All investors in ed-tech since 2010
This project is maintained by Hack-Education-Data
Investment: Speakaboos
3T Capital:
Investment: 360Learning
500 Startups:
Investment: Chromatik
500 Startups:
Investment: Colingo
500 Startups:
Investment: CultureAlley
500 Startups:
Investment: Experiment
500 Startups:
Investment: Floqq
500 Startups:
Investment: Internmatch
500 Startups:
Investment: Okpanda
500 Startups:
Investment: Tynker
500 Startups:
Investment: Veduca
A-Grade Investments:
Investment: Panorama Education
Investment: Kidaptive
AKM Systems:
Investment: EduKart
Investment: Schoo
ARTIS Ventures:
Investment: Internmatch
Aarin Capital:
Investment: Tabtor
Abe Korgav:
Investment: ScootPad
Investment: Collegefeed
Investment: Grovo
Investment: Knewton
Investment: Wyzant
Adam Miller:
Investment: Ellevation
Adams Street Partners:
Investment: Craftsy
Advancit Capital:
Investment: MasterClass
Advancit Capital:
Investment: Speakaboos
Agustin Cuenca:
Investment: Floqq
Alex Khein:
Investment: Mediacore
Alexis Ohanian:
Investment: Hullabalu
Alexis Ohanian:
Investment: Panorama Education
Allen & Company:
Investment: PresenceLearning
Alok Bhanot:
Investment: Everwise
Alt Option Return:
Investment: popexpert
American Public University System:
Investment: Fidelis
Amir Banifatemi:
Investment: Experiment
Andre Haddad:
Investment: Everwise
Andreessen Horowitz:
Investment: If You Can
Andreessen Horowitz:
Investment: Koru
Andreessen Horowitz:
Investment: Learnsprout
Andreessen Horowiz:
Investment: Experiment
Andrew Ferenci:
Investment: Hullabalu
Andurance Ventures LLP:
Investment: Mediacore
Andy McLaoughlin:
Investment: Hullabalu
Anil Hansjee:
Investment: Peak
Investment: Ranku
Arturo Guillen:
Investment: Floqq
Ascension Vantures Limited:
Investment: Night Zookeeper
Ashton Kutcher:
Investment: Panorama Education
Atlas Venture:
Investment: Colingo
Atlas Venture:
Investment: EnglishCentral
Atom Factory:
Investment: Knewton
Austin Ventures:
Investment: Civitas Learning
BITS Spark Angels:
Investment: Tabtor
BNP Paribas:
Investment: Gutenberg Technology
Babar Baig:
Investment: WriteReader
Bain Capital Ventures:
Investment: EverTrue
Baroda Ventures:
Investment: Chromatik
Barry Nalebuff:
Investment: AltSchool
Baseline Ventures:
Investment: AltSchool
Baseline Ventures:
Investment: Bloc
Battery Ventures:
Investment: InstaEdu
Battery Ventures:
Investment: Koru
Bedy Yang:
Investment: Floqq
Benjamin Ling:
Investment: Colingo
Benjamin Ling:
Investment: Learnsprout
Benny Schnaider:
Investment: Slate Science
Investment: Synergis Education
Investment: UniversityNow
Investment: WizIQ
Bessemer Venture Partners:
Investment: 2U
Bessemer Venture Partners:
Investment: Instructure
Bessemer Venture Partners:
Investment: Knewton
Investment: Bookity
Investment: Socratic
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation:
Investment: Bloomboard
Bill Campbell:
Bill Gates:
Investment: ResearchGate
Bill Warner:
Investment: Experiment
Birchmere Ventures:
Investment: Bloomboard
Birchmere Ventures:
Investment: PresenceLearning
Blackbird Ventures:
Investment: Edrolo
Blaine Vess:
Investment: Okpanda
Bloomberg Beta:
Investment: MasterClass
Blu Venture Investors:
Investment: Interfolio
Blue Heron Capital:
Investment: PresenceLearning
Bob Mason:
Investment: Luvo
Bolt Ventures:
Investment: Veduca
Boston Seed Capital:
Investment: EverTrue
Bowery Capital:
Investment: Voxy
Investment: popexpert
Investment: Socratic
Brad Buss:
Investment: ScootPad
Bradley C. Harrison:
Investment: Hullabalu
Brett Slatkin:
Investment: Secret
Brian Jacobs:
Investment: panOpen
Brian Spaly:
Investment: EverTrue
Brian Sugar:
Investment: Hullabalu
Brigette Lau:
Investment: Newsela
Bronze Investments:
Investment: UniversityNow
CAA Ventures:
Investment: CreativeLive
Investment: NoRedInk
Cabiedes & Partners:
Investment: Floqq
Calvert Funds:
Investment: PresenceLearning
Calvert Social Venture Partners:
Investment: Learnzillion
Capital M Group:
Investment: panOpen
Catamount Ventures:
Investment: MasteryConnect
Catamount Ventures:
Investment: PresenceLearning
Cervin Ventures:
Investment: Tynker
Cesar Bardaji:
Investment: Floqq
Charter School Growth Fund:
Investment: Dreambox Learning
Ching-Ho Fung:
Investment: Interfolio
Chris Gabrieli:
Investment: Ellevation
Chris Herndon:
Investment: Guidespark
Chris McCann:
Investment: Hullabalu
Christine Tsai:
Investment: Floqq
Christopher Spray:
Investment: Peak
Circulus Education:
Investment: EDUonGo
Clarence So:
Investment: Nearpod
Collaborative Fund:
Investment: AltSchool
Collaborative Fund:
Investment: Neverware
Collaborative Fund:
Investment: Upstart
Comcast Ventures:
Investment: Quad Learning
Investment: Izzui
Contour Venture Partners:
Investment: Voxy
Conversion Capital:
Correlation Ventures:
Investment: InstaEdu
Correlation Ventures:
Investment: Pluto Media
Costanoa Venture Capital:
Investment: Grovo
Costanoa Venture Capital:
Investment: NovoEd
Craig R. Barrett:
Investment: Sokikom
Crosslink Capital:
Investment: Colingo
Crosslink Capital:
Investment: TakeLessons
Investment: CreativeLive
CyberAgent Ventures:
DC Community Ventures:
Investment: Learnzillion
DCM Ventures:
Investment: 51Talk
DCM Ventures:
Investment: Learnzillion
DN Capital:
Investment: Peak
Dalton Caldwell:
Investment: Panorama Education
Dan Knox:
Investment: Experiment
Dan Shapiro:
Investment: Skilljar
Dana Messina:
Investment: JoyTunes
Darrell Silver:
Investment: Thinkful
Das Narayandas:
Investment: Collegefeed
Data Collective:
Investment: Declara
Dave McClure:
Investment: Internmatch
Dave Morin:
Investment: Experiment
Dave Schappell:
Investment: Experiment
Dave Schappell:
Investment: Skilljar
Dave Sobota:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
David Fischer:
Investment: Newsela
David Honig:
Investment: Grovo
David Wisch:
Investment: Socratic
Deborah Quazzo:
Investment: Dreambox Learning
Deborah Quazzo:
Investment: Luvo
Deborah Quazzo:
Investment: MasteryConnect
Deborah Quazzo:
Investment: Ranku
Delta Partners:
Investment: BlikBook
Detroit Venture Partners:
Investment: Ginkgotree
Digital Education:
Investment: Veduca
Dragoneer Investment Group:
Investment: ResearchGate
Dylan Smith:
Investment: InstaEdu
EPIC Ventures:
Investment: Instructure
Eileen Rudden:
Investment: Ellevation
Eileen Rudden:
Investment: Socrative
Ellen Levy:
Investment: Experiment
Emergence Capital Partners:
Investment: Civitas Learning
Empire Angels:
Investment: Hullabalu
Enterprise Ireland:
Investment: BlikBook
Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator:
Investment: Admittedly
Eran Shir:
Investment: JoyTunes
Eric Ries:
Investment: Panorama Education
Eric Schmidt:
Investment: Upstart
Esther Dyson:
Investment: Experiment
Investment: Portfolium
Expansion Venture Capital:
Investment: Engrade
Expansion Venture Capital:
Investment: popexpert
FG Angels:
Investment: Schoolzilla
Investment: Civitas Learning
Investment: Maker Media
FM Management:
Investment: Pathbrite
Investment: Securly
Fabrice Grinda:
Investment: Halo Neuroscience
Farzad (Zod) Nazem:
Investment: Panorama Education
Farzad (Zod) Nazem:
Investment: Socrative
Felicis Ventures:
Investment: Civitas Learning
Felicis Ventures:
Investment: ClassDojo
Felicis Ventures:
Investment: CreativeLive
Felicis Ventures:
Investment: Inkling
Felicis Ventures:
Investment: Tophat
Felicis Ventures:
Investment: Tynker
Fenox Venture Capital:
Investment: CodeCombat
Filtro Private Equity:
Investment: Zookal
First Analysis:
Investment: UniversityNow
First Round:
Investment: AltSchool
First Round:
Investment: Bloc
First Round:
Investment: Civitas Learning
First Round:
Investment: Knewton
First Round:
Investment: Koru
First Round:
Investment: Remind
First Round:
Investment: Upstart
FirstMark Capital:
Investment: Knewton
Follett Corporation:
Investment: Campus Quad
Formation 8:
Investment: Kidaptive
Formation 8:
Investment: Learnsprout
Formation 8:
Investment: Shmoop
Forward Partners:
Investment: BlikBook
Foundation Capital:
Investment: NovoEd
Founder Collective:
Investment: JoyTunes
Founders Fund:
Investment: Declara
Founders Fund:
Investment: If You Can
Founders Fund:
Investment: Knewton
Founders Fund:
Investment: Upstart
Foundry Group:
Investment: littleBits
Fran Hauser:
Investment: Hullabalu
Frank Sagnier:
Investment: Peak
Frederic Court:
Investment: Peak
Fuel Capital:
Investment: Secret
Investment: One Month
Investment: Verbling
GSV Capital:
Investment: Coursera
GSV Capital:
Investment: Dreambox Learning
GSV Capital:
Investment: Knewton
GSV Capital:
Investment: Tynker
Garnett Ventures:
Investment: Curriculet
Garry Tan:
Investment: Hullabalu
Garry Tan:
Investment: Panorama Education
Gary Dillabough:
Investment: Collegefeed
General Catalyst Partners:
Investment: ClassDojo
General Catalyst Partners:
Investment: Neverware
Genesis Partners:
Investment: JoyTunes
Geoff Entress:
Investment: Skilljar
Geoff Ralston:
Investment: Panorama Education
George Kellerman:
Investment: Floqq
Gerald Hughes:
Investment: Speakaboos
Gokul Rajaram:
Investment: Hullabalu
Google Ventures:
Investment: CreativeLive
Google Ventures:
Investment: NoRedInk
Google Ventures:
Investment: Panorama Education
Google Ventures:
Investment: Secret
Google Ventures:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Gordon Crawford:
Investment: Shmoop
Gordon Rubenstein:
Investment: Grovo
Gorge Angel Investor Network:
Investment: EdCaliber
Grape Carbor VC:
Great Oaks Venture Capital:
Investment: Hullabalu
Great Oaks Venture Capital:
Investment: StudyBlue
Great Oaks Venture Capital:
Investment: Three Ring
Greg Waldorf:
Investment: Grovo
Greylock Partners:
Investment: CreativeLive
Investment: Kunerango
Halle Tecco:
Investment: Experiment
Harrison Metal:
Investment: AltSchool
Harrison Metal:
Investment: Bloc
Harrison Metal:
Investment: MasterClass
Harry Cheung:
Investment: Secret
Helion Venture Partners:
Investment: Simplilearn
Hemant Bhanoo:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Highland Capital Partners:
Investment: 2U
Homestead Partners:
Investment: Guidespark
Howard Bovine:
Investment: Everwise
Hyde Park Venture Partners:
Investment: NoRedInk
Hydrazine Capital:
Investment: Verbling
IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft:
Investment: Babbel
IDG Capital Partners:
Investment: Yuantiku
IDG Ventures USA:
Investment: Guidespark
Ian Brady:
Investment: Collegefeed
Icon Ventures:
Investment: Inkling
Idea Bulb Ventures:
Investment: Securly
Idea Bulb Ventures:
Investment: Vipkid
Ilan Abehassera:
Investment: Okpanda
Investment: Hapara
Investment: Kaizena
Investment: Learnsprout
Investment: Securly
Investment: Showbie
Investment: Socrative
Incubate Fund:
Investment: Schoo
Index Ventures:
Investment: Experiment
Index Ventures:
Investment: Secret
Info Edge:
Investment: Applect Learning Systems
Initial Capital:
Investment: Peak
Initialized Capital:
Investment: Secret
InnoSpring Seed Fund:
Investment: If You Can
InnoSpring Seed Fund:
Investment: Securly
Innovation Endeavors:
Investment: Okpanda
Innovation Endeavors:
Investment: Skilljar
Insight Venture Partners:
Investment: Pluralsight
Institute of Education Sciences:
Investment: Sokikom
International Finance Corporation:
Investment: Coursera
International Finance Corporation:
Investment: Laureate Education
Investment: 360Learning
Issac Taylor:
Investment: Newsela
Itochu Technology Ventures:
Investment: Schoo
J. Hunt Holdings:
Investment: Citelighter
Investment: Singspiel
Jaan Tallinn:
Investment: Experiment
Jaan Tallinn:
Investment: Lingvist
Jade Wang:
Investment: Experiment
Jaina Capital:
Investment: Peak
James Baez-Silva:
Investment: Everwise
James Hunt:
Investment: Interfolio
Javelin Venture Partners:
Investment: Engrade
Jean Hammond:
Investment: Socrative
Jeff Clavier:
Investment: Panorama Education
Jeffrey S. Skoll:
Investment: popexpert
Jennifer Carolan:
Investment: Pluto Media
Jennifer Coogan:
Investment: Newsela
Jere Doyle:
Investment: Luvo
Jesse Rogers:
Joanne Wilson:
Investment: littleBits
Joannie Fischer:
Investment: Newsela
Joe Green:
Investment: Panorama Education
John Doerr:
Investment: Dreambox Learning
John Johnston:
Investment: InstaEdu
John Keller:
Investment: ScootPad
John Maloney:
Investment: Socratic
John Merrells:
Investment: Kidaptive
Jonathan Matus:
Investment: AltSchool
Jordan Levy:
Investment: Luvo
Josh Spear:
Investment: Hullabalu
Josh Tolkoff:
Investment: Ellevation
Josh Valman:
Investment: Primo Toys
Jumpstart Ventures:
Investment: GetSet
Jumpstart Ventures:
Investment: Packback
Jumpstart Ventures:
Investment: Vlinks Media
Justin Byers:
Investment: Everwise
Justin Kitch:
K5 Ventures:
Investment: Experiment
K9 Ventures:
Investment: enuma
K9 Ventures:
Investment: Osmo
Investment: Synergis Education
Investment: UniversityNow
Investment: Babbel
Kae Capital:
Investment: CultureAlley
Kae Capital:
Investment: Tiggly
Kaedan Capital:
Investment: JoyTunes
Kaizen Private Equity:
Investment: WizIQ
Kalaari Capital:
Investment: Simplilearn
Kaplan EdTech Accelerator:
Investment: panOpen
Kaplan Ventures:
Investment: Newsela
Kaplan Ventures:
Investment: Treehouse
Kapor Capital:
Investment: Curriculet
Kapor Capital:
Investment: Engrade
Kapor Capital:
Investment: enuma
Kapor Capital:
Investment: Internmatch
Kapor Capital:
Investment: Mytonomy
Kapor Capital:
Investment: Newsela
Kapor Capital:
Investment: NovoEd
Kapor Capital:
Investment: Okpanda
Kapor Capital:
Investment: Schoolzilla
Kapor Capital:
Investment: UniversityNow
Kapor Capital:
Investment: Zoobean
Kelly Hoey:
Investment: Hullabalu
Ken Howery:
Investment: popexpert
Kendall Family Foundation:
Investment: panOpen
Kent Fuka:
Investment: Querium Corporation
Kevin McAliley:
Investment: Think Through Learning
Kevin Moore:
Investment: Verbling
Khosla Ventures:
Khosla Ventures:
Investment: littleBits
Khosla Ventures:
Investment: Neverware
Khosla Ventures:
Investment: Upstart
Kibo Ventures:
Investment: Colingo
Kima Ventures:
Investment: EduKart
Kima Ventures:
Investment: Halo Neuroscience
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers:
Investment: Secret
Kortschak Investments LP:
Investment: AltSchool
Kyowon Group:
Investment: Speakaboos
LEAF Investments:
Investment: BlikBook
Lakewest Venture Partners:
Investment: Packback
Lakewest Venture Partners:
Investment: Vlinks Media
Launch Tennessee:
Investment: YouScience
Launchpad LA:
Laureate Education Inc:
Investment: Coursera
Learn Capital:
Investment: Bloc
Learn Capital:
Investment: BrightBytes
Learn Capital:
Investment: Coursera
Learn Capital:
Investment: Experiment
Learn Capital:
Investment: MasteryConnect
Learn Capital:
Investment: NoRedInk
Learn Capital:
Investment: NovoEd
Learn Capital:
Investment: popexpert
Learn Capital:
Investment: Verbling
Lee Linden:
Investment: Okpanda
Leon Kamevev:
Investment: Slate Science
Lerer Hippeau Ventures:
Investment: littleBits
Lerer Hippeau Ventures:
Investment: Ranku
Liberty City Ventures:
Investment: Hullabalu
Lifeline Ventures:
Investment: Peak
Ligaya Tichy:
Investment: Experiment
Limvirak Chea:
Investment: Peak
Linda Avey:
Investment: Experiment
London Venture Partners:
Investment: Peak
Luke Shepard:
Investment: Learnsprout
Lux Capital:
Investment: Experiment
Lux Capital:
Investment: Halo Neuroscience
MEVA Venture Investments:
Investment: littleBits
MaRS Innovation:
Investment: Crowdmark
Macmillan Digital Education:
Investment: Veduca
Madrona Venture Group:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Magma Venture Partners:
Investment: TabTale
Maneesh Arora:
Investment: Remind
Marc Bell Ventures:
Investment: Schoolzilla
Marc Benioff:
Investment: Upstart
Mark Cuban:
Investment: Copley Retention Systems
Mark Cuban:
Investment: Ranku
Mark Stevens:
Investment: Collegefeed
Mark Suster:
Investment: Neverware
Mark Young:
Investment: Learnsprout
Mark Zuckerberg:
Investment: Panorama Education
Matrix Partners:
Investment: AltSchool
Matrix Partners:
Investment: Secret
Matrix Partners China:
Investment: Yuantiku
Matt Ocko:
Investment: ClassDojo
Matthew Pittinsky:
Investment: Interfolio
Investment: If You Can
Investment: Koru
Investment: NovoEd
Max Burger:
Investment: Okpanda
Maynard Webb:
Investment: Panorama Education
Melo7 Tech Partners LLC:
Investment: Hullabalu
Menlo Ventures:
Investment: Kidaptive
Meritech Capital Partners:
Mesa Ventures:
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation:
Investment: MasteryConnect
Michael Chasen:
Investment: popexpert
Michael Karnjanaprakorn:
Investment: Experiment
Michael Levit:
Investment: Hullabalu
Michael Tate:
Investment: ScootPad
Microsoft Ventures:
Investment: Ranku
Microsoft Ventures:
Investment: Springboard
Mike Greenfield:
Investment: Hullabalu
Mikhil Seregine:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Investment: Wikibrains
Mitchell Kapor:
Investment: Internmatch
Mohamed Nanabhay:
Investment: littleBits
Mohr Davidow Ventures:
Investment: SIPX
Mohr Davidow Ventures:
Morado Venture Partners:
Investment: Colingo
Investment: Quad Learning
Najafi Companies:
Investment: Meegenius
Naren Agrawal:
Investment: Collegefeed
Neil Thandedar:
Investment: Experiment
Neoteny Labs:
Investment: littleBits
Nesta Investment Management:
Investment: Digital Assess
Neu Venture Capital:
New Enterprise Associates:
Investment: Quad Learning
New Enterprise Associates:
Investment: Tynker
New Markets Venture Partners:
Investment: Civitas Learning
New Markets Venture Partners:
Investment: Kickboard
New Markets Venture Partners:
Investment: PresenceLearning
New Markets Venture Partners:
Investment: Think Through Learning
NewSchool Venture Fund:
Investment: Learnzillion
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: BrightBytes
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: Curriculet
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: Ellevation
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: enuma
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: Kidaptive
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: Mytonomy
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: Nearpod
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: Newsela
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: Readworks
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: Socrative
NewSchools Venture Fund:
Investment: Tynker
Nicholas Negroponte:
Investment: littleBits
Nick Brien:
Investment: Sumpto
Nick Ducoff:
Investment: Panorama Education
Nicolas Berggruen:
Investment: InstaEdu
Nicolas Gautier:
Investment: Veduca
Nicole State:
Investment: Luvo
Nihal Mehta:
Investment: Neverware
Niko Klein:
Investment: Ellevation
Investment: Speakaboos
Nirav Tolia:
Investment: InstaEdu
Nitin Rai:
Investment: EdCaliber
Nokia Growth Partners:
Investment: Babbel
Novak Biddle Venture Partners:
Investment: Fidelis
Novak Biddle Venture Partners:
Investment: UniversityNow
Novel TMT Ventures:
Investment: MasterClass
OReilly AlphaTech Ventures:
Investment: Learnzillion
Omer Regev:
Investment: Zookal
OpenBox Ventures:
Investment: Speakaboos
Oregon Angel Fund:
Investment: Celly
Oreilly AlphaTech Ventures:
Investment: littleBits
Oreilly AlphaTech Ventures:
Investment: Maker Media
Osama Bedier:
Investment: Panorama Education
Outlier Ventures:
Investment: MasterClass
Parker Thompson:
Investment: Floqq
Partnership Fund for New York City:
Investment: Voxy
Paul Buchheit:
Investment: Panorama Education
Paul Sethi:
Investment: InstaEdu
Investment: Scoot & Doodle
Investment: Voxy
Peter Relan:
Investment: Pluto Media
Peter Thiel:
Investment: Declara
Peter Thiel:
Investment: Thinkful
Philip Fung:
Investment: Learnsprout
Pierre Andurand:
Investment: Mediacore
Plus Capital:
Investment: Chromatik
Plymouth Ventures:
Investment: Xanedu
Portland Seed Fund:
Investment: Celly
Powai Lake Ventures:
Investment: Toppr
Prana Studios:
Investment: Kidaptive
Promus Ventures:
Investment: Chromatik
Qualcomm Ventures:
Investment: TabTale
QueensBridge Venture Partners:
Investment: cielo24
QueensBridge Venture Partners:
Investment: Koru
Quotidian Ventures:
Investment: Thinkful
RRE Ventures:
Investment: Thinkful
Radheshyam Agarwal:
Investment: K2 Learning
Investment: School Places
Rapture Ventures:
Investment: Neverware
Real Ventures:
Investment: OneClass
Red Swan Ventures:
Investment: AltSchool
Red Swan Ventures:
Investment: EverTrue
Red Swan Ventures:
Investment: Grovo
Investment: 2U
Reed Elsevier Ventures:
Investment: Babbel
Reed Hastings:
Investment: Dreambox Learning
Relay Ventures:
Investment: Curriculet
Investment: Okpanda
Investment: Tutorspree
Rethink Education:
Investment: 2U
Rethink Education:
Investment: BrightBytes
Rethink Education:
Investment: Ellevation
Rethink Education:
Investment: Engrade
Rethink Education:
Investment: Pathbrite
Rethink Education:
Investment: Smarterer
Rethink Education:
Investment: Voxy
Reza Hussein:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Ricardo Fernandez:
Investment: Floqq
Richard Dalzell:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Richard Wolpert:
Rick Burnes:
Investment: Ellevation
Rick Marini:
Investment: AltSchool
Rick Marini:
Investment: Hullabalu
Rick Segal:
Investment: Speakaboos
Right Side Capital Management:
Investment: Codementor
Right Side Capital Management:
Investment: Skilljar
Rob Glaser:
Rob Hutter:
Investment: Pluto Media
Robert Sanguedolce:
Investment: Everwise
Roger Dickey:
Investment: Okpanda
Roger Novak:
Investment: Fidelis
Roland Cortes:
Investment: ScootPad
Ron Jankov:
Investment: ScootPad
Roni Einav:
Investment: Slate Science
Rothenberg Ventures:
Investment: Hullabalu
Rothenberg Ventures:
Rothenberg Ventures:
Investment: Verbling
Rudy Gadre:
Investment: Internmatch
Rudy Gadre:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Ryan Moore:
Investment: Luvo
Ryan Petersen:
Investment: Experiment
S-Cubed Capital:
Investment: Collegefeed
S-Cubed Capital:
Investment: Secret
SAIF Partners:
Investment: OneClass
SJF Ventures:
Investment: Think Through Learning
SV Angel:
Investment: ClassDojo
SV Angel:
Investment: Experiment
SV Angel:
Investment: Hullabalu
SV Angel:
Investment: Panorama Education
SV Angel:
Investment: Secret
Sam Altman:
Investment: Panorama Education
Samsung Ventures:
Investment: Engrade
Sand Hill Angels:
Investment: Curriculet
Sand Hill Angels:
Investment: Tabtor
Saturn Asset:
Investment: Think Through Learning
Investment: Class Messenger
Scot Chisholm:
Investment: popexpert
Scott Banister:
Investment: Upstart
Scott McNealy:
Investment: Everwise
Scott Tannen:
Investment: Hullabalu
Scout Ventures:
Investment: Hullabalu
Scrum Ventures:
Investment: Kidaptive
Seavest Capital Partners:
Investment: Voxy
Sequoia Capital:
Investment: Inkling
Sequoia Capital:
Investment: Super
Sergio Cortes:
Investment: Floqq
Shasta Ventures:
Investment: ClassDojo
Shunwei Capital:
Investment: 17zuoye
Shunwei Capital:
Investment: 51Talk
Signatures Capital:
Investment: InstaEdu
Silicon Badia:
Investment: Learnsprout
Silicon Badia:
Investment: Newsela
Silicon Valley Angels:
Investment: Collegefeed
Silicon Valley Bank:
Investment: Knewton
Sina Shekou:
Investment: Nearpod
Social Capital:
Investment: CreativeLive
Social Capital:
Investment: InstaEdu
Social Capital:
Investment: NoRedInk
Social Capital:
Investment: Remind
Social Capital:
Investment: Treehouse
Social Leverage:
Investment: Colingo
Social Starts:
Investment: Grovo
Social Starts:
Investment: Sumpto
Social Venture Fund:
Investment: Mytonomy
SoftTech VC:
Investment: ClassDojo
SoftTech VC:
Investment: Grovo
SoftTech VC:
Investment: Panorama Education
SoftTech VC:
Investment: TakeLessons
Softbank Ventures Korea:
Investment: Knowre
Soraya Darabi:
Investment: Hullabalu
SoundBoard Angel Fund:
Investment: Tabtor
Spark Capital:
Spark Capital:
Investment: Socratic
Spectrum Equity:
Square Peg Capital:
Investment: School Places
Stanford University:
Investment: Kidaptive
Stanford University:
Investment: SIPX
Start Garden:
Investment: Ginkgotree
Startup Education:
Investment: Panorama Education
Startup-Up Chile:
Investment: DataCamp
Stephen Smoot:
Investment: Interfolio
Steve Schoettler:
Investment: Sokikom
Steven Boal:
Investment: Hullabalu
Steven Cox:
Investment: TakeLessons
Storm Ventures:
Investment: Guidespark
Structure Capital:
Investment: popexpert
Subtraction Capital:
Investment: Internmatch
Superior Capital Partners:
Investment: Xanedu
Suren Markosian:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Susa Ventures:
Investment: Declara
Investment: iversity
T. A. McCann:
Investment: Skilljar
TDF Ventures:
Investment: Quad Learning
Investment: An Estuary
Investment: Citelighter
TEEC Angel Fund:
Investment: If You Can
TIE Angels Group Oregon:
Investment: EdCaliber
Tamiami Angel Funds:
Investment: MassiveU
Tank Stream Ventures:
Investment: School Places
Investment: Experiment
Technology Crossover Ventures:
Investment: Open English
Investment: Codementor
Investment: EverTrue
Investment: panOpen
Techstars Ventures:
Investment: EverTrue
Tenaya Capital:
Investment: Inkling
Tenaya Capital:
Investment: ResearchGate
Terrapin Bale:
Investment: Socratic
The Brandery:
Investment: Learnmetrics
Thrive Capital:
Investment: Neverware
Thrive Capital:
Investment: ResearchGate
Tim Kendall:
Investment: TakeLessons
Todd Bradley:
Investment: InstaEdu
Tom DiBenedetto:
Investment: Copley Retention Systems
Investment: Instructure
Triangle Peak Partners:
Investment: TakeLessons
Trilogy Equity Partners:
Investment: Skilljar
True Ventures:
True Ventures:
Investment: littleBits
True Ventures:
Investment: Socrative
Investment: KidAdmit
Two Sigma Ventures:
Investment: Experiment
Two Sigma Ventures:
Investment: Kickboard
Two Sigma Ventures:
Investment: littleBits
Ulu Ventures:
Investment: Campus Quad
Ulu Ventures:
Investment: If You Can
Ulu Ventures:
Investment: NovoEd
Ulu Ventures:
Investment: SIPX
Unitus Seed Fund:
Investment: iStar
University of Texas Investment Management:
Investment: Synergis Education
University of Toronto:
Investment: Crowdmark
Upfront Ventures:
Investment: Neverware
Upfront Ventures:
Investment: Osmo
VTF Capital:
Investment: littleBits
VTF Capital:
Investment: Skillshare
Vaidya Capital Partners:
Investment: Speakaboos
Valor Capital Group:
Investment: EnglishCentral
Investment: Hullabalu
Investment: Colingo
Vert Capital:
Investment: Logical Choice Technologies
Vibhor Mehra:
Investment: EduKart
Vijay Karunamurthy:
Investment: Learnsprout
Vijay Ravindran:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Vikas Gupta:
Investment: Wonder Workshop
Vine St. Ventures:
Investment: Learnmetrics
Vintage Investments Partners:
Investment: TabTale
Vishal Makhijani:
Investment: Internmatch
Wall Street Technology Partners:
Investment: LearnHive
Walter Winshall:
Investment: Newsela
Wang Qiang:
Investment: 17zuoye
Wavemaker Partners:
Investment: TakeLessons
Investment: Night Zookeeper
Investment: ThirdSpaceLearning
Webb Investment Network:
Investment: Everwise
Webb Investment Network:
Investment: Panorama Education
Investment: Experiment
Weld North:
Investment: Voxy
WestTech Ventures:
Investment: iversity
Will Smith:
Investment: Chromatik
Will Smith:
World Bank:
Investment: Coursera
XG Ventures:
Investment: Tynker
XSeed Capital:
Investment: SIPX
Xu Xiaoping:
Investment: 17zuoye
Y Combinator:
Investment: CodeCombat
Y Combinator:
Investment: Experiment
Y Combinator:
Investment: IXI-Play
Y Combinator:
Investment: One Month
Y Combinator:
Investment: Panorama Education
Investment: Experiment
YEI Innovation Fund:
Investment: Panorama Education
Yuri Milner:
Investment: Coursera
Yuri Milner:
Investment: Remind
Investment: Securly
Zohar Gilon:
Investment: JoyTunes
Investment: Edmodo
Investment: enuma
Investment: Kidaptive
Investment: Motion Math
Investment: Pluto Media
ff Venture Capital:
Investment: Voxy