Gates Foundation (education) grants since 1998
This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data
100 Black Men of America, Inc. (Amount: $900,000)
Description: To support emerging leaders of color in education
Achieve Inc (Amount: $4,000,000)
Description: For general operating support
Achieve Inc (Amount: $2,500,000)
Description: To support states in addressing the quality of their standards and state assessment systems as well as coalition and advocacy support to states in their Every Student Succeeds Act development and implementation
Achievement First Inc. (Amount: $994,850)
Description: To support leadership and organizational development of Charter Management Organizations led by leaders of color, through the Charter Network Accelerator
Achievement Network (Amount: $4,000,000)
Description: To support the work of the Achievement Network as they work alongside district leaders at the intersection of high-quality instructional tools, professional learning, and a vision for great teaching
Achieving the Dream, Inc. (Amount: $1,500,000)
Description: To provide capacity building support
Achieving the Dream, Inc. (Amount: $800,000)
Description: To evaluate the implementation and impact of high-quality degree pathways using Open Educational Resources (OER) in community colleges
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc. (Amount: $4,200,000)
Description: For general operating support
America Achieves, Inc (Amount: $400,000)
Description: To support development of innovative programmatic interventions focused on the connection between greater student ownership/agency and student persistence for closing the achievement gap
America Succeeds (Amount: $249,780)
Description: To leverage the voices of business leaders on issues related to high quality teacher preparation and equity
American Association of Community Colleges (Amount: $451,007)
Description: To co-create and document a framework for implementation services and supports that will lead to dramatically improved credential completions by students attending community colleges, and to closing the equity gap for those completing
American Association of State Colleges and Universities (Amount: $6,000,000)
Description: To identify, understand, and share what works to accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing new knowledge about the institutional change process
American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research (Amount: $1,157,579)
Description: To support the continued development of research-driven higher education policies to address structural problems standing in the way of greater student success
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $200,000)
Description: To bring stakeholders in teacher preparation to some agreement about which type of research would improve programs and which study designs and data could be used to carry out that research
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $1,258,720)
Description: To establish a community of practice that aligns teaching effectiveness measurement practices to the principles outlined in Feedback for Better Teaching: Nine Principles for Using Measures of Effective Teaching
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $2,500,000)
Description: To evaluate the effectiveness of organizations that provide transformational assistance to colleges and universities so that more of the students they serve graduate
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $5,132,658)
Description: To surface insights that can become 'playbooks' for institutions of higher education to use in efficiently scaling interventions to support student success
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (Amount: $246,658)
Description: To provide project support to evaluate competency-based education programs
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To accelerate the work of a set of high-potential institutions through testing, learning, and sharing focused practices for student success as identified at Interaction Effect 2015
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University (Amount: $5,046,591)
Description: To support an enterprise management approach to double enrollment, improve equity in access and success, and serve as a national scale university exemplar
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University (Amount: $4,172,505)
Description: To provide institutions ROI analysis and/or tools for better decision making in order to scale digital learning efforts, especially those that are most beneficial to outcomes for low income and underrepresented minority students
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University (Amount: $1,205,570)
Description: To increase credential production and improve equity in access and success to higher education through identifying and developing an enterprise model and growth plan for Arizona State University, while identifying and sharing critical factors for success
Aspen Institute Inc (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support creation of the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development that seeks to harness the research emerging in social and emotional development and kindred fields to further explore the evidence base for improving student outcomes by integrating social and emotional development into the design of pre K-12 educational programs and teaching and learning and to examine the implications for policy and practice
Association of Chief Academic Officers (Amount: $1,043,313)
Description: To support the adoption and implementation of digital learning\courseware which research indicates promise for improvements in increased success in general education\gateway courses for new majority students and in reducing equity gaps
Association of Community College Trustees (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To promote preparedness and resiliency against natural and unnatural disasters at community colleges while maintaining their commitment to student success, completion, and equity following such events
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (Amount: $493,709)
Description: To support the Student Achievement Measure project in strengthening consensus around improved outcome metrics and improving national postsecondary data infrastructure to collect and report more accurate student outcomes metrics for all institutions
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (Amount: $421,828)
Description: To promote the use and share the experience of adaptive courseware and advising systems as part of a broader transformation within universities that seek dramatically to improve credentialing productivity and reduce attainment gaps
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc. (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To elevate voices in the education blogger and social media space
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc. (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To develop a data set capturing current Charter Management Organization leadership demographics, labor market realities, and other contextual factors to inform the charter strategy
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc. (Amount: $19,000)
Description: To support Charter facilities planning in Boston
Boston Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $400,000)
Description: To expand opportunities and supports for educators across Greater Boston to collaborate and innovate in order to capitalize on school-level autonomies and unleash educators' potential to accelerate the rate of improvement across schools
Boston Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $20,000)
Description: To convene a working session of teacher leaders to explore and design a potential teacher leadership and engagement network for Massachusetts teachers
Boston Private Industry Council Inc (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To support Boston Charters Compact's execution of its unified enrollment plan
Boston Schools Fund Inc (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To enable Boston Schools Fund to work with Boston Public Schools to develop a strategic and operational plan
Brooke School Foundation (Amount: $200,000)
Description: To develop and share instructional tools and resources designed to help their students achieve at the highest levels of Massachusetts state math assessments (MCAS)
Business Innovation Factory (Amount: $1,500,000)
Description: To support the development of teacher communities of practice focused on equity and the achievement gap; to network leaders of communities to share, learn, and scale best practices and resources
CORE Districts (Amount: $6,350,000)
Description: For using Local Education Agencies Implementation Networks to support instructional improvement aligned with Common Core State Standards
CORE Districts (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To provide general operating support for the CORE Districts
CSGF Facility Fund III, LLC (Amount: $150,000)
Description: To support the operating costs of Charter School Growth Fund's Facility Fund
CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To convene large numbers of teachers on a single day in regions across the state of California to generate momentum around the singular impact of teachers on college and career readiness and directly impact teacher networking and collective practice, exposure to materials, resources and strategies for Common Core implementation
California Charter Schools Association (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To grant will be used to grow and support high-quality public charter schools in Oakland, California through school development supports and building advocacy strength
California Education Partners (Amount: $9,926,168)
Description: To improve outcomes for California students by supporting collaboration across districts
California School Boards Foundation (Amount: $75,035)
Description: To support the design of an equity-focused curriculum for training school and county board members and to use the new state tools in order to close opportunity gaps and promote improved outcomes for students
Campaign for Black Male Achievement Inc (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To support engagement efforts to improve student achievement for Black males in and across Kentucky
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To support the 2017 Summit on Improvement in Education Conference
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (Amount: $4,999,981)
Description: To support the development and application of improvement science and Networked Improvement Communities in education to support high quality implementation of instructional support systems at scale
Center for American Progress (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To increase educational equity by supporting successful implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act, promoting messages on elevating the teaching profession, and developing high-quality research and policy products focused on teacher pipeline issues
Center for American Progress (Amount: $1,700,001)
Description: To reinvest in ongoing efforts at the Center for American Progress focused on bringing high-quality, affordable education beyond high school which is necessary to rebuild the middle class and advance national competitiveness
Center for Better Schools (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support the development of a business model and growth plan for National Academy of Advanced Teacher Education (NAATE) to sustainably scale its program on a regional level and address the professional learning challenges for school and teacher leaders and teachers
Center for Education Reform (Amount: $203,356)
Description: To advance high quality charter policies
Central Kentucky Education Cooperative (Amount: $600,000)
Description: To build on and expand the Common Assignment Project across Kentucky and the professional capacity of educators through work with Co-ops
Central Kentucky Education Cooperative (Amount: $150,000)
Description: To support and expand high quality implementation of college ready standards and professional learning opportunities for teachers through the regional cooperative working alongside district and school leaders
Charter Board Partners (Amount: $1,198,443)
Description: To support high performing charters with the recruitment, training and on-boarding of board members
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund (Amount: $25,000,000)
Description: To provide support for Charter School Growth Fund - Fund III and Emerging Charter Management Organization Fund
Chiefs for Change (Amount: $599,683)
Description: To support states as they develop and implement Every Student Succeeds Act plans
Children Now (Amount: $110,413)
Description: To support communications to parents and community members around the Common Core and the Smarter Balanced Assessments in California
Citizen Schools, Inc. (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To evaluate the effectiveness of digital courseware
Collaborative for Teaching and Learning (Amount: $95,002)
Description: To provide an accurate picture of teacher leadership development efforts in Kentucky
College for All Texans Foundation (Amount: $498,410)
Description: To disseminate experiences, approaches, and successes of emergency aid programs at exemplar institutions in Texas
College for All Texans Foundation (Amount: $701,382)
Description: To provide analytical support to amplify the Texas higher education strategic plan
College-Ready Promise (Amount: $2,999,615)
Description: To support high performing charter management organizations with professional learning, instructional tools and data collection
Colorado Education Initiative (Amount: $9,575,000)
Description: To support efforts in improving college ready outcomes for Colorado students by deepening standards implementation, human capital strategies, and teacher engagement efforts throughout the state
Colorado Succeeds (Amount: $425,000)
Description: To educate, support and mobilize business leaders to be champions for equity in the state of Colorado
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc (Amount: $73,448)
Description: To enable conference support to SXSWEdu 2016
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc (Amount: $500,057)
Description: To support and spread the successful achievement-gap closing approach of RGV FOCUS in collaboration with regional school districts and postsecondary institutions
Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta (Amount: $249,035)
Description: To support a planning process that brings together community organizations, leaders, funders and others within the Georgia community to explore working together on postsecondary attainment issues for low-income students in Georgia
Complete College America Inc (Amount: $5,800,005)
Description: To reinvest in Complete College America to significantly increase the number of Americans with quality career certificates or college degrees and to close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Complete Tennessee (Amount: $1,093,168)
Description: To catalyze the creation of an independent organization that will advance student success and postsecondary attainment in Tennessee
Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To raise awareness and build understanding for equity in education
Convergence Center for Policy Resolution (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To support Convergence Center for Policy Resolution's Education Reimagined's convening efforts aimed at accelerating the growth and impact of the learner-centered education movement
Council For Adult And Experiential Learning (Amount: $1,249,638)
Description: To provide learners with relevant and up-to-date career exploration data and information by creating and promoting a Career Action Platform in Tennessee
Council of Chief State School Officers (Amount: $10,000,000)
Description: To support states as they develop and implement Every Student Succeeds Act plans
Council of Chief State School Officers (Amount: $15,408,198)
Description: To provide for general operating support
D2D (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To develop and solidify a model and training approach to build district and local TA capacity to accurately assess classroom practice and support deep implementation of the new standards with the goal to build an 'army' of practitioners to support better instruction
DC Public Education Fund (Amount: $5,000,000)
Description: To launch LEAP (LEarning together to Advance our Practice), a new program of the DC Public Schools that is designed to improve the quality of education and accelerate student achievement outcomes
DC Public Education Fund (Amount: $504,835)
Description: To enable broader access of DCPS Cornerstones to the field and the opportunity for districts and charters to adapt and use the Cornerstones material to support for more rigorous classroom learning
Data Quality Campaign, Inc. (Amount: $4,500,000)
Description: To make data work for students by ensuring policymakers prioritize building the culture, capacity and conditions to use data in service of student learning from early childhood through K-12, postsecondary and the workforce
Data Quality Campaign, Inc. (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To provide general operating support to Data Quality Campaign
Deans for Impact (Amount: $1,999,449)
Description: To support programmatic as well as advocacy, communications, and engagement efforts for innovative deans of education and the development of outcome-based measures for teacher preparation (Amount: $1,500,000)
Description: To create and spotlight new teacher leadership opportunities by facilitating the generation and dissemination of teachers' most innovative ideas for instruction (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To support a campaign that will kick off the back to school season on, ensuring that teachers begin the year with the resources that they need for a great school year
EdSource Inc. (Amount: $1,362,606)
Description: To deepen knowledge and awareness of state and federal reforms, including the Common Core standards and the Every Student Succeeds Act, through regular reporting on successful strategies as well as challenges that need to be overcome
EdSurge Inc. (Amount: $600,000)
Description: To increase the base of evidence around how schools characterize personalized learning, what implementation looks like and what are schools' pathways to building these models
Educate78 (Amount: $5,423,423)
Description: To design and launch new public schools, support teacher and leader retention, engage families and build coalitions in support of a more equitable and high-quality public education system in Oakland, CA
Education Cities, Inc (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To identify the role Education Cities can play in supporting Personalized Learning adoption in member cities
Education Commission of the States (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To support states as they develop and implement ESSA plans, utilizing the resources of Education Commission of the States and their state policy membership
Education Commission of the States (Amount: $515,000)
Description: To prepare for a broad-based initiative to implement innovative postsecondary education design principles and build the staff and organizational capacity of the initiative
Education Commission of the States (Amount: $1,034,527)
Description: To support the generation and dissemination of policy ideas to advance state higher education financial aid policy redesign and the development of intentional federal - state funding partnerships in postsecondary education
Education First Consulting LLC (Amount: $350,000)
Description: To seed, scale and communicate about new and successful teacher leadership opportunities in Massachusetts in order to impact a greater number of educators, resulting in better classroom instruction, enhanced collaboration, and improved student achievement
Education First Consulting LLC (Amount: $850,000)
Description: To facilitate learning in the areas of teacher preparation and personalized learning
Education Resource Strategies, Inc. (Amount: $465,000)
Description: To illustrate the costs, resource shifts, processes and structures necessary for school districts to carry out key elements of a redesigned professional learning system for teachers
Education Strategy Group, LLC (Amount: $800,000)
Description: To support state Every Student Succeeds Act plan development with meaningful engagement of the higher education community to validate high quality standards leading to college entrance without remediation
Education Trust Inc (Amount: $3,938,223)
Description: To support the Education Trust's policy research and coalition work
Education Trust Inc (Amount: $800,000)
Description: For general operating support
Education Trust Inc (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To provide general operating support
Education Trust Inc (Amount: $20,000)
Description: To support the implementation of equity walks
Education Writers Association (Amount: $25,000)
Description: To sponsor a reception of 150 higher education attendees of the 69th Education Writers Association National Seminar
Educators for Excellence (Amount: $4,000,000)
Description: To support the Teacher Leadership and Policy & Advocacy Programs, which engage and empower forward-thinking teachers as leaders in the movement toward educational equity
Educause (Amount: $603,750)
Description: To raise awareness of and build demand for evidence-backed innovations and to support Educause in the development of editorial content and related communications activities
Entertainment Industry Foundation (Amount: $2,700,000)
Description: To elevate the status of the teaching profession, promote students' feeling of agency in their own learning, and create public will for rigorous, innovative teaching and learning by building a new national narrative about our education system
Excelencia in Education (Amount: $20,000)
Description: To facilitate and support the work of the Latino Student Success Funders Group
FSG, Inc. (Amount: $799,531)
Description: To create case studies on personalized learning models and personalized learning networks
Florida Association of School Administrators Foundation Inc (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To expand the impact of the Florida Commissioner's Leadership Academy to build principal, assistant principal and instructional leadership team capacity in select schools within Florida implementation network districts
Florida Department of Education (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To support the Florida Department of Education's implementation of a state Request-for-Proposal focused on district - charter collaboration
Florida Philanthropic Network Inc. (Amount: $150,073)
Description: To fund the training and engagement of funders on the implementation challenges of Florida Standards
Florida State University Research Foundation Inc. (Amount: $1,098,028)
Description: To support the Center for Postsecondary Success in research and dissemination of actionable evidence on Florida postsecondary education outcomes and reforms
Forum for the Future of Higher Education (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To give conference support for the Aspen Symposium
Foundation Center (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To provide outreach and administer the Foundation Registry i3 on behalf of the education field
Foundation for California Community Colleges (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To support 15-20 selected community colleges in California in the implementation of guided pathways, while also building capacity within the state for spreading that work to a much larger numbers of colleges
Foundation for California Community Colleges (Amount: $499,905)
Description: To support the evaluation and scaling effort of the California Acceleration Project to reform developmental education at the California community colleges
Foundation for Educational Administration, Inc. (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To provide support and training to school and school district administrators for developing strategic plans focused on equity under California's new accountability system
Foundation for Excellence in Education Inc. (Amount: $1,300,000)
Description: For general operating support
Fund for Public Schools Inc (Amount: $1,120,539)
Description: To launch a program designed to support teacher to teacher collaboration and engagement by sharing lessons learned within schools and district wide through participating in a networked improvement community
Georgetown University (Amount: $3,000,000)
Description: To support the Center on Education and the Workforce's research and policy agenda to better align postsecondary education and the workforce, with an emphasis on inequalities in the education and labor market based on race, income, and gender
Georgia Budget and Policy Institute (Amount: $559,248)
Description: To build and sustain a research-driven policy advocacy ecosystem focused on improving the racial and economic equity in access and completion rates among Georgia postsecondary students
Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education Inc. (Amount: $250,005)
Description: To support communication and policymaker engagement strategies related to issues of equity in education in the Southeast
Grantmakers for Education (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To fund the work plan to develop and launch the DevEd Initiative, as well as support the Post Secondary Access and Attainment Impact Group (PSA2)
Great Public Schools Now (Amount: $24,985,965)
Description: To replicate the number of high-quality public schools in Los Angeles, increase the quality and retention teachers and leaders, engage families and communities, and remove barriers to facilities
HCM Strategists, LLC (Amount: $150,862)
Description: To disseminate state policy learnings related to education business models to improve student completion and equity outcomes
HCM Strategists, LLC (Amount: $867,802)
Description: To create a core network of partners to advocate for increased postsecondary attainment and equity in student outcomes
HCM Strategists, LLC (Amount: $86,957)
Description: To create a primer on costs and finance in higher education reviewing the most recent and relevant data and research in the field to identify promising practices as well as critical areas in need of further research and development
Harvard University (Amount: $62,099)
Description: To support the Scaling for Impact project, a leadership program for education entrepreneurs
Highlander Institute (Amount: $1,779,297)
Description: To extend the reach of Highlander Institute programming throughout RI, including Fuse RI to half of the state of RI (over 70,000 students and 8,000 teachers) and the EdTechRI Testbed Network, with the goal of expanding, deepening and sustaining blended and personalized learning models, particularly in high need districts
Highlander Institute (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To support the annual Blended and Personalized Learning Conference
Hispanic Federation, Inc. (Amount: $350,000)
Description: To advocate for equitable policies and practices in K-12 school
Hope Street Group (Amount: $2,650,003)
Description: To select, train and build a network for teachers to help drive sustainable policy, practice and perception improvements at local and state levels
Institute For Higher Education Policy (Amount: $5,400,583)
Description: To strengthen the Postsecondary Data Collaborative, elevate advocacy efforts, and enhance communications infrastructure at the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) by increasing their capacity to serve as a strong policy research partner in the field
Institute for College Access and Success (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To identify and advance changes to federal student aid programs which help more low-income students graduate with high-quality credentials without burdensome debt
Jacksonville Public Education Fund Inc. (Amount: $573,850)
Description: To support the exploration of an initiative or organization to support implementation efforts across Florida's education sector
Jacksonville Public Education Fund Inc. (Amount: $59,988)
Description: To support the strategic planning and growth initiative of the Jacksonville Public Education Fund
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $850,000)
Description: To provide support for advocacy, communications, and engagement efforts for state level policy makers implementing state-driven plans for standards, accountability and school improvement efforts
Jefferson Education Accelerator, LLC (Amount: $187,500)
Description: To develop an open, searchable, national database of education researchers designed to affect the quality, utility, and impact of research on student outcomes
Jobs for the Future Inc. (Amount: $16,550,803)
Description: To help colleges improve their performance, increase the number of students progressing toward and completing credentials, and close equity and achievement gaps by scaling evidence-based practices and policies related to guided pathways
John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To explore and understand the capacity and alignment of a respected Technical Assistance provider in the field, and test their ability to participate in our solution networks and effectively support practitioners that serve low income and minority students
Johns Hopkins University (Amount: $1,994,006)
Description: To create a network that would support school systems using or interested in the use of on-track/early warning data to increase graduation and college-readiness rates
Johnson C Smith University Incorporated (Amount: $99,792)
Description: To produce a plan of action that will allow institutions to develop and/or strengthen programs that will provide graduates with the skills, experiences and knowledge required by employers to be 'job-ready' immediately upon graduation
K-12 OER Collaborative (Amount: $2,500,000)
Description: To support the K-12 Open Educational Resources (OER) Collaborative
Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $350,032)
Description: To support and strengthen efforts to raise academic achievement in Kentucky
Kentucky Department of Education (Amount: $6,670,182)
Description: To support efforts in improving college ready outcomes for Kentucky students by deepening standards implementation, human capital strategies, and teacher engagement efforts throughout the state
Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative (Amount: $200,000)
Description: To engage and build capacity in two regional cooperatives to deepen the implementation of College Ready Standards and Assessment and Systems to Support Effective Teaching in regional locations across the state
Khan Academy Inc. (Amount: $10,500,000)
Description: To provide digital instructional content and tools to help teachers accelerate student learning
Kitamba Management, Inc. (Amount: $57,500)
Description: To translate Massachusetts educator survey data into user-friendly reports
LEV Foundation (Amount: $1,000,000)
Description: To provide general operating support to LEV Foundation
Leadership Florida Statewide Community Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $300,006)
Description: To provide Leadership Florida with the ability to plan, develop and execute education-centered learning opportunities for Florida's current and emerging education stakeholders
Leading Educators Inc (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To provide matching i3 funds with the goal of building professional capacity through effective professional development for teacher leaders and principals to improve college ready outcomes for low-income and minority students in Chicago and the surrounding area schools
LearnLaunch Institute (Amount: $13,000)
Description: To support LearnLaunch Across Boundaries Conference
LearnLaunch Institute (Amount: $288,150)
Description: To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
LearnLaunch Institute (Amount: $12,000)
Description: To support LearnLaunch Across Boundaries Conference
Learning Forward (Amount: $249,726)
Description: To establish a knowledge base around the adoption, use, perceived efficacy, and challenges of teacher feedback and observation tools that have an existing evidence base to support effectiveness
Lindsay Unified School District (Amount: $2,500,000)
Description: To design and test a tool for adult learning that clearly defines competencies adults need to master to implement personalized learning, highlights the systematic barriers that stand in the way of adults mastering those competencies
Loyola Marymount University (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To convene large numbers of teachers on a single day in regions across the state of California to generate momentum around the singular impact of teachers on college and career readiness and directly impact teacher networking and collective practice, exposure to materials, resources and strategies for Common Core implementation
Marquette University (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To provide a teacher engagement networking venue to focus on improving instruction that supports college and career ready standards
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Amount: $450,000)
Description: To support the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education work with district networks
Massachusetts Institute for A New Commonwealth Inc. (Amount: $275,000)
Description: To support college and career ready advocacy in Gateway Cities
Migration Policy Institute (Amount: $650,000)
Description: To engage immigrant community stakeholders in advocacy to improve PreK-12 education policies for Dual Language Learners and English learners
MindWires Consulting (Amount: $625,000)
Description: To increase depth of knowledge within the US postsecondary educational community of research-validated innovations in personalized learning
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (Amount: $150,000)
Description: To help fund an ad hoc committee under the auspices of the National Academies will study how to fund early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry that is accessible, affordable to families, and of high quality, including a well-qualified and adequately supported workforce consistent with the vision outlined in the report Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through 8
National Association for the Education of Young Children (Amount: $150,000)
Description: To ensure consideration of the role of early learning leaders as NAEYC leads a collaborative effort to establish a shared framework of career pathways, knowledge and competencies, qualifications, standards, and compensation that unifies the entire profession, which will lead to a comprehensive policy and financing strategy for their systemic adoption and implementation
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials NALEO Educational Fund (Amount: $3,066,000)
Description: To increase policymakers' understanding of education issues affecting Hispanic students, empowering them to develop and implement sound and effective education policies that will help their students become college and career ready
National Association of State Boards of Education (Amount: $525,127)
Description: To inform state board of education members about changes in federal law that will affect student achievement and district accountability
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (Amount: $1,417,352)
Description: To build a community of practice and awareness around emergency aid as a lever for retention and graduation
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc (Amount: $1,985,025)
Description: To redesign of the National Board Certification process which focuses on the use of student outcome data and assessment competency for teachers, and will ensure that certification reflects multiple measures of effective teaching aligned with high instructional standards. The NB certification process was last updated in 2001 this investment will support the use of data and increased access and flexibility for teachers undertaking the certification process
National Center for Learning Disabilities (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To expand capacity and engage parents and communities on policy, advocacy strategies, communications, and best practices in targeted ESSA states
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies (Amount: $520,000)
Description: To support two projects through the League of Innovative Schools: 1) convening a League of Innovative Schools competency-based education working group and moving its ideas to action, and 2) conducting short-cycle product efficacy studies in League schools, and disseminating the research model and findings nationally
National College Access Network (Amount: $1,020,246)
Description: To support ongoing efforts led by the National College Access Network to implement a transition to prior-prior year income information and advocacy efforts to further simplify the underlying needs analysis formula
National Council of La Raza (Amount: $1,200,000)
Description: To co-lead the advocacy, coalition building and mobilization work required for effective Every Student Succeeds Act implementation that reflects a unified civil rights voice that drives equity for low income children and students of color
National Literacy Project Inc. (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To support district implementation of the Literacy Design Collaborative framework/tools as a strategy to deepen standards-aligned instruction in Florida
National Public Education Support Fund (Amount: $20,000)
Description: To support Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's 2-year membership in The Social and Emotional Learning Funders Collaborative
National Urban League Inc (Amount: $1,199,994)
Description: To co-lead the advocacy, coalition building and mobilization work required for effective ESSA implementation that reflects a unified civil rights voice that drives equity for low income children and students of color
Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc. (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To provide professional development experiences that enable teachers to engage in sustained learning that drives improvements in instruction
New America (Amount: $611,500)
Description: To inform policies and practices related to attracting, developing, identifying, and retaining great educators in the nation's public elementary and secondary schools
New America (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support a privacy and security fellow to provide expert advice and analysis of proposals to improve on the collection and dissemination of data on postsecondary education
New Profit Inc. (Amount: $6,011,962)
Description: To accelerate the development of the Personalized Learning space through scaling select grantees via New Profit's approach and provide more understanding of capital aggregation, capacity building, and opportunities for aligned action to spread personalized learning to districts across the nation
New Profit Inc. (Amount: $1,400,000)
Description: To engage, connect, and coalesce a syndicate of funders behind a common goal to support and fund the financial aid structures suite of solutions
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $8,915,680)
Description: To support development of tools for personalized learning
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund (Amount: $225,792)
Description: To support NSVF 2016 Summit to provide participant scholarships for leaders of color and build communities of practice among education innovation leaders
New Teacher Center (Amount: $2,000,000)
Description: To convene large numbers of teachers on a single day in regions across the state of California to generate momentum around the singular impact of teachers on college and career readiness and directly impact teacher networking and collective practice, exposure to materials, resources and strategies for Common Core implementation
New Venture Fund (Amount: $553,368)
Description: To provide support to a key organization working in the K-12 education sector in its transition from a for-profit to a nonprofit organization
New Venture Fund (Amount: $550,000)
Description: To strengthen National Network of State Teachers of the Year growth to be a leader in the field, ultimately increasing the numbers of teachers & students impacted by practices and policies implemented with input from teachers
New Venture Fund (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To provide support to ELL expert advisory board
New Venture Fund (Amount: $7,900,010)
Description: To support national communications work around Common Core, high-quality and aligned assessments, and ESSA implementation
New Venture Fund (Amount: $2,818,231)
Description: To provide teachers with opportunities to grow, collaborate, and lead in ways that will enhance their capacity as leaders and instructional providers and result in students' improved academic performance and the strengthening of the profession by supporting teachers to host their own ECET2 events
New Venture Fund (Amount: $1,550,000)
Description: To engage over four million parents, particularly minority and low income parents, in education issues
New Venture Fund (Amount: $333,000)
Description: To engage stakeholders to understand the ways in which they desire to use data for continuous improvement
New York City Charter School Center (Amount: $350,000)
Description: For general operating support
North American Council for Online Learning (Amount: $755,472)
Description: To develop an evidence-based report that identifies how personalized learning is emerging in the United States, what the drivers for moving to personalized learning are, and identification of patterns of why and how personalized learning is taking hold
North American Council for Online Learning (Amount: $658,000)
Description: To provide support in designing innovative accountability systems and systems of assessments which address personalized learning and competency based schools to states and districts
North Carolina Community Foundation Inc (Amount: $369,634)
Description: To build on existing momentum, transform the culture of working in funding silos, and cement a collaborative spirit as the new normal for education philanthropy in North Carolina
Northern Kentucky Education Council, Inc. (Amount: $200,000)
Description: To support college-readiness efforts through the networks established by the Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative to design new assessments and support district and school instructional leadership teams toward high quality implementation
PTA Florida Congress of Parents and Teachers (Amount: $150,000)
Description: To foster community dialogue around educational disparities through the use of a radio and public forum campaign
Philanthropy Ohio (Amount: $10,000)
Description: To secure speakers for Philanthropy Ohio's annual Learning Institute meeting
Portland State University (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To fund the development of visual storyboards with supporting case studies, highlighting key insights of success among Frontier Set institutions and facilitating dialogue and knowledge sharing
PowerMyLearning, Inc. (Amount: $4,500,000)
Description: To increase instructional rigor in personalized learning
President & Fellows of Harvard College (Amount: $762,059)
Description: To assess the improvement of student achievement
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence (Amount: $786,593)
Description: To support a cohort of KY districts to use Smarter School Spending tool and process to better align budgets, time management and schedules with academic priorities, and to build capacity within the state to continue this work long-term
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence (Amount: $149,965)
Description: To provide communications, policy and advocacy support for high standards, aligned, quality systems of assessment and accountability and improved outcomes for students in Kentucky
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence (Amount: $450,000)
Description: For general operating support
Public Agenda (Amount: $1,259,840)
Description: To implement the Effective Transfer Practices Playbook
Public Agenda (Amount: $899,000)
Description: To promote consistent and collaborative communications and stakeholder engagement regarding pathways for postsecondary student success
Public Policy Institute of California (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support research of developmental education policies and practices in the California community colleges focusing on improving the outcomes of underprepared students
RAND Corporation (Amount: $5,975,462)
Description: To expand support use of the American Teacher Panel and American School Leader Panel to 22 states, and administration of for state-level surveys of the Foundation's priority outcomes
RAND Corporation (Amount: $1,953,936)
Description: To magnify the voice of American teachers and school leaders regarding important topics of educational effectiveness
Regents of the University of Michigan (Amount: $228,842)
Description: To establish a searchable video library of teaching practices
Relay Graduate School of Education (Amount: $12,000)
Description: To Relay Graduate School of Education to support Communications and dissemination activities for the Teacher Prep Transformation Centers
Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy Inc (Amount: $1,299,457)
Description: To launch the Rennie Center as the 'hub of MA-based implementation network hubs'
Reos US Inc (Amount: $3,636,289)
Description: To demonstrate the feasibility of emergency financial aid solutions for high risk students in order to improve college graduation rates
Research Foundation of State University of New York (Amount: $444,029)
Description: To build the capacity of this intermediary to coordinate high leverage and promising teacher leadership activities in NY
Research Foundation of State University of New York (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To fund the creation of a set of tools and curriculum designed to empower stakeholders across the Cradle-to-Completion pipeline, including students, teachers, faculty, advisors and senior leaders to turn data into insight and action that promotes student success
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To raise community awareness around Every Student Succeeds Act
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $6,674,956)
Description: To provide operating support for EdReports to enable them to build their core priorities of publishing reviews of instructional materials, and to grow their operations and capacity to include teacher feedback of such materials
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (Amount: $4,476,300)
Description: To provide flexible on-demand funding to support institutions in their transformation efforts, all of which will be to be analyzed and documented, and included in the Postsecondary institutional learning agenda
Rodel Charitable Foundation DE (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To explore the feasibility of replicating the state-focused work of organizations to support Personalized Learning adoption in states leveraging the new ESSA guidelines
Rose Community Foundation (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To raise community awareness around Every Student Succeeds Act
Rose Community Foundation (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To support Colorado's Climb Higher Coalition and the Colorado Education Organizing Fund
SRI International (Amount: $298,745)
Description: To accelerate acceptance of common evaluation frameworks for digital courseware by providing technical assistance and support to institutions conducting evaluations of high quality next generation digital courseware
Santa Cruz County Office of Education (Amount: $805,608)
Description: To support an implementation network in Santa Cruz county focused on increasing college readiness rates
Schoolzilla (Amount: $985,483)
Description: To use financial information for better decision making
Seneca Family of Agencies (Amount: $800,000)
Description: To provide Special Education services and support for public schools in Washington State
Sevenzo (Amount: $265,032)
Description: To test a new approach for codifying, testing, and spreading promising personalized learning practices
Shasta County Office of Education (Amount: $1,568,785)
Description: To support a networked improvement community focused on improved instruction in Shasta County
Sinclair Community College (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To accelerate the work of a set of high-potential institutions through testing, learning, and sharing focused practices for student success as identified at Interaction Effect 2015
Sociedad Latina Inc (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To raise community awareness around Every Student Succeeds Act
Society for Research in Child Development (Amount: $436,276)
Description: To deepen pre-doctoral researchers' understanding of child development and Pre-K policy, provide access to research expertise to state agencies, and expand the diversity of the Pre-K policy workforce
Southern New Hampshire University (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To accelerate the work of a set of high-potential institutions through testing, learning, and sharing focused practices for student success as identified at Interaction Effect 2015
Southern New Hampshire University (Amount: $650,000)
Description: To support Southern New Hampshire to assess feasibility of and document efficacy of College for America to reach opportunity youth populations through a community partner approach
Southern New Hampshire University (Amount: $75,000)
Description: To accelerate the work of a set of high-potential institutions through testing, learning, and sharing focused practices for student success as identified at Interaction Effect 2015
Southern Regional Education Board (Amount: $299,575)
Description: To support SREB in its efforts to help its partner districts provide meaningful feedback to teachers on their instructional practice via the use of student surveys
Southern Regional Education Board (Amount: $1,500,000)
Description: For general operating support
Southern Regional Education Board (Amount: $34,865,000)
Description: To support a college- and career-readiness strategy across its 16 southern states
Southern Regional Education Board (Amount: $378,754)
Description: To build policy-maker knowledge and awareness of state higher education finance policy and practice using the lens of affordability
Spokane School District #81 (Amount: $300,000)
Description: To support increased school choice and collaboration among all types of public schools
Stanford University (Amount: $200,000)
Description: To increase the access of local leaders and communities to research-based information that can help them make informed decisions in California's newly decentralized education policy context
State Education Technology (Amount: $221,595)
Description: To support leadership in digital instructional materials
Student Achievement Partners Inc (Amount: $399,893)
Description: To build capacity in the Hub Implementation Network so its members recognize, support and improve CCSS-aligned instructional practice
Summit Public Schools (Amount: $2,329,062)
Description: To fund the participation of 1,400 educators from 140 schools and partner organizations in the Summit Basecamp Program in 2016-17, enabling them to bring personalized learning to over 20,000 students from 26 states and the District of Columbia
Tavis Smiley Foundation (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To raise awareness of key postsecondary opportunities and challenges among diverse audiences
Teacher Prep Inspection - US, Inc. (Amount: $6,000)
Description: To support communications and dissemination activities for the Teacher Prep Transformation Centers
Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $1,450,000)
Description: To conduct statistical analyses to identify momentum and loss points, track long-term academic outcomes for students referred to English as a Second Language and developmental English in pre- and post-reform contexts, and quantify the impacts of initial placement on completion and transfer
Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $4,016,892)
Description: To support implementation of comprehensive, intensive, technology-mediated advising and conduct rigorous research to establish its impact on student success
Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $282,611)
Description: To develop a set of field-facing rubrics to enable institutions to assess quality and scale of implementation of key solutions and institutional capacities
Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $450,000)
Description: To create a robust, nationally-representative data set of institutional developmental education practices which can be used by the field to support developmental education reform efforts
Teachers College, Columbia University (Amount: $1,300,000)
Description: For general operating support
Tennessee Charter School Center (Amount: $247,786)
Description: Strategic support for the Tennessee Charter School Center
Tennessee Higher Education Commission (Amount: $220,004)
Description: To support understanding and implementation of Tennessee's new governance paradigm
Texas Tech University (Amount: $50,000)
Description: To support a research project examining how K-12 student perception data can be used in teacher training
Texas Tech University (Amount: $12,000)
Description: To support communications and dissemination activities for the Teacher Prep Transformation Centers
The 74 Media, Inc. (Amount: $26,000)
Description: To support the digital publication and outreach strategy for Band of Reformers
The Aspen Institute Inc (Amount: $10,203,921)
Description: To accelerate the production of credentials of value especially for low-income, first generation students while documenting and sharing new knowledge about the institutional change process
The Washington Monthly (Amount: $350,795)
Description: To raise awareness of and build demand for evidence-backed innovations, support the development of editorial content and related events that profile key innovators, and provide a look at emerging trends and developments/innovations to watch
Third Future Schools (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To support for Leaders of Color for Academy for Advanced Learning
Third Sector New England, Inc. (Amount: $11,288)
Description: To fund a dinner and early childhood speaker for a meeting of the Equity Leaders Action Network and the National Black Child Development Institute
Third Way Institute (Amount: $600,630)
Description: To support the development of higher education policies and plans for increasing field advocacy capacity in support of low-income student access and success
Tulare County Superintendent of Schools (Amount: $1,986,019)
Description: To support a networked improvement community focused on improved instruction in Tulare County
Turnaround for Children, Inc. (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To support tools development to help schools mitigate the impact of adversity on learning and drive health development and academic achievement for all students
Tyton Partners (Amount: $260,979)
Description: To determine how administrative technology will evolve to integrate new student facing modules and applications
U.S. Department of Education (Amount: $8,000)
Description: To support the US Department of Education's 2016 Remedies for Remediation conference on December 9, 2016
U.S. Department of Education (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To support the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) 2016 and 2017 HBCUs Week Conferences
UPD Consulting (Amount: $4,970,441)
Description: To provide management, implementation and technical support to four separate Florida school districts
UPD Consulting (Amount: $264,720)
Description: To assist four selected school districts in Florida identify their highest priority areas for improvement and build a work plan for these districts to work together to improve their teaching effectiveness
Unbounded Learning, Inc. (Amount: $7,230,000)
Description: To support educators to select, implement and adapt high-quality, aligned curriculum materials
University System of Georgia (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To contribute a framework of understanding through a year-long effort to collaborate and define plans and policy changes for sustainable degree innovation which serves both students and communities
University of California at San Diego (Amount: $152,654)
Description: To examine the role that teacher leaders and influencers play in driving adoption of tools and resources in digital communities and understand if/how high quality tools can spread in digital spaces, a vehicle for delivering and driving adoption of high quality materials to teachers
University of Florida (Amount: $75,004)
Description: To provide local guidance for surveys, and plan and execute data use and dissemination activities
University of Kentucky Research Foundation (Amount: $5,000,000)
Description: To support system-wide shifts, working with both state and local levels, around the implementation of the Common Core, and the adoption of personalized and deeper learning strategies
University of Washington Foundation (Amount: $500,000)
Description: To provide technical assistance and knowledge management support to district charter compact cities
University of Washington Foundation (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To introduce or to provide additional information on the district portfolio approach in Washington State
University of the State of New York (Amount: $225,000)
Description: To support research, data collection and knowledge management
Urban League of Lexington - Fayette County (Amount: $240,018)
Description: To support the Urban Leagues of Lexington and Louisville to engage African American parents and community leaders in education reform advocacy
Urban League of Metropolitan Denver (Amount: $55,328)
Description: To support increased parent and community engagement and advocacy in education in Denver and surrounding communities
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (Amount: $290,000)
Description: To understand synergistic effects of multiple postsecondary student success initiatives in Washington state and then use the findings to enhance implementation of these initiatives
WestEd (Amount: $4,350,875)
Description: To support and scale Common Core State Standards implementation and leverage established local relationships and teacher leaders to drive deeper use of high quality, standards-aligned tools and practices
WestEd (Amount: $5,057,274)
Description: To improve the quality and availability of technical assistance to school districts and charter management organizations in California
Yes We Must Coalition (Amount: $100,000)
Description: To help the Yes We Must coalition support a cohort of colleges and universities seeking to improve student success on campuses where 50% or more students are Pell-eligible
Young Invincibles (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To support research and convening activities related to improving the college search features available through major search engines
Young Invincibles (Amount: $750,000)
Description: To support the development of a student-led accountability agenda, engagement in the policy process, and student-led advocacy to build towards changes in the higher education system
Zearn Learning (Amount: $3,602,377)
Description: To prototype, iterate with teachers, build, and launch a rigorous and engaging digital teacher training experience focused on teachers' math pedagogical content knowledge and how to personalize live instructional time
iCivics, Inc. (Amount: $250,000)
Description: To support capacity building and sustainability efforts