Gates Foundation (education) grants since 1998
This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data
4Point0 Schools (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To support entrepreneurs responding to school needs through innovation in product design and development
Achieve Inc (Amount: $9,297,699)
Description: To strengthen and expand the ADP Network, provide more support to states for CCSS implementation, and build strategic national and statewide alliances by engaging directly with key stakeholders
Achieve Inc (Amount: $3,500,000)
Description: For general operating support
Achievement First Inc. (Amount: $1,172,327)
Description: To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Achievement First Inc. (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support the continued implementation of Achievement First's Teacher Career Pathway system
Achievement First Inc. (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To deepen integration of personalized blended learning pilot at Amistad High in New Haven, CT ensuring 145 scholars in 10-12th grades have access to high-impact internet-based curriculum, assessments & tools outside of school in '12-'13
Achievement Network (Amount: $3,002,252)
Description: To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards by building the capacity of school leaders and teachers to address the instructional shifts through interim assessments, coaching, network collaboration, and access to resources
Achieving the Dream, Inc. (Amount: $645,917)
Description: For general operating support
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc. (Amount: $2,500,000)
Description: For general operating support
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc. (Amount: $116,914)
Description: To employ its network of education stakeholders to make the case that the nation's federal student aid system is in urgent need of reform and to propose viable reform options
America Achieves, Inc (Amount: $1,413,427)
Description: To support the America Achieves Fellowship for Teachers and Principals, which selects outstanding educators from across the United States; trains and supports them to amplify their voices in national conversations on education policy and practice
American Association of Community Colleges (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To support the development and deployment of the VFA Data Tool and empower colleges by garnering wide-spread use of the VFA metrics and data tools
American Council on Education (Amount: $724,390)
Description: To support building the bridge between informal Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) learning and college credit by testing the viability of MOOCs as a direct-to-student use case
American Council on Education (Amount: $249,924)
Description: To support College Application Week, a voluntary college access program
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To provide AFT conference support
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To assist state education agencies in integrating college- and career-readiness initiatives with educator effectiveness initiatives
Americas Promise-The Alliance For Youth (Amount: $125,005)
Description: To amplify voices calling for financial aid reform and to help prime the national dialogue by widely disseminating information on the need to reimagine financial aid to improve student outcomes
Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands (Amount: $141,752)
Description: To provide conference support for Sunnylands Math Strategy Group as it convenes three workshops in 2013
Arizona State University (Amount: $5,767,457)
Description: To develop a tool that combines formative assessment & technology called 'Formative Assessment with Computational Technologies (FACT)' designed to provide information about students' performance during learning activities & help improve learning
Asia Society (Amount: $132,425)
Description: To support the Asia Society's Global Cities Education Network and the participation of Denver in that network
Aspen Institute Inc (Amount: $620,043)
Description: To support the creation of the Aspen Forum for Community Solutions and the launching of the 'Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund'
Aspen Institute Inc (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support the Closing the Gap Conference
Aspire Public Schools (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To convert Aspire ERES Academy in Oakland, CA to a school in which all classrooms use personalized blended learning and thereby ensure that all 220+ ERES students experience the powerful differentiation facilitated by blended learning
Association of Educational Publishers (Amount: $458,055)
Description: To support acceptance and implementation of the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) framework among educational publishers, inform the adoption process, and encourage ongoing support of LRMI among educational content creators
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (Amount: $289,620)
Description: To launch a planning effort to create a not-for-profit higher education consortium that jointly evaluates, implements, and promotes the acquisition and adoption of high quality interactive online learning
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (Amount: $109,390)
Description: To support an awareness campaign among APLU member leaders regarding federal student aid programs and to publish a white paper presenting policy options with supporting analysis and background data
Athabasca University (Amount: $15,000)
Description: To provide conference support to Massive Open Online Courseware event
Baton Rouge Area Foundation (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To provide organizational support to the Louisiana Department of Education related to implementation of the Common Core State Standards & teacher development and evaluation systems
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc. (Amount: $53,763)
Description: To support the 'Aspen Teacher Leaders' 2012 conference
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc. (Amount: $751,872)
Description: To support the development of a Shared Formative Assessment Item Bank for broader public use
BetterLesson, Inc. (Amount: $3,527,240)
Description: To support the development of courses, aligned to the Common Core State Standards, for the purposes of helping teacher's transition to common core and increasing their students' ability to master the content
Boston Private Industry Council Inc (Amount: $3,250,000)
Description: To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Bridgespan Group, Inc. (Amount: $1,500,000)
Description: To support continued impact to the thinking and practices of leaders and organizations that drive impact on issues, especially those that relate to disadvantaged populations in education reform, youth development, and community revitalization
Brigham Young University (Amount: $272,686)
Description: To support a two year research study to measure and evaluate whether changes in the cost of textbooks or other educational curricular resources used by faculty (such as OER) has any measurable impact on student learning and student success
California Charter Schools Association (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: For general operating support
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (Amount: $2,850,000)
Description: To support funding for Quantway/Statway, Productive Persistence, and Network Improvement Community
Center for Better Schools (Amount: $450,000)
Description: To support a training program for advanced teachers 3 to 8 years into their career
Center for Better Schools (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To support the National Academy for Advanced Teacher Education
Center for Community Change (Amount: $190,976)
Description: To support the 'Student Voices for Reform' project, which will aim to capture and mobilize student and youth interest in federal financial aid reform and identify broad-based policy options
Center for Effective Philanthropy, Inc. (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To support CEP/YouthTruth in scaling and streamlining its existing program and operating model and to diversify offerings to include teacher level student perception surveys connected with the MET research
Center for Law and Social Policy (Amount: $499,989)
Description: To lead an effort designed to maximize the federal higher education investment to increase college completion of low-income students
Change the Equation Inc (Amount: $300,000)
Description: For general operating support
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund (Amount: $12,000)
Description: To create a 'Future of Schooling' exhibit at Maker Faire Bay Area 2012
College Entrance Examination Board (Amount: $260,000)
Description: To provide i3 matching funds to improve the STEM College Readiness of high-need students by providing their teachers professional development that enhances their ability to differentiate instruction
Colorado Education Initiative (Amount: $1,748,337)
Description: To examine the use of high-quality curriculum to accelerate common core state standards implementation
Colorado Education Initiative (Amount: $5,992,250)
Description: To support Colorado school districts in implementing new educator evaluation systems and instructional strategies, with an emphasis on the central role of teachers leading in the design and use of these resources and tools
Committee for Economic Development (Amount: $96,100)
Description: To support a four month, two-pronged initiative to refocus the national higher education conversation on student financial aid
Consortium for Educational Change (Amount: $411,722)
Description: To support a training and certification program for Illinois teacher and principal evaluators
Council of Chief State School Officers (Amount: $1,277,648)
Description: To support the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) in helping States' to build their data inoperability capability and IT leadership capacity
Council of Chief State School Officers (Amount: $1,100,000)
Description: To support strategic planning for the sustainability of the Common Core State Standards and the two multi-state assessment consortia tasked with designing assessments aligned with those standards
Cuyahoga Community College Foundation (Amount: $49,747)
Description: To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
Data Quality Campaign, Inc. (Amount: $20,000)
Description: To support a multi-state conference
Data Quality Campaign, Inc. (Amount: $1,250,000)
Description: For general operating support
Davidson County Community College Foundation Inc (Amount: $196,000)
Description: To provide a professional development program for key leaders, focusing on current research findings and promising practices that inform successful college completion efforts
DePaul University (Amount: $57,455)
Description: To fund a conference around the build-out of the Literacy Design Collaborative tools
Denver Public Schools (Amount: $4,001,999)
Description: To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Denver Public Schools (Amount: $1,725)
Description: To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work related to teacher effectiveness
Design Concepts DMC, LLC (Amount: $25,000)
Description: To provide conference support for the HigherEdTech conference to advance education
Duke University (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
EdSurge Inc. (Amount: $410,929)
Description: To support product reviews of innovative professional development tools in an effort to strengthen public education in the United States
EdSurge Inc. (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To develop product review pages focusing on math and literacy courseware and to reorient the EdSurge site from a reporting-intensive model to one to that engages users in dialog around education technology
EdSurge Inc. (Amount: $100,025)
Description: To conduct a detailed analysis of prominent 9-12 literacy and math content vendors for use in blended learning models and to disseminate findings broadly via an online database
EduInnovation (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To support OpenBlend, a day-long event in Tacoma, WA, which will bring together hundreds of educators to learn about blended learning from leading organizations such as Khan Academy, DreamBox, MIND Research (ST Math) and i-Ready
Education Development Center, Inc. (Amount: $2,947,181)
Description: To create, test, and scale 'Zoom-In,' a suite of digital tools in middle school social studies and history
Education Trust Inc (Amount: $2,101,177)
Description: To inform state and local policies on teacher evaluation as a significant and valuable tool
Education Trust Inc (Amount: $800,000)
Description: To support the Access to Success program in helping to provide data, evidence, best practices, and training to campuses in support of continuous improvement in providing equal opportunity for access and success to underrepresented minorities
Education Trust Inc (Amount: $304,971)
Description: To begin pressure testing possible education finance reform solutions - both substantively and politically
Educational Policy Improvement Center (Amount: $752,332)
Description: To create an instructional task bank offering an alternative pathway for students to demonstrate proficiency and college readiness
Educational Testing Service (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support development of an edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project
Educational Testing Service (Amount: $45,000)
Description: To support development of an edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project
Educational Testing Service (Amount: $24,500)
Description: To support an invitational research symposium on technology enhanced assessments
EnLearn (Amount: $1,800,925)
Description: To support the development of an adaptive platform for data-driven optimization of digital learning environments
Entrepreneurial Ventures in Education Inc. (Amount: $101,965)
Description: To pilot personalized blended learning summer school programs for K-8 students
Envision Education Inc (Amount: $100,013)
Description: To expand personalized blended learning program to City Arts & Technology and Metropolitan Arts & Technology School in San Francisco, and Impact Academy of Arts & Technology School in Hayward
Excelencia in Education (Amount: $85,550)
Description: To develop and publicize a fact base about challenges to low-income Latino student postsecondary success caused by the current financial aid system, and engage decision makers in discussion of concrete financial aid reform efforts
FirstLine Schools, Inc. (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To implement a school-wide, deeply integrated, personalized blended learning model at Langston Hughes Academy and Clark Prep High School in New Orleans serving approximately 1,040 students
Florida Association of District School Superintendents (Amount: $2,975,000)
Description: To further support the implementation of teacher evaluation systems in Florida
Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc (Amount: $1,715,389)
Description: To examine the use of high-quality curriculum to accelerate common core state standards implementation
Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $1,815,810)
Description: To support the New York City Department of Education's integration of Common Core implementation strategies with new forms of teacher professional development to align with emerging functionalities and capacity of Shared Learning Infrastructure
Future is Now (Amount: $150,000)
Description: To support and organize public school teachers in the pursuit of educator-led actions that improve their schools, districts, and unions
Future is Now (Amount: $3,000,000)
Description: To support and organize public school teachers in the pursuit of educator-led actions that improve their schools, districts, and unions
Georgetown University (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To continue work on skill supply and demand; new focus on competency definition, measurement, linking to curricula; particular interest to Incentives and Next Generation Models work
Georgetown University (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: For general operating support
Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (Amount: $179,015)
Description: To engage instructional coaches, curriculum directors and other school- and district-level education leaders in Georgia in support of the Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) and Math Design Collaborative (MDC) tools
Georgia Tech Research Corporation (Amount: $149,856)
Description: To develop and implement three high quality Massive Open Online Courses that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
GlassLab, Inc. (Amount: $6,850,000)
Description: To establish the Games and Assessment Innovation Lab
Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $200,650)
Description: To support Grantmakers for Education to conduct research with their member foundations and develop a toolkit on strategies for engaging teachers in grant-funded reform initiatives
Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To support a convening aimed at exploring the creative potential of digital media in shaping education investments
Green Dot Public Schools (Amount: $2,800)
Description: To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work related to teacher effectiveness
Guilford Technical Community College (Amount: $9,040,000)
Description: To fund the implementation phase of Completion by Design for the North Carolina cadre
HCM Strategists, LLC (Amount: $800,462)
Description: To lead an effort designed to assess the empirical and political feasibility of ways federal student aid investments could incent higher completion and attainment of high-value credentials
Hartford Public Schools (Amount: $2,885,120)
Description: To support district-charter collaboration to support effective teaching, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Harvard University (Amount: $30,000)
Description: To support development of a chapter about the relationship of classroom observations to student to survey responses for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
Harvard University (Amount: $30,000)
Description: To support development of a chapter about the relationship of student to teacher survey responses for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
Harvard University (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To provide prize money and administrative costs for the Harvard Graduate School of Education's 2012 Education Innovation Pitch Competition, which is designed to generate new entrepreneurial concepts in the education sector
Harvard University (Amount: $121,000)
Description: To provide conference support
High Tech High Foundation (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To expand the implementation of ST Math, a software package aiming to develop students' understanding of math ideas, to an additional 400 elementary, 1650 middle and 500 high school students across High Tech High's 10-school network
Hispanics in Philanthropy (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support matching local funders and sub-grantees to identify pathways for academic success and increase organizational capacity to build academic support systems that motivate and engage Latino students through the educational pipeline
Idea Public Schools (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To provide general operating support to IDEA Public Schools
Independent School District No. 1 of Tulsa County, Oklahoma (Amount: $2,000)
Description: To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
Innovation Unit Limited (Amount: $675,000)
Description: To bring together a coalition of thought leaders, policy-makers, consultants and practitioners as part of the Global Education Leaders' Program and deliver two convenings in Rio de Janeiro in November 2012 and in Australia in Spring 2013
Institute For Higher Education Policy (Amount: $791,366)
Description: To determine costs of program completion strategies in community colleges and deepen understanding how community colleges are allocating instructional-related resources
Institute For Higher Education Policy (Amount: $641,228)
Description: To build a coalition of voices calling for broader student aid reform, develop reform options, and document and disseminate these options in a manner to facilitate wide-scale adoption
Institute for College Access and Success (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To review the latest data on the cost and distribution of federal grants, loans, and tax benefits, and analyze the impact of existing proposals and seek to develop new ones that would have the greatest positive effect on college access and success
Institute for a Competitive Workforce (Amount: $143,296)
Description: To engage the business community to develop a set of core principles that reflect their needs regarding financial aid reform; then to use these as a platform to engage the business community more broadly and build a larger constituency for reform
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To provide general operating support
Ithaka Harbors Inc. (Amount: $1,787,166)
Description: To assist in the implementation, measurement, and analysis of learning outcomes and potential system-wide cost savings via multiple massive open online course-based (MOOC) blended learning pilots within the University of Maryland System
JUMP Math (Amount: $698,587)
Description: To support aligning its K-12 mathematics curriculum to the Common Core State Standards and expanding its school partnerships to the United States
Jefferson Parish Public School System (Amount: $299,384)
Description: To support the implementation of rater certification in Jefferson Parish Public Schools in Louisiana for the purposes of ensuring reliable observations to provide teachers with feedback and evaluation
Joan Ganz Cooney Center for Educational Media and Research Inc (Amount: $1,466,983)
Description: To support and establish exemplar work in the digital games and learning sector
Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To provide general operating support for Jobs for the Future's College Ready strategy and its focus on supporting low-income students through early college schools and next-generation pathways
Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $1,987,246)
Description: To identify new policies and incentive structures needed to facilitate early entry into well-defined programs of study, as well as document the policy barriers that need to be removed to facilitate their implementation
Jumoke Academy Inc (Amount: $942,092)
Description: To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
KIPP Bay Area Schools (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To expand personalized blended learning pilots in five KIPP middle schools and two KIPP high schools in the Bay Area serving 10-12 classes impacting 300-350 students; exploring new blended learning solution while still leveraging Khan Academy
KIPP Chicago Schools (Amount: $99,651)
Description: To expand personalized blended learning models in literacy and math in two of KIPP Chicago's schools - KIPP Ascend Primary and KIPP Ascend Middle
KIPP Foundation (Amount: $1,130,000)
Description: To support KIPP Foundation's technology innovation strategy
KIPP LA Schools (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To integrate and expand personalized blended learning initiatives at KIPP Empower Academy (230 students, K-1), KIPP Comienza Comm. Prep (105 students, 1st), KIPP LA Prep (2445 students; 5-6th) to enhance math and literacy small-group instruction
KIPP LA Schools (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To implement a third party technology infrastructure that will facilitate a classroom rotation-based blended learning program in KIPP Empower Academy during the 2012-13 school year
Kentucky Department of Education (Amount: $8,000)
Description: To provide support to the Kentucky Department of Education for the Global Education Leaders Program (GELP) conference
King Center Charter School (Amount: $3,402,417)
Description: To develop tools, such as games and social networks, that address major barriers in the college-going process
KnowledgeWorks Foundation (Amount: $280,000)
Description: To provide i3 matching funds for an online professional development program designed to improve student outcomes in rural school districts
LEV Foundation (Amount: $3,000)
Description: To support a research internship for the League of Education Voters
Leading Educators Inc (Amount: $513,750)
Description: To support a training program for teacher leaders
League For Innovation in the Community College (Amount: $494,141)
Description: To develop a national consortium of leading online 2- and 4-year colleges, facilitated by the League, to develop a student value proposition superior to that of any one institution, and in particular the for-profits
League For Innovation in the Community College (Amount: $8,000)
Description: To provide conference support dollars for the development of a national consortium of leading online 2- and 4-year colleges
Learning Accelerator (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To (1) share information about blended learning with districts; (2) align ecosystem to improve efficiency and reduce redundancy among implementation organizations
Learning Matters, Inc. (Amount: $20,000)
Description: To fund the completion of a film about the revitalization and recovery of New Orleans, including the public education system, after Hurricane Katrina
Los Angeles Parents Union (Amount: $900,488)
Description: To help execute upon the mission to transform public education by empowering parents to transform their children's underperforming schools through community organizing
Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools (Amount: $200,000)
Description: For general operating support
Lumina Foundation for Education, Inc. (Amount: $125,000)
Description: To support of the second annual convening, The FAFSA Completion Project
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Amount: $1,120,153)
Description: To develop and offer a new, free prototype introductory computer science Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) via the edX platform and partner with a less selective postsecondary institution that serves large numbers of low-income young adults
Memphis City Schools (Amount: $2,304)
Description: To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
Miami Dade College (Amount: $9,000,000)
Description: To fund the implementation phase of Completion by Design for the Florida cadre
Michigan State University (Amount: $49,939)
Description: To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
Mind Trust Inc. (Amount: $1,420,000)
Description: To support additional operational capacity and programmatic activity related to next generation learning within the Cities for Education Entrepreneurship Trust ('CEE-Trust') initiative
Monterey Institute For Technology and Education (Amount: $6,122,835)
Description: To develop EdReady, a direct-to-student, free, online college readiness diagnostic and customized remediation tool utilizing NROC developmental math; and research, planning, design, and creation of two online developmental English courses
Mt. San Jacinto College (Amount: $49,999)
Description: To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education (Amount: $99,997)
Description: To build and enhance teacher voice in the development and implementation of the teacher and leader Professional Growth and Effectiveness System and the Common Core State Standards
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education (Amount: $550,000)
Description: To support the NEA Foundation Institute for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
NMC (Amount: $25,000)
Description: To provide conference support for the Horizon Project
NYSUT Education and Learning Trust (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support a consortium of districts in New York and Rhode Island to work with labor-management teams to design and pilot more differentiated teacher development and evaluation systems
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers (Amount: $3,000,000)
Description: For general operating support
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (Amount: $93,409)
Description: To support research and dissemination regarding federal financial aid programs and the development of innovative policy options leading to a system better aligned towards increasing the attainment of credentials with labor market value
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To initiate a strategic planning process in order to develop an operating plan for the organization and its work with the League of Innovation Schools
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies (Amount: $2,048,121)
Description: To support districts in sharing knowledge and building demand for digital content and tools
National College Access Network (Amount: $128,685)
Description: To engage NCAN membership and other strategic partners to increase support for broader federal financial aid reform and financial aid programs focused on improving student outcomes
National Geographic Society (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To provide access for students that reside in low-income Washington state neighborhoods to the National Geographic Live! Speaker Series - Student Matinees, a monthly, free event that showcases presenters from National Geographic
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support the National Institute for Staffing and Organizational Development's 34th annual International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence
National League of Cities Institute (Amount: $40,000)
Description: To support planning around reworking Community Partnerships to align with refreshed strategy
National Urban League Inc (Amount: $98,471)
Description: To contribute important stakeholder information to guide and shape the larger Reimagining Aid Design and Delivery project
New America Foundation (Amount: $1,450,000)
Description: To conduct a series of policy projects aimed at promoting innovative, cost-effective methods of helping large numbers of traditionally underserved students earn college degrees
New America Foundation (Amount: $110,000)
Description: To make the case to key audiences that federal financial aid reform is necessary now and that aid programs must go beyond simply funding access to a higher education and to develop a coherent package of broad-based financial aid reform options
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $35,000)
Description: To provide convening support for the Crosswalks II Convening
New Schools for Chicago (Amount: $221,250)
Description: To support the development of a business plan to 'drive innovation in next generation learning in Chicago' through an initiative called eXponential Learning
New Venture Fund (Amount: $1,486,321)
Description: To coordinate Literacy Design Collaborative activities
New Venture Fund (Amount: $1,116,519)
Description: To support the continued efforts of the National State Teacher of the Year
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc (Amount: $350,000)
Description: To provide i3 match funding in order to support teacher-led inquiry and ongoing targeted professional development for mathematics teachers
North American Council for Online Learning (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To develop a performance-based state funding model for online K-12 courses that equally treats traditional and online courses, provides equal access to at-risk students, and rewards student growth and attainment
North American Council for Online Learning (Amount: $24,000)
Description: To support the second meeting: 'Blended Learning Community of Practice' in New Orleans, Louisiana
North American Council for Online Learning (Amount: $289,937)
Description: To develop a set of performance metrics for full-time online K-12 schools and for supplemental online courses
Oakland Schools Foundation (Amount: $150,000)
Description: To support the conversion of four Oakland Unified Schools to personalized blended learning
Ohio Alliance for Public Charter Schools (Amount: $31,715)
Description: To support the 2012 National Best Cooperative Conference in Denver, CO
Ohio Association of Community Colleges (Amount: $428,996)
Description: To support the development of the OACC Driving Success Initiative (DSI)
Ohio State University (Amount: $49,837)
Description: To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
Oregon Department of Education (Amount: $105,193)
Description: To support the Oregon Department of Education to engage in a strategic planning process to explore viable business models for the Oregon Direct Access to Achievement (DATA) Project to maintain its presence in Oregon and scale across state lines
Pahara Institute, Inc (Amount: $1,966,408)
Description: To support the Pahara Institute and its two leadership programs, the Pahara-Aspen Education Fellowship Program and a new emerging leaders program designed to accelerate the development of high potential emerging leaders of color
Partnerships to Uplift Communities Lakeview Terrace (Amount: $2,884)
Description: To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
Pennsylvania Business Council Education Foundation (Amount: $257,391)
Description: To educate Pennsylvanians about the Common Core State Standards and aligned assessments
Perspectives Charter School (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To expand blended learning models at Perspectives Leadership Academy and Perspectives Middle Academy campuses in the South Side of Chicago serving approximately 900 students
Philanthropy Ohio (Amount: $199,488)
Description: To re-focus its stable of education policy advocates on college completion issues that are important to Ohio's students, families and that are closely aligned with the post-secondary work of the foundation
Pittsburgh Promise Foundation (Amount: $7,500)
Description: To support the Pittsburgh Promise during the first class to graduate from a 4 year college
Pittsburgh Public Schools (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To support Pittsburgh Public Schools teachers share their teacher effectiveness work with each other and key community members by engaging in workshops & other learning opportunities that will elevate and celebrate effective teaching in Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Public Schools (Amount: $2,348)
Description: To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
Policy Innovators In Education Network, Inc. (Amount: $500,000)
Description: For general operating support
Prince George's County Public Schools (Amount: $3,147)
Description: To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
RAND Corporation (Amount: $999,406)
Description: To provide startup funds for developing a new, longitudinal, nationally representative panel survey of teachers
RAND Corporation (Amount: $30,000)
Description: To support development of a chapter about the grade level variation in observational measures of teacher effectiveness for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
RP Group Inc. (Amount: $144,000)
Description: To provide technical assistance funding to RP Group for support planning and the initial implementation of this supprt for the implementation phase of Completion by Design
Research Foundation of the City University of New York (Amount: $997,567)
Description: To support the 2012 launch of the new community college focused on new models of completion
Rocketship Education (Amount: $326,000)
Description: To support the continued refinement of the RISE technology platform which leverages products from Junyo as well as custom applications to facilitate student access to multiple digital content providers and provide educators access to useful data
Shelby County Schools Education Foundation (Amount: $400,000)
Description: To support the Transition Planning Commission
Sinclair Community College (Amount: $9,044,063)
Description: To fund the implementation phase of Completion by Design for the Ohio cadre
Southern Regional Education Board (Amount: $150,000)
Description: To support the first launch of an annual LDC/MDC open-invitation conference as part of the larger effort to move LDC and MDC into a broader community of users
Spring Branch Independent School District (Amount: $2,192,636)
Description: To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Stand for Children Leadership Center (Amount: $600,759)
Description: To establish educator panels composed of individuals committed to locally designing and championing the implementation of the recently passed teacher and leader effectiveness policies
Stand for Children Leadership Center (Amount: $3,201,953)
Description: To support the effective teaching work underway as well as to strengthen the capacity of their national office to deliver state of the art organizing programs to other state affiliates throughout the country
Stanford University (Amount: $150,000)
Description: For the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE) to focus on a timely project analyzing the financial feasibility of performance assessments
Stanford University (Amount: $30,000)
Description: To support development of a chapter about Quality Science Teaching instrument for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
Stanford University (Amount: $30,000)
Description: To support the development of a chapter regarding the differential relationships between Protocol for Language Arts Teaching Observation (PLATO) and value-added models for the edited volume of the MET project
Student Achievement Partners Inc (Amount: $2,490,430)
Description: To grow capacity to support teachers and to strengthen operations
Summit Public Schools (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To further integrate personalized blended learning model in Rainier and Tahoma pilot schools serving 400 9th and 10th graders for the 2012-13 school years utilizing Summit's Optimized School Model and redesigned learning spaces and experiences
Teach for America, Inc. (Amount: $1,557,444)
Description: To support activities in TFA Colorado and TFA Louisiana designed to improve the instructional quality of their corps members through the use of video technology and to increase the leadership development and voice of corps members and alumni
Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $29,922)
Description: To inform PS knowledge around programs of study and publish articles to build awareness of Programs of Study as learned through prior investments
Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $2,502,000)
Description: For general operating support
Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $5,852,718)
Description: To support the Community College Research Center research agenda in the areas of learner relationships management, diagnostic assessment, and blended learning
Teachers as Scholars, Inc. (Amount: $106,875)
Description: To support Teachers as Scholars and the Cambridge Public Schools in planning an innovative professional development experience beginning in the 2013-2014 school year
Teaching Channel (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To support and document a group of teachers reflecting on how to improve their practice and how to advocate for their profession
Teaching Channel (Amount: $6,721,800)
Description: To support the Teaching Channel, a multi-platform service delivering professional development to teachers
Team Pennsylvania Foundation (Amount: $303,850)
Description: To support a research partnership with Mathematica that will inform the Pennsylvania Department of Education's work on a new teacher evaluation system
Tennessee Department of Education (Amount: $3,700,737)
Description: To support multiple measures of effective teaching including the use of student surveys and video recordings of best practices of teaching
Texas Charter Schools Association (Amount: $700,000)
Description: For general operating support
The Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc (Amount: $908,863)
Description: To support the Kentucky Teacher Engagement Project to mobilize local and national partners around educator effectiveness to create a Teacher Leadership Network, a cohort of deeply knowledgeable teacher-leaders on key issues of practice and policy
U.S. Department of Education (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To support a national labor-management collaboration conference
University of California - Berkeley (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
University of California, Irvine (Amount: $1,800,000)
Description: To support targeted projects in the Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition and Research Competition
University of Central Florida Foundation Inc. (Amount: $1,500,055)
Description: To support TeachLivE, a simulation for teacher development
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Amount: $2,559,600)
Description: To operationalize Transfer Programs of Study in STEM
University of Southern California (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support building institutional and system data analytic capacity in a select number of 2- and 4-year higher ed institutions in CO that will allow college completion goals to result in sustained changes in practice with a focus on equity
University of Southern California - Department of Contracts and Grants (Amount: $31,000)
Description: To support the development of a chapter regarding the sensitivity of state tests to instructional content and quality for the edited volume of the MET project
University of Texas at Austin (Amount: $30,000)
Description: To support development of a chapter about the UTeach Observation Protocol for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
University of Toronto (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To develop and implement high quality Massive Open Online Courses that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
University of Virginia (Amount: $49,864)
Description: To support development of a chapter about classroom observation protocols for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
University of Washington Foundation (Amount: $560,000)
Description: To collaborate with Teach for America on the redesign of its pre-service program, including its Summer Institute, to better prepare novice teachers to enact a core set of teaching practices
University of Washington Foundation (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
University of Washington Foundation (Amount: $615,000)
Description: To determine financial and resource allocation implications of blended learning schools in K-12
University of Wisconsin (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
University of the People (Amount: $613,282)
Description: To support a start-up university with a low-cost model to earn national accreditation
University of the State of New York (Amount: $1,600,000)
Description: To support a 'demonstration collaboration' between and among the NYSED and a cohort of school districts that seek to conduct high quality teacher evaluations that connect to meaningful, effective teacher supports
Urban Teacher Residency United Inc (Amount: $416,564)
Description: To build a more comprehensive approach to improving and scaling the United Teacher Residency model and its implementation in urban districts around the nation
Vanderbilt University (Amount: $578,136)
Description: To support a research project seeking to understand what conditions and supports will need to be in place for principals and other key stakeholders to productively use new measures of teaching becoming available
WNET (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To support the The International Summit on the Future of the Teacher Profession
Wake Technical Community College (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
Western Governors University (Amount: $1,190,130)
Description: To provide nine community and technical colleges in FL, IN, TX, and WA with direct support in adopting competency-based models of higher education
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (Amount: $3,002,482)
Description: To support reinvestment in the expansion of the data analytics service to colleges at scale
inBloom, Inc. (Amount: $18,694,189)
Description: To support the completion of the wind down of operations in furtherance of the charitable objectives of the project