
Gates Foundation (education) grants since 1998

This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data

Achieving the Dream, Inc. (Amount: $2,400,000)

Description: For general operating support

Acrobatiq, Inc. (Amount: $2,050,925)

Description: To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses

Alliance for Excellent Education Inc. (Amount: $1,137,530)

Description: To coordinate a coalition of advocacy organizations interested in supporting district-led initiatives in personalized learning

Alliance for Excellent Education Inc. (Amount: $3,500,000)

Description: For general operating support

American Architectural Foundation (Amount: $390,871)

Description: To support design workshops with school leaders, district and school staff, and community members to explore how the use of existing space or design of new space can support new learning models

American Association of School Administrators, Inc. (Amount: $300,399)

Description: To assist in developing, disseminating, and supporting readiness and planning for iPD by leveraging organizations with existing networks

American Council on Education (Amount: $2,065,628)

Description: To support the development of an ecosystem of alternative credit and promote greater acceptance of alternative credit by higher education institutions and systems, which will create smoother and more flexible pathways for more Americans to earn high-quality postsecondary credentials

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Inc (Amount: $174,888)

Description: To develop and incorporate professional development based on the Common Core State Standards

American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research (Amount: $249,445)

Description: To support research and dissemination of effective teacher leadership practices

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $69,992)

Description: To support the development of tools and processes that help principals use multiple measures to improve teaching

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $240,941)

Description: To develop understanding on the current state of play on income sharing agreements and their potential to help students pay for their education beyond high school

American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $403,310)

Description: To support the development of new performance measures and benchmarking approaches that are well adapted to postsecondary colleges that implement new instructional methods and business models

Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To understand families' uses of technology for learning outside of school

Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University (Amount: $6,330,000)

Description: To support the University Innovation Alliance, whose members will test, implement, and share interventions and learnings to improve access, quality, and cost for low-income and first-generation students

Asia Society (Amount: $1,292,638)

Description: To support the development and dissemination of tools and processes to improve teacher effectiveness, create pathways for teacher leaders, and develop personalized learning tools

Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (Amount: $25,000)

Description: To support the 2014 Higher Education Summit focusing on creating meaningful change for Asian-American and Pacific Islander students

Aspen Institute Inc (Amount: $8,985,088)

Description: To support the implementation of college ready standards and assessments to support effective teaching

Aspen Institute Inc (Amount: $435,000)

Description: To support Common Core implementation

Aspen Institute Inc (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To support research on the status of use of labor market outcome data for different audiences

Aspire Public Schools (Amount: $342,240)

Description: To support development of tools to support English Language Learners

Aspire Public Schools (Amount: $20,000)

Description: To support founding teachers to attend the 15-year anniversary of Aspire Public Schools

Association for Institutional Research (Amount: $750,654)

Description: To support institutional capacity for using data to better inform decision-making and to explore models for increasing such capacity across institutions and systems

Association of American Colleges and Universities (Amount: $249,660)

Description: To support the 2015-2016 centennial year to AAC&U by providing financial support to embolden their communications and engagement activities

Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (Amount: $2,507,628)

Description: To explore new models that support student success at urban liberal arts colleges and comprehensive independent universities

Baton Rouge Area Foundation (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To support a coalition of organizations working to improve student outcomes in Louisiana schools

Behavioral Ideas Lab, Inc (Amount: $249,636)

Description: To examine the opportunity for application of behavioral science approaches and techniques in the development and implementation of integrated advising systems that will lead to improved student learning and success in college

Board of Regents University of Wisconsin System (Amount: $200,090)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

Broward College (Amount: $74,971)

Description: To support a better understanding of student population, their needs, and how to drive higher persistence and graduation rates

CELT Corporation (Amount: $52,760)

Description: To validate reliability in implementation processes

CELT Corporation (Amount: $514,800)

Description: To support the development of planning tools for districts engaged in innovation

California State University (Amount: $200,035)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

California State University (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To support commitments from the California State Legislature and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to create the California Open Education Resource Council and the first version of the California Open Source Digital Library to increase adoption of open textbooks

Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To support the Common Core State Standards for educators and the public

Center for American Progress (Amount: $800,000)

Description: To improve the lives of low and middle-income Americans by developing and disseminating progressive policy ideas to improve postsecondary access, affordability, and quality

Center for Collaborative Education (Amount: $350,000)

Description: To assist in developing, disseminating, and supporting readiness and planning for iPD by leveraging organizations with existing networks

Center for Public Justice (Amount: $99,999)

Description: To engage faith leaders to better understand and support education initiatives

Center for Reform of School Systems Inc. (Amount: $972,350)

Description: To support the design and implementation of innovative professional development

Central Savannah River Area Regional Educational Service Agency (Amount: $287,115)

Description: To develop and implement trainings that create instructional shifts in support of the Common Core

Cerego, LLC (Amount: $3,551,414)

Description: To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses

Chattahoochee Flint Regional Educational Service Agency (Amount: $291,451)

Description: To facilitate the instructional shifts necessary in teacher practice to implement the Common Core

Children Now (Amount: $475,000)

Description: To support the Common Core State Standards in California

Children's First Fund, The Chicago Public School Foundation (Amount: $1,249,040)

Description: To advance collaboration between traditional district schools and public charter schools in Chicago

Civic Builders Inc. (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support the development of a center for teaching and learning

Claflin University (Amount: $75,020)

Description: To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success

CogBooks Limited (Amount: $1,999,168)

Description: To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses

College Success Foundation (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support an evaluation of the DC Achievers and HERO programs

College-Ready Promise (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To improve the effectiveness of teachers by supporting the implementations of the Common Core math and literacy strategies

Colorado Education Initiative (Amount: $5,199,999)

Description: To support and sustain efforts to implement Colorado Academic standards and assessments

Colorado Education Initiative (Amount: $385,251)

Description: To validate reliability in teacher evaluation models

Colorado Education Initiative (Amount: $21,080)

Description: To support participants from Colorado to attend the Global Education Leaders' Program

Colorado Seminary (Amount: $687,338)

Description: To support improving math instruction and math achievement for young children by upgrading the technology and impact of the Building Blocks Learning Trajectories into a Learning and Teaching with Learning Trajectories tool

Communities Foundation of Texas (Amount: $150,000)

Description: To support a better understanding of student population, their needs, and how to drive higher persistence and graduation rates

Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc (Amount: $531,270)

Description: To enable conference support to SXSW EDU for both 2014-2015

Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc (Amount: $1,400,000)

Description: To educate and inform Texas policymakers and stakeholders about effective strategies for improving success of low-income students in completing a postsecondary credential of value

Complete College America Inc (Amount: $3,500,000)

Description: To promote improvements in college completion rates nationally by working with an alliance of states committed to increasing college completion

Consortium for Educational Change (Amount: $7,500,000)

Description: To support the high-quality integration of Common Core State Standards and new teacher feedback and evaluation systems

Consortium of Florida Education Foundations Inc (Amount: $140,000)

Description: To provide for general conference support

Constitutional Rights Foundation (Amount: $299,709)

Description: To provide professional development opportunities for teachers to further hardwire the Common Core curriculum

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (Amount: $388,639)

Description: To support the use of student perception surveys to provide feedback for teachers

Council of Chief State School Officers (Amount: $6,148,749)

Description: To support the implementation of CCSSO's 2014-2015 Strategic Plan

Dallas Independent School District (Amount: $841,000)

Description: To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning

Delaware State University Foundation Inc. (Amount: $75,020)

Description: To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success

Denver Public Schools Foundation (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To support districts in the implementation of personalized learning models

Denver Public Schools Foundation (Amount: $356,485)

Description: To implement a strategic plan for personalized learning

Denver School of Science and Technology Inc (Amount: $332,371)

Description: To support Common Core implementation

Dillard University (Amount: $75,020)

Description: To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success (Amount: $2,000,000)

Description: To support individual teachers' projects to help improve their practice (Amount: $1,600,000)

Description: To help more than 3,000 teachers successfully complete their classroom project requests, providing them with materials and experiences to help them kick off the school year

EdSource Inc. (Amount: $768,070)

Description: To provide timely, useful information to California educators and policymakers, highlighting effective models and strategies intended to improve student outcomes

Education Cities, Inc (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To support efforts to provide customized support on personalized learning to its members

Education Northwest (Amount: $220,000)

Description: To identify policies and practices to improve percent of credits transferred for two-year students transferring to four-year institutions

Education Resource Strategies, Inc. (Amount: $150,000)

Description: To support a chief financial officers network

Education Resource Strategies, Inc. (Amount: $250,283)

Description: To support the development of tools to improve teaching effectiveness

Education Trust Inc (Amount: $750,000)

Description: To support equity focused post-secondary work and strategic planning

Educational Testing Service (Amount: $120,000)

Description: To host and provide secured access to select Measures of Effective Teaching classroom videos

Educause (Amount: $14,526,072)

Description: To support the Next Generation Learning Challenges - Breakthrough Schools Fund

Educause (Amount: $105,357)

Description: To conduct research on the current limitations and preferred features of learning management system (LMS) and other technology platforms so they can effectively deliver more personalized and blended instruction that enhances student outcomes

Edvance Foundation (Amount: $90,255)

Description: To prepare and release a comprehensive, national research study of the practices and protocol of two-year students when they transfer to four-year independent colleges and universities

Edward Charles Foundation (Amount: $248,285)

Description: To support the development of personalized learning tools

Empirical Resolution Inc. (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To continue building a website that provides personalized grammar lessons and interactive peer writing tools for students

Empower Schools Inc. (Amount: $655,874)

Description: To support a set of pilot activities designed to increase the number of high-quality school seats in Massachusetts by leveraging flexibilities with Common Core instruction

EnLearn (Amount: $291,623)

Description: To support the development of personalized learning tools

EnLearn (Amount: $984,138)

Description: To support the development of personalized learning tools

Entertainment Industry Foundation (Amount: $988,208)

Description: To support a multi-year national media campaign on education, with the purpose of empowering students and teachers

Excelencia in Education (Amount: $1,019,500)

Description: To increase the capacity of Excelencia in Education to identify innovative ways to change postsecondary strategies and increase college completion for Latinos and other post-traditional students while building momentum for action with diverse audiences

Excelsior College (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To educate state policy and postsecondary leaders about the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)

FSG, Inc. (Amount: $33,000)

Description: To produce a case study on the approach to student engagement and self-directed learning

Fayetteville State University (Amount: $75,020)

Description: To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success

Florida Department of Education (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To provide support for high performing charters and districts in Florida to collaborate

Foundation Center (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To provide administrative support for the i3 Foundation Registry process

Foundation for Excellence in Education Inc. (Amount: $299,112)

Description: To develop resources and training for districts to protect privacy of student data

Franklin-McKinley School District (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To support district-charter collaboration as it relates to Common Core implementation

Friends of Breakthrough Schools (Amount: $150,051)

Description: To support district charter collaboration in Cleveland

Fulton County School System (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To support districts in the implementation of personalized learning models

Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc (Amount: $852,205)

Description: To support the expansion of the Common Assignment study

Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc (Amount: $27,500)

Description: To support participants from Kentucky to attend the Global Education Leaders' Program

Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $300,296)

Description: To support New York City Department of Education with strategic planning

Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $20,000)

Description: To support the development of a knowledge exchange plan between district and charter schools

Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $12,327)

Description: To support participants from New York to attend the Global Education Leaders' Program

Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $7,629)

Description: To support the Fund for Public Schools

George W. Bush Institute (Amount: $120,275)

Description: To support teaching summits focused on communicating practices that support college-readiness efforts in the US

Georgetown University (Amount: $2,799,312)

Description: To support creation of an institute whose aim is to provide state agencies with operational support and technical assistance in advancing measurement of student success and labor market outcomes

GlassLab, Inc. (Amount: $73,852)

Description: To support the development of personalized learning tools

Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $85,000)

Description: For general conference support

Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $45,000)

Description: For general conference support

Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $25,000)

Description: To support a 2014 Member Briefing related to 'States as the unit of change'

Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $10,000)

Description: For conference support

Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $85,000)

Description: For general conference support

Great Schools Partnership Inc. (Amount: $199,747)

Description: To support the participating districts of the Next Generation Systems Initiative (NGSI) to develop competency-based progression components of personalized learning models

Guilford Technical Community College (Amount: $834,494)

Description: To support an implementation study of multiple measures at six colleges in the North Carolina community college system

Harvard University (Amount: $10,000)

Description: To provide prize money and administrative costs for the Harvard Graduate School of Education's 2014 Education Innovation Pitch Competition, which is designed to generate new entrepreneurial concepts in the education sector

Harvard University (Amount: $1,672,380)

Description: To evaluate the implementation and impact on student achievement and postsecondary outcomes of math options in Tennessee for high school seniors, including the SAILS Program in Tennessee, which delivers content in keeping with a college-level remedial math sequence to high school seniors through a blended learning model

Harvard University (Amount: $207,350)

Description: To create an endowed fellowship for the Doctorate of Education Leadership at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

Henry County Schools (Amount: $363,000)

Description: To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning

Hispanic Scholarship Fund (Amount: $250,188)

Description: To provide the technology foundation and basic content needed to establish Hispanic Scholarship Fund University which will, when built, provide Hispanic parents and students with comprehensive, bilingual college readiness education and information at no charge through a web-based platform and on mobile devices

Hope Street Group (Amount: $216,350)

Description: To support Hope Street Group Kentucky Partner Expansion and Regional Engagement Projects

Hope Street Group (Amount: $1,068,280)

Description: To support improvements to Kentucky's Professional Growth and Effectiveness System

ILID Inc (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To provide general operating support

IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (Amount: $867,125)

Description: To support the development of open standards (freely available and royalty-free) and provide developer resources to make it easier to deploy a wide diversity of innovative learning resources, content, tools, apps and platforms in an integrative manner - thus enabling greater choice of technologies for students, teachers and institutions in order to improve educational participation and achievement of low income students

Illinois Network Of Charter Schools (Amount: $281,800)

Description: To advance collaboration between traditional district schools and public charter schools in Chicago

Innosight Institute Inc (Amount: $617,210)

Description: To develop an innovation framework to serve as a guide for institutions, policymakers, innovators, and funders in the postsecondary space

Institute For Higher Education Policy (Amount: $495,885)

Description: To bring together core stakeholders in order to share, validate, and refine a core set of postsecondary measures to improve data systems in support of broader student financial aid reform goals and to offer additional policy opportunities

Institute for College Access and Success (Amount: $1,200,000)

Description: To increase college affordability and completion for low-income students

Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (Amount: $299,078)

Description: To advance Common Core learning by furthering the instructional expertise and leadership of teachers

Institute of Play, Inc. (Amount: $300,000)

Description: For general operating support

International Society for Technology in Education (Amount: $282,636)

Description: To mobilize teacher learning focused on the Common Core

Jackson State University (Amount: $75,020)

Description: To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success

Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $840,235)

Description: To support work that JFF will do with key K-12 and IHE partners in select states to help create a set of transition strategies, so that more 12th graders, particularly low-income students, graduate ready to succeed in college

Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To develop a collaborative business model between employers and community colleges that provides postsecondary students with the much needed workforce development skills and credentials that employers demand of new hires

Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $1,999,277)

Description: To provide counsel and technical assistance to postsecondary state agencies and intermediaries in at least 12 states to advance the adoption and implementation of policies that boost postsecondary success

Johnson C Smith University Incorporated (Amount: $75,020)

Description: To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success

KIPP Foundation (Amount: $350,000)

Description: To raise the bar on literacy instruction in order to ensure that students are prepared to meet the demands of the Common Core

KIPP Foundation (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To support for KIPP Schools Summit 2014

Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $221,682)

Description: To boost the voice of business, community, and opinion leaders on postsecondary performance and improvement issues in Kentucky, specifically, outcome-based funding, workforce linkages, and accountability

Kentucky Department of Education (Amount: $3,370,078)

Description: To support and expand efforts to implement Kentucky's Academic Standards

LEAP Innovations (Amount: $277,064)

Description: To help facilitate short-cycle feedback on digital courseware product efficacy

LEAP Innovations (Amount: $1,112,000)

Description: To advance collaboration between traditional district schools and public charter schools in Chicago

Lake County Schools (Amount: $3,940,766)

Description: To support organizations to develop innovative professional development systems to create personalized learning systems for teachers; experiment with innovative modes of delivery; and build the capacity at every level of the organization to design learning and direct resources efficiently and effectively

Lake County Schools (Amount: $450,000)

Description: To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning

Leadership Florida Statewide Community Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To support planning, development, and execution of education-centered learning opportunities in Florida

Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation Inc. (Amount: $225,000)

Description: To support the Common Core in New York

LearnZillion, Inc. (Amount: $172,800)

Description: To support teachers on LearnZillion to collaborate with one another to identify meaningful solutions for their classroom, school, or community by participating in online challenges

Learning First Alliance (Amount: $365,955)

Description: To support Common Core State Standards implementation

Learning Forward (Amount: $1,548,053)

Description: To build awareness and understanding of the need for solutions in professional learning redesign

LightSIDE Labs LLC (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To develop a system that automatically assesses and gives feedback on student writing, and supports the revision process for students

Liquid Interactive (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To fund development of a web-based tool to help improve students' writing skills

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (Amount: $187,500)

Description: For general conference support

Low Income Investment Fund (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To support Charter School Lenders Coalition

Lumen, LLC (Amount: $2,985,251)

Description: To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses

Match Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $340,583)

Description: To support Common Core State Standards implementation

Michigan State University (Amount: $75,000)

Description: To support a better understanding of student population, their needs, and how to drive higher persistence and graduation rates

Mills College (Amount: $2,840,620)

Description: To support Common Core State Standards implementation

MindWires Consulting (Amount: $350,000)

Description: To increase knowledge in the educational community around research-validated innovations in personalized learning

Minnesota State Colleges & Universities (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

Montana University System (Amount: $200,044)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

Morehouse College (Amount: $75,020)

Description: To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success

NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To support the attendance of Master Teachers at the NEA's Empowered Educators conference and provide an opportunity for these educators to share their learnings and leadership experiences related to the Common Core

National Academy of Sciences (Amount: $550,008)

Description: To support the update of the National Research Council's report on advances in learning

National Alliance For Public Charter Schools (Amount: $3,000,000)

Description: For the National Alliance for Public Charter schools to advance its mission for high quality public charter schools

National Association Of Charter School Authorizers (Amount: $800,000)

Description: To support district-charter compact cities in advancing college ready strategies

National Association Of Charter School Authorizers (Amount: $3,000,000)

Description: To provide general operating support

National Association Of Charter School Authorizers (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To provide technical assistance and support to potential district charter school authorizer applicants and to districts wishing to explore potential partnerships with public charter schools in Washington State

National Association of State Budget Officers (Amount: $225,000)

Description: To identify and address the information gap that exists between state budget officials and higher education officials to foster constructive dialogue between these two groups and help inform resource allocation decisions that lead to better higher education outcomes

National Association of System Heads (Amount: $90,000)

Description: For conference support

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To provide community/social networking functionality to the teachers who are members of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To support a professional development conference designed and delivered by the National Board, Teaching & Learning 2014

National Center For Teacher Residencies Inc (Amount: $528,580)

Description: To support a network of high performing teacher residency programs

National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (Amount: $375,000)

Description: To develop formulations of state policies and accreditation requirements that are supportive of innovative approaches to educational delivery that can substantially improve access and success for low-income adults

National Center for Learning Disabilities (Amount: $124,315)

Description: To support policy on personalized learning, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners

National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies (Amount: $498,156)

Description: To identify and share with the public a set of practices that U.S. public school districts can use to pilot learning technology products as part of the procurement process

National College Access Network (Amount: $508,700)

Description: To support continued federal policy recommendations dedicated to achieving practical improvements in federal financial aid policies that will lead to increased uptake of federal aid and increased completion rates for Pell Grant recipients

National Council for the Social Studies (Amount: $205,000)

Description: To operationalize a plan designed to help social studies teachers implement the Common Core State Standards

National Geographic Society (Amount: $10,000)

Description: To provide access for students in low-income neighborhoods to the National Geographic Live! Speaker Series, a monthly event for Washington State students that showcases National Geographic explorers, scientists, photographers, and filmmakers

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (Amount: $598,705)

Description: To support governors and their advisors regarding efficiency and effectiveness metrics for postsecondary education; strategic finance; and policies related to new credentialing models

National Literacy Project Inc. (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To support successful implementation of the Florida State Standards for Career and College Readiness

National Paideia Center Inc (Amount: $298,375)

Description: To further develop National Paideia Center's online literacy course with the goal of providing needed instructional support for the Common Core Standards

National Public Education Support Fund (Amount: $235,000)

Description: To provide for general operating support

National Skills Coalition (Amount: $750,000)

Description: To improve linkages within workforce data systems and to educational data systems with the aims of developing greater understanding and spurring improvement in postsecondary practice, policy, and human capital development strategies

National Staff Development Council (Amount: $239,651)

Description: To support the 2014 Annual Conference in further developing iPD for its members

National Writing Project (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To mobilize teacher learning focused on the Common Core

New America Foundation (Amount: $535,000)

Description: To support the development of best practices that improve instruction of teachers and increases college readiness rates for students

New America Foundation (Amount: $235,000)

Description: To inform policymakers seeking an understanding of how to implement automatic income-based repayment to help simplify and streamline student loan repayment processes

New Classrooms Innovation Partners, Inc. (Amount: $6,285,000)

Description: To support New Classrooms' efforts to expand the reach and impact of its middle school math model, Teach to One: Math

New Classrooms Innovation Partners, Inc. (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To further develop a skill map for a next generation learning model in math

New Profit Inc. (Amount: $50,000)

Description: To support New Profit Learning for Career and Civic Success Initiative

New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To provide scholarships for black and Hispanic leaders to attend the NewSchools' 2014 Summit

New Schools for Chicago (Amount: $115,000)

Description: To advance collaboration between traditional district schools and public charter schools in Chicago

New Teacher Center (Amount: $250,000)

Description: To support teachers new teachers to collaborate with one another to identify meaningful solutions for their classroom, school, or community by participating in online challenges

New Venture Fund (Amount: $12,750,300)

Description: To support Common Core State Standards implementation

New Venture Fund (Amount: $582,637)

Description: To provide support for the New Venture Fund to identify and manage LDC/MDC teacher networks

New Venture Fund (Amount: $2,266,215)

Description: For general conference support

New Venture Fund (Amount: $21,000)

Description: To support development of teacher leadership training

New Visions for Public Schools, Inc (Amount: $350,000)

Description: To support development and piloting of Common Core-aligned course design in high schools

New York Urban League (Amount: $185,242)

Description: To support the creation of a statewide Urban League affiliate coalition to educate community members on education issues

Noble Network of Charter Schools (Amount: $341,575)

Description: To support Common Core implementation

North American Council for Online Learning (Amount: $301,300)

Description: To provide for general conference support

North Carolina Community Foundation Inc (Amount: $137,638)

Description: To enhance the educational and career outcomes for North Carolina students by bringing together organizations funding across the education spectrum in the state

North Carolina State University (Amount: $479,874)

Description: To create two primary learning resources to help students and teachers to capitalize on the personalization of learning paths in mathematics

Pacific Charter School Development Inc. (Amount: $3,998,633)

Description: To support the facility needs of charter schools in Washington State

Partnership For Los Angeles Schools (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To support the Partnership for L.A. Schools to pilot new personalized learning approaches in math

Pennsylvania Business Council Education Foundation (Amount: $149,915)

Description: To educate and engage business leaders about college ready standards for Pennsylvania students

Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (Amount: $240,000)

Description: To inform and educate state policy makers and key stakeholders about the importance of the Pennsylvania Core Standards, aligned assessments, more rigorous graduation requirements and the educator effectiveness system in preparing student to be college ready

PeopleFirst Partnership (Amount: $342,576)

Description: To build awareness of and engage communities in supporting teachers and their development

Pivot Learning Partners (Amount: $400,011)

Description: To assist in developing, disseminating, and supporting readiness and planning for iPD by leveraging organizations with existing networks

Policy Innovators In Education Network, Inc. (Amount: $1,500,000)

Description: For general operating support

Portland Public Schools (Amount: $9,000)

Description: To support districts in the implementation of personalized learning models

Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence (Amount: $899,980)

Description: To support the implementation of Kentucky's education initiatives

Public Agenda (Amount: $800,000)

Description: To produce a baseline understanding of the landscape and advances in competency-based education to help inform higher education stakeholders

Puget Sound Educational Service District (Amount: $199,767)

Description: To support the development and implementation of and to provide back-office support and operations support services for public charter schools in Washington state

ReadWorks, Inc (Amount: $295,989)

Description: To leverage existing networks to create instructional shifts relevant to the Common Core State Standards

Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy Inc (Amount: $499,999)

Description: To support the Massachusetts Education Partnership, a coalition designed to help Massachusetts districts implement systemic changes that advance student achievement

Research for Action Inc (Amount: $190,000)

Description: To disseminate research findings on Common Core-aligned instructional supports for teachers

Research for Action Inc (Amount: $800,000)

Description: To identify and compare institutional responses to different types of outcome-based funding models to improve understanding of their impact and thus inform design and modification of new models

Rhode Island Mayoral Academies (Amount: $263,000)

Description: To support the Comeback City High Expectations Project (CHEP)

Rhode Island Mayoral Academies (Amount: $200,114)

Description: To support personalized learning strategy development

Rice University (Amount: $3,500,000)

Description: To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses

Riverside Unified School District (Amount: $550,000)

Description: To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $640,000)

Description: To support a coalition focused on ensuring high and consistent standards and aligned assessments in New York state

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To support a field of interest fund to help states in their efforts to implement high quality, college and career-ready assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $1,000,000)

Description: To provide operating support

Rodel Charitable Foundation DE (Amount: $13,000)

Description: To help funders and policy makers deepen the impact of their work by demonstrating how to leverage cross-sector partnerships and international advisors in transforming systems of education at the state level in the U.S.

Rose Community Foundation (Amount: $708,789)

Description: To support high academic standards for Colorado students

Sacramento County Office of Education (Amount: $100,000)

Description: To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards

School Board of Orange County (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To support districts in the implementation of personalized learning models

School Board of Pinellas County, Florida (Amount: $550,000)

Description: To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning

School District of Philadelphia (Amount: $85,000)

Description: To support anaylsis and strategy development to support education priorities in the district

SchoolWorks, LLC (Amount: $399,370)

Description: To support the development of personalized learning tools

Silicon Valley Education Foundation (Amount: $750,000)

Description: To support Common Core State Standards implementation

Smart Sparrow LLC (Amount: $4,500,000)

Description: To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses

Social Science Research Council (Amount: $888,269)

Description: To engage faculty and other stakeholders in discussions about field-specific learning goals for undergraduates and develop tools to improve student learning

Southern Regional Education Board (Amount: $12,000,000)

Description: To provide for general operating support

Southern Regional Education Board (Amount: $900,900)

Description: To support implementation of SREB's strategic plan

Southwest Georgia Regional Educational Service Agency (Amount: $295,418)

Description: To expand teacher trainings for the Common Core throughout the districts in Southwest Georgia

Spelman College (Amount: $75,020)

Description: To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success

St. Bernard Parish Public Schools (Amount: $300,000)

Description: To expand and implement LDC across multiple districts in Louisiana

Stand for Children Leadership Center (Amount: $2,551,388)

Description: To support Common Core implementation and teacher effectiveness programs

Stanford University (Amount: $500,000)

Description: To support business planning and materials development for a center focused on harnessing new technologies to improve mathematics instruction

Stanford University (Amount: $90,904)

Description: To expand and improve educational opportunities for public school students in California by supporting successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards

Stanford University (Amount: $450,000)

Description: To support the Core Practice Consortium to develop, implement, and study teacher education pedagogies

Stanford University (Amount: $1,150,000)

Description: To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses

State Education Technology (Amount: $223,813)

Description: To educate school district leaders and other stakeholders on how state instructional materials policies and funding can support the procurement of effective, standards-aligned digital content and software by educators to help personalize learning

State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (Amount: $1,000,942)

Description: To increase student success in postsecondary education by focusing on and sharing best practices in state-level data gathering and use to drive continuous improvement in higher education

State University of New York (Amount: $200,200)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

Success Academy Charter Schools Inc (Amount: $350,000)

Description: To support Common Core State Standards implementation

Summit Public Schools (Amount: $700,000)

Description: To support Common Core implementation

Summit Public Schools (Amount: $500,000)

Description: For general conference support

Teach Plus, Incorporated (Amount: $7,500,000)

Description: For general operating support

Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $167,507)

Description: To examine the process and best ways to leverage Integrated Planning and Advising Services technologies to create meaningful and lasting change that can support student success and to build knowledge about promising approaches to transformative institutional change

Teaching Channel (Amount: $2,500,000)

Description: To provide for general operating support

Tennessee Board of Regents (Amount: $200,035)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

Tennessee Department of Education (Amount: $397,710)

Description: To support teacher evaluation and feedback systems in Tennessee

Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education (Amount: $226,647)

Description: To support The Tennessee Educator Fellowship

Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education (Amount: $749,882)

Description: To support a network of districts in amplifying their voice on education improvement efforts and professional development resources

Texas Community College Education Initiative (Amount: $224,989)

Description: To provide funding for the Community College Association of Texas Trustees to build training curricula and deliver professional development to Texas trustees

Texas Tech University (Amount: $52,800)

Description: For general conference support

Tulsa Public Schools (Amount: $3,100,875)

Description: To support organizations to develop innovative professional development systems to create personalized learning systems for teachers; experiment with innovative modes of delivery; and build the capacity at every level of the organization to design learning and direct resources efficiently and effectively

Tyton Partners (Amount: $1,496,462)

Description: To support the postsecondary sector's access to timely and dynamic, market ecosystem information about educational technologies and innovations that can improve student outcomes and advance personalized learning

U.S. Department of Education (Amount: $50,000)

Description: For conference support

United Way of New York City (Amount: $100,000)

Description: For general operating support

University System of Georgia (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

University System of Maryland Foundation (Amount: $200,616)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

University of California - Berkeley (Amount: $999,793)

Description: To create a Networked Improvement Community (NIC) to support successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards in Math

University of California, Los Angeles (Amount: $75,000)

Description: To develop a learning map prototype for Common Core State Math Standards

University of Chicago (Amount: $250,648)

Description: To research strategies and best practices used to ensure students are on track to graduation

University of Florida Foundation Inc. (Amount: $351,102)

Description: To support redesign of professional development for teachers

University of Hawaii Foundation (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Amount: $400,000)

Description: To promote deep implementation and scaling of evidence-based innovations and reform by Trade Adjustment Act Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Consortia (comprised of community colleges) that are part of the Transformative Change Initiative (TCI)

University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc. (Amount: $212,022)

Description: To support the development of personalized learning tools

University of Maryland Foundation (Amount: $114,975)

Description: To learn more about the needs of an emergent community of academic transformation leaders, practitioners, and change agents who serve the currently underserved students we all want to see succeed in larger numbers

University of Michigan (Amount: $544,810)

Description: To bridge the knowledge gap in understanding how and why different financial aid packages, types of aid, amounts, and timing of receipt of financial aid during college can indirectly or directly affect a student's college retention, graduation, and their post-collegiate student loan repayment activities

University of North Carolina (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

University of Pittsburgh (Amount: $119,957)

Description: To increase students' access to financial aid for postsecondary education and, in turn, their college access and success

University of Texas System (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

University of Texas at Arlington (Amount: $1,600,465)

Description: To support the formation of a Digital Learning Research Network (dLRN) that will partner top learning scientists and researchers with classrooms and communities where quality learning is most needed in order to ensure that high quality teaching and learning approaches are utilized to help all learners succeed in digital environments

University of Virginia (Amount: $224,295)

Description: To research scalability of digital college and financial aid application tools

University of Washington Foundation (Amount: $929,479)

Description: To support the development of principal effectiveness

Urban Institute (Amount: $275,409)

Description: To refine existing and develop new policy options with the central goals of simplifying the student aid system and promoting the success of adult students

Urban League of Lexington - Fayette County (Amount: $149,969)

Description: To support African American leaders to better understand and support education initiatives in Fayette and Jefferson County Kentucky school systems

Utah System of Higher Education (Amount: $200,035)

Description: To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students

Vanderbilt University (Amount: $499,473)

Description: To support the development of a guide to improve teacher effectiveness evaluations

Vanderbilt University (Amount: $286,476)

Description: To assist in developing, disseminating, and supporting readiness and planning for iPD by leveraging organizations with existing networks

Washington Charter School Development, Inc (Amount: $19,813,088)

Description: To support the facility needs of charter schools in Washington State

Washington State Charter Schools Association (Amount: $6,300,000)

Description: To contribute to a fund to support charter schools in Washington state

WestEd (Amount: $3,632,786)

Description: To provide support for teacher practice networks nationally, and with a focus in California

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (Amount: $200,000)

Description: To increase access to high-quality postsecondary education for all citizens of the West, this effort will reduce barriers for students pursuing further education as they participate in on-line educational offerings offered across state lines, not only in the West but throughout the entire United States

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (Amount: $2,397,732)

Description: To expand the regional Interstate Passport Initiative pilot to a national Phase II of the project, intended to create a new framework for block transfer of lower division general education based on learning outcomes mapped to courses, expanding the scope beyond pilot to double the state and institutional commitment and implement the necessary infrastructure for adoption and scale

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (Amount: $5,000,000)

Description: To expand and enhance a multi-state longitudinal data exchange to improve the quality and use of information about postsecondary and workforce outcomes for an increasingly mobile student population

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (Amount: $732,149)

Description: To support improving student success using multi-institutional predictive models and collaborative frameworks to identify critical points of student risk and to identify the benchmarks, interventions and services to help at-risk students

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (Amount: $109,222)

Description: To determine the possibility of aligning multiple organizations' efforts currently focused on transfer to more widely and effectively deploy solutions

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation (Amount: $1,500,000)

Description: To support the development of a competency-based model for preparing secondary math and science teachers in partnership with an urban public schools system and an affiliated higher education institution

Xavier University of Louisiana (Amount: $75,020)

Description: To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success

Young Invincibles (Amount: $1,200,000)

Description: To help inform the public debate around key questions facing the higher education community that ultimately impact the access and success of an entire generation trying to attain a degree and better themselves economically