)
Description: To support integration of college ready tools in high-performing CMOs in Colorado and Louisiana
Colorado Nonprofit Development Center (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To advance collaboration between Denver Public Schools and high performing CMOs in the city
Colorado Seminary (Amount: $279,534)
Description: To plan a partnership with an urban school district to develop algorithms that link professional development recommendations to student and teacher performance
Community Service Society of New York (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support a study that will aid in understanding if the low income young adult population is experiencing diminishing opportunity for enrollment in community colleges in New York
Computers for Youth Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $4,999,767)
Description: To support Computers for Youth's product, which will be available to all U.S. K-12 schools and districts to enable students to follow a more personalized pathway to college success
Consortium for Educational Change (Amount: $2,025,622)
Description: To work with regional Teacher Union Reform Networks to collaboratively engage teachers, their unions, and school and district administrators in issues that impact teaching and learning
Consortium for School Networking (Amount: $566,023)
Description: To create a website that provides analysis of the most prevalent student information systems and learning management systems technologies with a focus on the user perspective
Corps Network (Amount: $37,900)
Description: To provide conference support
Council Of The Great City Schools (Amount: $5,511,184)
Description: To promote and coordinate successful implementation of the new common core standards in major urban public school systems nationwide
Council of Chief State School Officers (Amount: $9,388,911)
Description: To support the Common Core State Standards work
Council of Chief State School Officers (Amount: $743,331)
Description: To support capacity building at SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) regarding assessment framework development and higher education engagement
Council of State Governments (Amount: $369,623)
Description: To hold summits to inform and educate state legislators on the common core standards and assessments and the benefits for implementation in their states
Creative Commons Corporation (Amount: $8,501,764)
Description: To provide federal grantees support for quality development of interactive curricula, open licensing, technical interoperability, collaboration between like projects, and widespread adoption of open curricula by community colleges and states
Creative Commons Corporation (Amount: $1,099,687)
Description: To partner in the development of the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative, to help identify learning resources that complement Common Core State Standards
Cristo Rey Network (Amount: $397,590)
Description: To support implementation of version 2.0 of the Alumni Connect Platform, create a college success report card and finalize the college counseling standards
DC Public Education Fund (Amount: $4,353,830)
Description: To support the continued development of the Teacher Data and Professional Development Platform
DC Public Education Fund (Amount: $2,241,989)
Description: To help school systems train those who observe classrooms to do so reliably
DC Public Education Fund (Amount: $100,000)
Description: For general operating support
Daviess County Public Schools (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Daviess County Public Schools (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Demos: A Network for Ideas & Action (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To conduct national research and outreach to educate key stakeholders about the financial barriers confronting community college students and to investigate and publicize the potential of specific policy solutions to increase completion rates among community college students
Denver Public Schools (Amount: $330,008)
Description: To conduct research related to the support of effective teaching practices
Denver Public Schools (Amount: $1,100,000)
Description: To execute effective teaching strategies to improve multiple low-performing schools
Denver School of Science and Technology Inc (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To develop a digital content incubator that integrates 9th grade standard-aligned digital content into existing student achievement management software (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To support teachers' classroom projects (Amount: $350,000)
Description: To conduct outreach and provide incentives to inspire public school teachers to engage with the Teacher Wall project
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To integrate online math and reading applications to close the achievement gap for students at E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
EdSurge Inc. (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To conduct a detailed analysis of prominent K-8 literacy and math content vendors for use in blended learning models and to disseminate findings broadly via a white paper and an online database
Editorial Projects in Education Inc (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To support the development of a new coverage area focusing on the education industry and innovation in K-12 education
Education Resource Strategies, Inc. (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To develop a policy paper on the professional growth spending for teachers and school leaders, create Professional Growth Strategic Resource tools and materials, and write case studies on the use of 'next generation' professional growth
Education Sector Inc (Amount: $929,108)
Description: To explore and highlight policies at the state level that prevent greater use of innovation, technology, and competency-based education
Educause (Amount: $8,307,407)
Description: To support Wave IIIa of the Next Generation Learning Challenges, which will provide launch funding to new schools that leverage technology to personalize learning in a financially sustainable manner
Educause (Amount: $354,608)
Description: To support the inventory of the provider-user marketplace, building an awareness and outreach plan around analytics, establishing a solid understanding of institutional readiness, capacity and desire to build out data analytics, learning analytic
Educause (Amount: $9,636,676)
Description: To support three rounds of grants in Wave III of the Next Generation Learning Challenges, accelerating development of next generation school and college models that leverage technology to increase student success at equal or below current costs
Educause (Amount: $6,861,999)
Description: To assist with the design of Wave 2 of the Next Generation Learning Challenges, marketing it to the field, recruiting applicants and advisors, and processing applications
Educurious Partners (Amount: $5,482,457)
Description: To create next generation models of high school courses for 9th grade Biology, 9th grade English Language Arts, and will undertake an additional 'evaluation agenda' by administering pre/post assessments
Edvance Foundation (Amount: $392,656)
Description: To support the regional inventory and analysis of fifty states policies and practices in transfer and articulation within independent colleges
Envision Education Inc (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To expand the use of Khan Academy in order to facilitate the management of learning differences within a Response to Intervention framework and a mastery-based curriculum to ensure all students are successful
Excelencia in Education (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To continue the Ensuring America's Future by Increasing Latino College Completion initiative
Fayette County Public Schools (Amount: $479,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Fiorello H. LaGuardia Community College Foundation (Amount: $1,048,143)
Description: To provide support for the continued operation of the Global Skills for College Completion Project, disseminating knowledge to the broader community college sector, and creating a business/sustainability plan for continued operation of the project
FirstLine Schools, Inc. (Amount: $39,280)
Description: To test blended learning model options for differentiated learning through self-paced software programs and to create staff champions before full-scale implementation in August 2012
FirstLine Schools, Inc. (Amount: $449,300)
Description: To provide planning support for a hybrid school model incorporating Computer Assisted Instruction into educational programs to enhance student achievement, improve financial sustainability, and move towards a master teacher career track
Florida Association of District School Superintendents (Amount: $950,000)
Description: To provide technical assistance support to districts in Florida to implement new teacher evaluation systems
Forsyth County Schools (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Foundation for the Seattle Colleges (Amount: $2,999,207)
Description: To improve persistence and completion rates across the Seattle Community College District (SCCD) by supporting 'early momentum' in a student's first year
Fund for Educational Excellence (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To advance collaboration between Baltimore Public Schools and high performing CMOs in the city
Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $1,168,734)
Description: To support the implementation of math and literacy instructional tools
Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $987,000)
Description: To support iZone360 schools as they design and implement innovative changes to their schools so as to best support their vision for student-centered learning
Future is Now (Amount: $775,000)
Description: To support and organize public school teachers in the pursuit of educator-led actions that improve their schools, districts, and unions
George Washington University (Amount: $231,021)
Description: To improve college success for disadvantaged populations by developing proposals or pilots to apply marketing principles to the delivery of information and financial aid
George Washington University (Amount: $241,417)
Description: To develop conferences designed to bring researchers, policymakers, and institutional leaders together to examine federal and state policy implications of the Foundation's performance-based scholarship portfolio of grants
Georgetown University (Amount: $10,000)
Description: For conference support
Grantmakers for Children, Youth, & Families (Amount: $20,000)
Description: To provide conference support
Green Dot Public Schools (Amount: $49,996)
Description: To evaluate the impact of a digital arts elective on the participation rates and learning outcomes of 180 severely credit-deficient high school students (grades 9-12) enrolled in a core-curriculum blended learning program
Green Dot Public Schools California (Amount: $5,664,388)
Description: To support a cohort of Intensive Partnership Site to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Guilford Technical Community College (Amount: $645,000)
Description: To fund the planning phase of Completion by Design for the North Carolina cadre
Harvard University (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support a strategic planning project for the Graduate School of Education
Harvard University (Amount: $9,950)
Description: To provide prize money and administrative costs for the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Idea Competition, which is designed to generate new entrepreneurial concepts in the education sector
Harvard University (Amount: $110,000)
Description: To support the Education Forum on Innovation, which spotlights, supports, and encourages the importance of innovation in education
High Tech High Foundation (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To expand the reach of ALEKS, a professional development resource for math teachers in grades 6-12
Hillsborough County Council of PTA/PTSAs (Amount: $25,000)
Description: To continue and enhance its parent advocacy training modules for Common Core State Standards (CCSS) that were originally created during its Gates-funded National PTA sub-grant in 2010
Hillsborough County Public Schools (Amount: $420,632)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Hope Street Group (Amount: $975,000)
Description: To help implement usable and widely accepted teacher evaluations, leading to a transformed profession and better outcomes for students
Idea Public Schools (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To support the technology requirements for a conversion to a hybrid learning model in IDEA schools for the 2011-2012 school year
Illinois Network Of Charter Schools (Amount: $600,000)
Description: For general operating support
Innosight Institute Inc (Amount: $652,255)
Description: To continue to develop Innosight Institute's Education Practice and to move forward in developing and sharing the organization's ideas with K-12 education policymakers and practitioners
Innovation Unit Limited (Amount: $400,000)
Description: To bring together a coalition of thought leaders, policy-makers, consultants and practitioners as part of the Global Education Leaders' Program (GELP) and support them through a convening in Helsinki, Finland
Institute for College Access and Success (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To build evidence and support the scaling and policy implementation of proven effective tools and strategies for financial aid delivery in higher education
Institute for a Competitive Workforce (Amount: $748,667)
Description: To expand the Leaders and Laggards series to postsecondary education in an effort to measure state performance in educating Americans beyond high school
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (Amount: $70,000)
Description: To provide post-conference support for the ISKME 2011 Big Ideas Fest including supporting an 'incubation' period for ideas that emerge from the 2011 convening event and supporting up to 10-12 full participant scholarships for the 2012 convening
Ithaka Harbors Inc. (Amount: $275,000)
Description: To study the potential obstacles to widespread adoption of interactive online learning systems in 2- and 4-year colleges and universities, and recommend strategies to overcome these obstacles
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $500,906)
Description: To create the Hunt Fellows program to develop a strong cadre of state leaders who both care deeply about and have the knowledge and skills to ensure effective policies and practices to support improved educational outcomes
Jefferson County Public Schools (Amount: $210,360)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Jessamine County Schools (Amount: $143,600)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Jessamine County Schools (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $497,499)
Description: To plan for the launch of a network to scale College Ready tools, practices, and policies and promote K-12 and post-secondary linkages as exemplified in early college high school best practices
Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $697,310)
Description: To manage an institute on proficiency-based pathways
Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $400,000)
Description: To support additional funding of Back on Track to PSE First Year Success
Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $47,000)
Description: For conference support
Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $295,000)
Description: To update policy scans through the lens of completion and work with policy leads to design and launch policy strategy for each state
John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (Amount: $1,231,754)
Description: To improve and expand the early alert system and learner relationship management of the Signals product
KIPP Bay Area Schools (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To expand the use of Khan Academy's adaptive software platform for self-paced individualized and mastery-based learning
KIPP Chicago Schools (Amount: $49,500)
Description: To provide personalized learning plans and instruction to 150 students in grades K-1 and 5-8 at KIPP Ascend Primary and KIPP Ascend Middle schools
KIPP DC INC (Amount: $42,500)
Description: To support the expansion of an innovative, blended learning program designed to close the achievement gap between Special Education and non-Special Education students
KIPP Foundation (Amount: $170,000)
Description: To provide general operating support for the KIPP Foundation
KIPP LA Schools (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To integrate cutting-edge educational software programs and innovative technology practices in KIPP LA's three schools in South and East Los Angeles to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of students
KIPP LA Schools (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To support systems integration of the Blended Learning Infrastructure ('BLI') in KIPP Empower Academy ('KEA') in Los Angeles for the 2011-12 school year
KIPP Metro Atlanta Collaborative Inc (Amount: $47,810)
Description: To implement Rosetta Stone for high school Spanish classes and Achieve3000 for middle school literacy intervention classes
KIPP New Orleans Inc (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support a blended learning program aimed at enhancing academic growth school wide, and providing supplementary intervention for students
Kenton County School District (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Kenton County School District (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $476,553)
Description: To lead a coalition in support of college- and career-ready standards and effective teaching in Kentucky
Khan Academy Inc. (Amount: $4,079,361)
Description: To develop the remaining K-12 math exercises to ensure full coverage of the Common Core math standards and form a small team to implement a blended learning model
Kipp Adelante Preparatory Academy (Amount: $23,476)
Description: To launch a blended learning program that fuses technology and English Language Arts through the use of simulations, interactive games, and intelligent cyber tutors that increase capacity to improve instruction, learning, and assessment
LEV Foundation (Amount: $1,789,208)
Description: To support a public awareness campaign and create support for charter schools through a fact-based advocacy effort
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 (Amount: $785,194)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
League For Innovation in the Community College (Amount: $354,089)
Description: To support Next Generation Learning Challenges Impact Strategies
League For Innovation in the Community College (Amount: $958,474)
Description: To assess the ability of community colleges to utilize social media tools
League For Innovation in the Community College (Amount: $26,184)
Description: To support the 2011 Innovations Conference
Learning Forward (Amount: $999,795)
Description: To help align states' and districts' professional development programs in support of implementing the Common Core State Standards
Lighthouse Academies of Indiana Inc. (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To expand Achieve3000 Differentiated Literacy Solution from supplemental intervention to core instructional blocks through a blend of whole group, small group, and online instruction
Lone Star College System (Amount: $644,965)
Description: To fund the planning phase of Completion by Design for the Texas cadre
Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools (Amount: $450,000)
Description: For general operating support
Maryland Higher Education Commission (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Amount: $3,204,132)
Description: To develop Cosmos, a multiplayer online game, aligned to the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards for high school students
Memphis City Schools (Amount: $194,800)
Description: To disseminate Memphis City Schools' progress and lessons learned regarding current teacher effectiveness work and to access other practitioners' insights about their work
Memphis City Schools (Amount: $399,968)
Description: To conduct research related to the support of effective teaching practices
Memphis Urban League, Inc. (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To support a convening to learn more about Tennessee's college completion statute and its impact on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and community colleges that serve largely low income students of color in Tennessee
Miami Dade College (Amount: $644,675)
Description: To fund the planning phase of Completion by Design for the Florida cadre
Midwestern Higher Education Commission (Amount: $45,030)
Description: To support a conference, Ready or Not Here They Come: Ensuring the College Success of All Students
Mind Trust Inc. (Amount: $539,334)
Description: To support a full-time Executive Director, support staff, and programmatic activity related to next generation learning in the cities that comprise the Cities for Education Entrepreneurship Trust ("CEE-Trust") network
Minneapolis Foundation (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To support the Minneapolis District-Charter Compact collaboration
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Foundation (Amount: $49,500)
Description: For conference support
Morgridge Institute for Research Inc. (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support the Games + Learning + Society Conference, a three-day event for games studies/games learning academies, education researchers, education practitioners, policy leaders, and game designers
MyCollege Foundation (Amount: $3,081,610)
Description: To establish a nonprofit online college targeting low-income adults
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers (Amount: $2,610,000)
Description: To provide funds, along with related monitoring and support to each Round 2 District-Charter Collaboration Compact city, based upon completion of a compact and submission of an approved Compact grant application
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers (Amount: $1,700,000)
Description: To strengthen the policy environment for quality charter school authorizing through advocacy at the state and federal levels
National Association of State Boards of Education (Amount: $1,077,960)
Description: To build the capacity of State Boards of Education to better position them to achieve full implementation of the Common Core standards
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (Amount: $147,990)
Description: To study the impact on overall aid distributions if the rules were changed to allow eligibility to be determined based on prior-prior year tax data as opposed to prior year data
National Council of La Raza (Amount: $538,967)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
National Council on Teacher Quality (Amount: $2,935,048)
Description: To continue the transformative work of improving teacher effectiveness and professionalism at the national, federal, state, and district levels
National Geographic Society (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To support the first Cyberlearning Summit, hosted by the National Geographic Society in partnership with the Center for Technology Innovation at UC Berkeley, and the Center for Technology in Learning at SRI
National Geographic Society (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To provide access for students that reside in low-income Washington state neighborhoods to the National Geographic Live! Speaker Series - Student Matinees, a monthly, free event that showcases presenters from National Geographic
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (Amount: $1,293,904)
Description: To work with state policymakers on the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, with special attention to effective resource reallocation to ensure complete execution, as well as rethinking state policies on teacher effectiveness
National Indian Education Association (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support and advocate for effective teaching of Native students, Common Core State Standards that respect Native culture, and the college and career readiness of Native students
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development 2011 Annual Conference
National Literacy Project Inc. (Amount: $1,696,890)
Description: To engage with Florida school districts on the expansion of the Literacy Design Collaborative
National Staff Development Council (Amount: $202,927)
Description: To provide conference support and support publication of a journal that focuses on the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) research
National Writing Project (Amount: $3,095,593)
Description: To increase capacity for professional development opportunities in implementing the Common Core State Standards for literacy
Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $350,000)
Description: To implement the Common Core State Standards in New England states
New America Foundation (Amount: $530,000)
Description: To expand the Education Policy Program with the creation of a Postsecondary National Policy Institute (PNPI)
New Classrooms Innovation Partners, Inc. (Amount: $992,800)
Description: To support the development and spread of a highly innovative, personalized learning model for middle school math
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $3,000,000)
Description: To support a national district of charters, service providers for personalized learning models, and incubation of blended charter models
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To provide general operating support
New Schools for New Orleans Inc (Amount: $301,451)
Description: To fund a road map for community engagement around school closure to build the infrastructure for improving failing schools in the Recovery School District
New Teacher Center (Amount: $1,365,117)
Description: To increase the effectiveness of the electronic Mentoring for Student Success (eMSS) coaching model
New Teacher Project, Inc. (Amount: $6,500,000)
Description: For general operating support
New Venture Fund (Amount: $4,030,207)
Description: To support cross state/district collaboration in support of implementation, spread and scale of college ready tools, materials, and resources
Noble Network of Charter Schools (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support blended learning initiatives in existing high-performing charter schools
North American Council for Online Learning (Amount: $1,000,001)
Description: To build capacity to further the development of online, blended, and competency-based pathways that effectively support college and career readiness for all students via teacher engagement, and dissemination of new ideas
North Carolina State University (Amount: $1,299,998)
Description: To fund the implementation phase of the Partners for Postsecondary Success project to increase completion rates in North Carolina
OMG Center for Collaborative Learning (Amount: $29,736)
Description: To support post-doctoral fellowships for evaluators of color to work on postsecondary issues
Ohio Business Alliance for Higher Education and the Economy (Amount: $125,000)
Description: To convene a single statewide 'College Completion Summit,' that would be organized with the assistance of Ohio's new state economic development organization, called 'JobsOhio,' and its six regional economic development affiliates
Partnerships to Uplift Communities Lakeview Terrace (Amount: $3,772,190)
Description: To support a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Pearson Charitable Foundation (Amount: $2,999,047)
Description: To support the development of open access courses for 6th and 7th grade mathematics as well as 11th and 12th grade English language arts
Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (Amount: $595,859)
Description: To work with the new governor, key cabinet officials, legislature leaders, education and business stakeholder groups to advance public policies to improve teacher effectiveness in Pennsylvania
Perspectives Charter School (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To implement a blended learning initiative that combines the PEAK Teaching for Excellence model with self-paced online learning for math students at three campuses
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (Amount: $2,998,612)
Description: To improve pathways, including transfer rates, to baccalaureate programs from two year associate degree programs with emphasis on low income students of color through a publicly available web-based platform
Pittsburgh Promise Foundation (Amount: $30,000)
Description: For general operating support
Pittsburgh Public Schools (Amount: $60,000)
Description: To provide support for finance related technical assistance
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence (Amount: $242,580)
Description: To support implementation of math and literacy strategies in Kentucky by supporting convenings and meetings throughout the state for k-12 and higher education leaders and business leaders
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence (Amount: $198,206)
Description: To help fund the leadership of ReadyKentucky, a campaign focused on creating and supporting a statewide communications network in support of implementation of the common core state standards
Public Agenda (Amount: $520,460)
Description: To lead the Completion by Design training and actionable research related to effective meeting facilitation and stakeholder engagement
Reasoning Mind, Inc. (Amount: $742,996)
Description: To pilot an online mathematics curriculum aligned to the common core standards as a means to providing alternative human capital models in large, urban school districts that serve minority and economically disadvantaged students
Recovery School District (Amount: $997,500)
Description: To support further development of a teacher development and evaluation system
Rice University (Amount: $830,327)
Description: To support the development of open text-based resources for high enrollment courses and to feed more interactive courseware development
Rochester City School District (Amount: $50,807)
Description: To support the Rochester City School District to advance the compact work
Rockcastle County School District (Amount: $134,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To general operating support for the Academy of College Excellence
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $4,968,652)
Description: To partner with other foundations to support a project fund supporting state-led efforts aligning higher education placement requirements with college readiness assessments developed through the Common Core assessment consortia
Rocketship Education (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To develop and implement a set of open-source applications, including a teacher dashboard, student portal, RTI scheduling and individual learning plan tool, and new data reports aligning with the Blended Learning Infrastructure
SEED Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To support development of the SEED blueprint, including an academic guide, student life curriculum and college counseling guide
Scholastic Inc. (Amount: $4,293,211)
Description: To support teachers' implementation of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics
School District of Philadelphia (Amount: $2,923,863)
Description: To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
School District of Philadelphia (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Shared Learning Collaborative, LLC (Amount: $87,333,334)
Description: To build, manage, and promote the Shared Learning Infrastructure (SLI)
Silicon Valley Community Foundation (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To bring together a coalition of thought leaders, policy-makers, consultants and practitioners as part of the Global Education Leaders' Program (GELP) and support them through a series of convenings
Sinclair Community College (Amount: $645,000)
Description: To fund the planning phase of Completion by Design for the Ohio cadre
Southern Regional Education Board (Amount: $8,089,831)
Description: To support the spread of college ready and postsecondary success strategies
Stanford University (Amount: $1,400,000)
Description: To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Startup Weekend (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To support 10-15 Startup Weekend EDUs: 54-hour events where teachers, administrators, developers, designers, marketers, product managers, and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups
State Education Technology (Amount: $146,221)
Description: To examine current policy and practice barriers and opportunities that slow or support the adoption and use of educational technologies for learning in K-12
State Legislative Leaders Foundation Inc. (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To provide information on critical public policy issues and aspects of leadership, through specialized educational and enrichment programs
Student Veterans of America (Amount: $353,744)
Description: To support the increase rate of postsecondary education attainment for military veterans
Summit Public Schools (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To accelerate the impact and quality of the classroom rotational blended model of instruction for 208 9th grade students at Summit Public Schools: Rainier and Tahoma in San Jose California
Teach for America, Inc. (Amount: $1,500,000)
Description: To expand Teach for America corps in Colorado and Louisiana
Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $2,365,596)
Description: To establish CCRC as the lead data and analysis organization on the Completion by Design National Assistance Team
Teaching Channel (Amount: $4,476,761)
Description: To support the Teaching Channel, a multi-platform service delivering professional development to teachers
Technet Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $200,000)
Description: To participate in the Measures of Effective Teaching project, research related to the support of effective teaching practices
Tennessee Department of Education (Amount: $175,000)
Description: To provide assistance to the new Commissioner for the creation of a strategic plan, to drive the reorganization of the Department of Education, and ensure maximum leverage in order to achieve its goals
Thomas B. Fordham Institute (Amount: $500,000)
Description: For general operating support
Thomas B. Fordham Institute (Amount: $1,002,000)
Description: To track state progress towards implementation of standards and to understand how what students read changes in response to the standards
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania (Amount: $2,051,058)
Description: To support research on increasing students' engagement and persistence in academically challenging work
U.S. Education Delivery Institute, Inc. (Amount: $3,000,165)
Description: To support USEDI's efforts to provide intensive support to additional states, develop and field test a new suite of delivery tools for states to use, and strengthen the professional learning community of systems
United Way Worldwide (Amount: $700,000)
Description: To increase high school graduation rates and improve student readiness for college and career by advancing effective teaching in struggling school districts in Los Angeles, California, Florida and Tennessee
United Way of Southern Cameron County (Amount: $1,299,909)
Description: To fund the implementation phase of the Partners for Postsecondary Success project to increase completion rates in Texas
University System of Georgia (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
University of Arizona (Amount: $735,442)
Description: To fund a multi-method study of how institutions adopt and use social media to support students, how students use the media, and the potential of social media to improve student outcomes
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (Amount: $70,765)
Description: To develop model pension reports to equip teachers, general public, and policy-makers with tools to better understand the distributional impact of current pension plans
University of British Columbia (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support the 2nd International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge
University of California, Irvine (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support the third annual Digital Media and Learning Conference, hosted by the University of California, Irvine
University of Chicago (Amount: $1,418,622)
Description: To develop tools for evaluating college readiness indicator systems and disseminate them to districts at different stages of indicator development
University of Maryland, Baltimore (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To provide support for assessing the viability of radically improving (a) educational outcomes in long-term youth correctional centers and (b) GED attainment by targeted young adults in state and federal prisons
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Amount: $387,057)
Description: To support the planning for guaranteed STEM student transfer from feeder community colleges into UMBC for STEM four-year degree completion: UMBC
University of Michigan (Amount: $3,956,061)
Description: To establish a searchable video library of teaching practices
University of Michigan (Amount: $252,177)
Description: To author a white paper on the impact of social capital development on teenagers' academic outcomes and research findings on the Collegeology games
University of Michigan (Amount: $1,421,494)
Description: To securely house and make available to qualified researchers the data collected by the Measures of Effective Teaching project
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Amount: $329,034)
Description: To design and pilot humanities courses aligned to the Common Core State Standards
University of Southern California (Amount: $968,245)
Description: To develop 'Collegeology,' a collection of online games designed to facilitate college knowledge in low-income, middle, and high school student populations
University of Southern California (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To support the expansion of PLAY! (a three-part hybrid professional development program) to a larger population of educators through a Summer Sandbox for LAUSD teachers and the development of an online course
University of Southern California (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To support the University of Southern California's Hybrid High School as a credible, replicable, and scalable alternative high school experience for high-need and disaffected youth in the Los Angeles area
University of Texas Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $425,418)
Description: To support the University of Texas at San Antonio's temporary assignment of one of its administrators as an advisor to the Department of Labor in support of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training Grant Program
University of Texas Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $167,728)
Description: To support capacity building efforts
University of Texas at Austin (Amount: $1,408,105)
Description: To support the identification and confirmation, quantification, and analysis of high-impact educational practices in community colleges
University of Texas at Dallas (Amount: $493,353)
Description: To support planning and prototyping to develop a desktop simulation for teacher professional development
University of Washington (Amount: $135,001)
Description: To convene national and local experts on labor-management negotiations, union-leadership, and teacher leadership
University of Washington (Amount: $600,223)
Description: To support the Center on Reinventing Public Education to provide oversight for Round 1 & 2 of the District-Charter Collaboration Compacts during implementation
University of Washington (Amount: $2,649,791)
Description: To develop online pre-algebra games for middle school students and conduct research on the learning trajectories that lead to algebra readiness
University of Washington (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support the evaluation of the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, an evidence-based intervention for youth with foster care experience who are aging out of care
University of the State of New York (Amount: $9,999)
Description: To support Regents Research Fund staff retreat to further define its mission and core strategies
University of the State of New York (Amount: $600,000)
Description: To develop, pilot, and evaluate innovative approaches to Common Core-aligned professional development for teachers
Uplift Education (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support a blended learning pilot for 6th - 9th graders at Hampton, Heights, Peak, Laureate, Williams, and Summit International focused on reading and math intervention
Vera Institute of Justice Inc. (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support post-prison populations planning
WNET (Amount: $50,000)
Description: For conference support to host The International Summit on the Future of the Teacher Profession
Warren County Public Schools (Amount: $299,902)
Description: To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
WestEd (Amount: $1,007,814)
Description: To provide support as a Knowledge Management partner for the Completion by Design cadres
Western Governors University (Amount: $4,500,000)
Description: To continue development of private-label state universities that operate to educate more students at less cost to taxpayers, while also expanding the reach of competency-based education significantly into public university systems
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (Amount: $1,070,293)
Description: To conduct a large scale, longitudinal data mining project
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To support planning for a competency-based teacher education program, The Teaching Learning Lab
iMentor Incorporated (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support research, development, and scaling of a web-based mentoring program for high school students